What Are The Benefits Of All-on-Four?

A: There’s three main benefits the way we see it— the first is obviously getting you back to a highly functioning dentition. If you’ve been in dentures, you know there’s sloppiness and a loose feel to dentures— you take them out every night. With the All-on-Four, you’re basically putting functioning teeth back in, full time.

Of course, there is some maintenance that goes with it, but at the end of the day, you get your bite forces back. You are able to eat a very healthy diet, which is really reason number two in our opinion. A healthy diet brings the rest of your body into healthy alignment. Then, the third, which has a bit of vanity to it— you get to pick how your teeth look when we remake them. So, you have an awesome cosmetic look as well at the end of all this.

Full Mouth Dental Implants In Houston

If you’re tired of suffering from missing teeth and want a true replacement that is a seamless transition, we have the answer. While the concept of dental implants in Houston is nothing new, there are advanced options for full-mouth replacement.  All-on-Four is revolutionary in the sense that it is a quick, relatively painless modular option to implanting teeth one-by-one.  When needing full mouth replacement of teeth, dentures have long been one of the most common solutions available. However, as technology has advanced, so have patient options. All-on-Four ironically is very much like dentures but with distinct advantages that make it clearly superior in every way.

All-On-Four Dental Implants In Houston Vs. Dentures

Dentures and All-On-4® dental implants in Houston are often referred to as All-on-Four dentures because they are both modular prosthetics. This means that the entire arch of teeth is on one prosthetic rather than individually— but that’s where the similarities end. While dentures are a removable modular prosthetic, All-on-Four is a permanent implanted solution that offers:

  • No risk of shifting or slippage like dentures do with daily activities
  • Implanted once and never need removal
  • Look and function like natural teeth, without decay
  • No pressure on gums, completely comfortable always
  • Care is as simple as you would care for natural teeth
  • Retain normal bite force, no impeding taste buds, and easier to eat all the foods you are used to— no limits

As you can see, All-on-Four is the future for replacing a full arch of teeth using dental implants in Houston. Since they are an advanced form of dental implants, what is it that makes them advanced?

All-on-Four Compared To Traditional Dental Implants In Houston

All-on-Four implants are still implants however, the way they are implanted is what makes them different. While normal dental implants in Houston are implanted tooth for tooth, All-on-Four only needs four implants per arch.  Also, All-on-Four implants are implanted at an angle so they are far more stable and secured into the jawbone. With All-on-Four, there is also less of a likelihood that a patient will need bone grafting. However, keep in mind that is there is not enough healthy jawbone, grafting may be needed regardless.  All of these key benefits save you from excessive pain, and make the procedure relatively painless and takes only a day in most cases.

 Got Questions About All-on-Four?

We love for our patients to ask questions, it’s the only way that you can be properly informed. We stand by our philosophy that a well-informed patient is the best kind. When you know about the procedure you are considering it gives you three key benefits:

  • Peace Of Mind – There are no unknowns you are fully aware of what to expect
  • May Reveal Additional Concerns– Often there may be concerns you have arising out of asking other questions
  • Increased Satisfaction -When you have been well informed bout this procedure it actually raises your level of satisfaction. This is because you have already explored all your options and determined this to be best.

In fact, with the internet being such a resourceful tool for research many patients come to their consult with great questions. We get a lot of questions regarding dental implants in Houston and the All-On-4® procedure that you may be asking too.

How Do I Know If I’m A Candidate For All-on-Four Dental Implants In Houston?

We are the leading practice for dental implants in Houston and we achieved that status using state of the art technology. To determine if you qualify for All-On-4®, we utilize advanced 3_D imaging equipment. These images provide the most comprehensive visual of your teeth available in the dental field to date. Using the images we get of your jaw, we determine bone strength, volume and how much jawbone remains. Most candidates, due to the ease of the procedure, are candidates for the All-on-Four method. However, being that it is a delicate procedure, if we deem the jawbone too weak we may recommend a bone graft or an alternative to implants.

How Is All-on-Four Different At CDG?

As mentioned before, we are a leader in this field of dentistry so we use all of the advanced tools available. Technology such as computer-assisted guides and planning helps make the procedure quicker and with astounding precision.

Because of this planning and precision, we are able to complete the procedure including your custom teeth in just one visit. With most dental offices, you have to go in for images,  then come back for the extraction and implants. You’re still not finished though until you come back and add the permanent crown. That adds up to a lot of missed work and the tedious waiting game. then wait several weeks and come back to finish.

At CDG, we pride ourselves on getting patients in with their broken smile and out the same day with their new one. The quick turnaround and precision are made possible by huge investments in some of the most amazing technology.

Will People Be Able To See The Prosthetic Above The Gumline?

At Comprehensive Dental Group, the method we employ leaves our patients to smile without even the hint of a line. That again comes back to our extensive pre-planning and computer-aided design and imaging. Prior to the surgery we determine where the prosthetic will meet your jawbone to eliminate the line. During the procedure, we can also adjust it as necessary for a seamless and completely natural look. If you would like to see just how natural our All-on-Four looks, take a look at some prior cases.

Does All-On-4® Cost Any Additional Or Hidden Fees?

As dental care is very personal and each treatment varies,  so does the cost vary too. The complexity of your dental situation, your current oral health, and other limitations can increase cost. However, our free consultation eliminates all the guesswork with our accurate estimates.

Since we use such advanced technology, we can virtually perform surgery. This gives you an accurate depiction of what your smile will look like. Additionally, it will give the dentist an accurate accounting of what is needed and the exact cost.

Also because this procedure is much quicker than regular dental implants in Houston, it’s more affordable. In fact, when you consider the great financing options we offer and the affordability of All-on-Four—it’s financially smart too.

Ready To Regain Your Smile?

When it comes to dental implants in Houston, Dr. Hanna is a trailblazer in the field. Dr. Hanna has not only been a provider in the dental implant field but also an innovator. With his Full On 5® implant procedure, Dr. Hanna continues to improve on the modular method of dental implants.

When you walk into our office you are treated like family from the start. We value our patients as if they were our relatives and treat them as such. We provide a comforting waiting room, surgery rooms, and state of the art chairs for comfort.

With over 12,000 successful procedures under Dr. Hanna’s belt, you are sure to get the best dental care in Houston. Contact us today for your free consultation.

When Is A Filling The Best Option?

A: That’s when your tooth might have some sort of decay going on and needs to be repaired. However, it’s not on multiple different surfaces of the tooth. It’s not down towards the gumline—it’s not close enough to where we think it’s going to have root and nerve issues. So, what we can do is a much simpler, in and out type 15 to 30-minute procedure. Generally, fillings in Houston will last for many years and it saves the tooth from further reconstruction such as a crown.

The Increasing Need For Fillings In Houston

When you end up needing fillings in Houston, it is directly related to cavities, which are a result of tooth decay. Many people don’t really understand the gravity of this oral disease that is actually quite prevalent in our society.

Tooth decay, a preventable disease — is the second most diagnosed disease, after the common cold.

In fact, one in four adults have cavities, and a staggering 59% of adolescents 12-19 in the US have had cavities. Oral health is often overlooked, yet it is a critical part of our daily life. It’s never too late to get your oral health under control and prevent serious dental issues.

How many times growing up have you had the mantra “brush and floss daily” repeated to you in school? There’s a reason for this sound advice—do you know why brushing and flossing are so important? Well, just take a look at these five key facts about oral disease.

  1. Oral disease affects almost 4 billion people worldwide, with untreated tooth decay impacting nearly half of the world’s population.
  2. On a global level, between 60–90% of children and nearly 100% of adults have some degree of tooth decay.
  3. Severe periodontal disease often results in tooth loss and is found in almost 20% of middle-aged adults.
  4. Severe periodontitis and untreated tooth decay sit among the top ten most common dental conditions worldwide.
  5. Less than 40% of people aged 65–74 years worldwide have none of their natural teeth. This number is expected to rise given aging populations.

These statistics, among other related data, is the driving force behind the rising need for fillings in Houston and worldwide. This is why proper dental hygiene and cavity prevention is so important for people of all ages.

Easy Ways To Prevent The Need For Fillings In Houston

While we all know we’re supposed to brush and floss for good dental health, cavities still remain a prevalent problem. Brushing and flossing are definitely the two most crucial habits for keeping teeth and gums healthy. However, there are several other ways you can prevent cavities to avoid the cost of fillings in Houston:

Know Your Risk Level For Cavities

The first thing you can do to take control of your oral health is knowing your risk level for cavities. The most effective way to find this out is through a comprehensive dental exam. In fact, you should get a dental exam at least once a year. With regular examination and discussions with your dentist, you can keep better tabs of your oral health. These discussions can often lead to preventative tips such as changing your diet or improving oral hygiene methods.

Another major plus of knowing your cavity risk level—it will determine the frequency of exams needed for your case. The lower your risk for cavities and needing fillings in Houston, the less often visits will be needed. If your risk is higher, it’s better to have exams more often until the issues, if possible, are corrected.

At Comprehensive Dental Group Of Houston, we take an exploratory, evidence-based approach to preventing cavities.

This is why we recommend seeing us at least once a year or more depending on your oral health and hygiene habits. This helps us catch any potential conditions in their earliest stages. Catching a cavity in its infancy can be the difference between fillings and a discomforting extraction.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly—But With The Right Brush

Obviously brushing regularly goes without saying—after all, your mouth is home to a billion microbes that recycle whatever you ingest. Those microbes leave behind waste from the sugars they consume out of the foods we eat. That waste is a biofilm known as plaque and if left in the mouth, it will turn to acid that eats enamel.

That wearing down of the enamel is the reason cavities can develop and if untreated, will lead to tooth loss. It can also contribute to other conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. So, as you can see, brushing regularly can literally save your life.

But make sure you use the right brush—medium is the perfect hardness for bristles. It will do the job without damaging gums and yet not so soft that it’s ineffective. Also, the size of the head is important—naturally, children or those with smaller mouths will need a smaller size.

When Should You Brush?

In a perfect world, you’d brush several times a day—but lives are busy and that’s not practical. However, you can still brush effectively by doing it first thing in the morning and right before bed. Also, make good use of an anti-microbial mouthwash such as Closys. Mouthwash helps carryover the fight against bacteria between brushings and freshens breath too.

If you really want to be vigilant, try keeping a brush and toothpaste kit at work.  Crest even makes it easy with these handy portable brushes complete with toothpaste already on them.  This will greatly increase your protection against cavities and leaving you with fresh breath.

Restrict Intake Of Sodas And Acidic Beverages

We know most people need their caffeine in the morning to get going. However, often, that caffeine comes in the form of coffee, sodas, or hot tea—all of which can damage enamel. Why? Because these beverages are either acidic, full of sugar, or both. Prolonged consumption of these beverages exposes your teeth to unhealthy levels of sugar and acids. This increases your risk of cavities, which also means you might end up shelling out for fillings in Houston. No one wants to spend their hard-earned money on dental problems that can be prevented.

The problem with sipping coffee, tea, or soda with these enamel eroding substances is those substances hang around.  Yes, when you drink that Diet Coke or Starbucks, the acids and sugars linger in your saliva, giving your teeth a beating.

If you must have your caffeine throughout the day, rinse your mouth with water right after. Take it a step further and use mouthwash as well. You can also limit exposure by using a straw, but limiting usage altogether is still the best.

Flossing Can Prevent The Need For Fillings In Houston

Listen, we get it—flossing is inconvenient, awkward, and it can’t just be done in front of everyone. But you’re thinking about it wrong. Our teeth have five sides and they all need to be cleaned regularly. Just because you brush, doesn’t mean you’re covering all sides. When you brush, you’re actually only cleaning three of the five sides of your teeth. That means that overall, you’re barely cleaning half the surface of all your teeth—that’s not good.

Flossing only takes a few moments each day and the more you practice, the easier and more efficient it is. Try multi-tasking and doing it while watching the nightly news, or your favorite morning show. Anytime you can do something to distract from the act of flossing will make it feel less of a burden to you. You’ll find that doing it this way, you’re more likely to develop a solid flossing habit.

Don’t Use Tobacco Products

Everyone knows tobacco products whether smoking or using chewing tobacco can cause cancer and many other deadly diseases. In fact, over 16 million Americans are afflicted with a disease resulting from tobacco use.

But did you know that tobacco usage also does more than just stain your teeth? It can lead to gum disease, weakened roots, tooth loss, and of course oral cancer. Those are all just additional reasons to never start smoking or cease now if you do. You greatly increase your life expectancy simply by quitting.

If You Already Need Fillings In Houston—We Have You Covered

If you’re already struggling with a toothache or known cavities, don’t let them go untreated. Often, a cavity can be caught early and mitigate damage. Fillings are the perfect way to stop further decay that can turn minor to major quickly.

Don’t hesitate, contact us today for a free consultation and a sensible solution to save your teeth.

Is Snoring A Dental Problem?

A: A complex question— even would require a more complex answer. Snoring is generally an issue dealing with airway issues and the tongue. The tongue typically falls back into the airway causing people to snore. Some of the treatments can involve dentistry. Part of that is expanding the mouth giving the tongue more room. From that standpoint, is it a dental issue? Yes, it can fall inside what I would call a dental issue. However, usually, when treating snoring and sleep apnea issues, you’re going to be working with multiple types of doctors.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition where you experience an involuntary stoppage in breathing while you are asleep. The word apnea is Greek and literally translates to “without breath,” so the condition is aptly named.

There are three variations of sleep apnea: central, mixed, and obstructive which is the most common. Even though the root cause for each variation is different—the symptoms are the same. Repeated breathing cessation combined with high blood pressure, constant fatigue, and recurring headaches to name a few.

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the airway being blocked by the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapsing. With central sleep apnea, the airway itself is not blocked. Instead, this is caused by the brain not signaling your lungs and diaphragm to breathe. Mixed apnea is self-explanatory: it is a combination of both obstructive and central. Either way, with each case, the brain partially awakens the patient to make them breathe. This disrupts the sleep cycle and in turn, the patient is fatigued the next morning due to fragmented sleep.

However, many cases of sleep apnea in Houston go untreated or undiagnosed. Mainly because in most cases, the person doesn’t even know they stop breathing. The stoppage is not quite severe enough to fully trigger the patient to awake. It does, however, leave lingering aftereffects that are usually a common thread among those suffering from it.

If sleep apnea is not dealt with, it can have fatal or life-shortening side effects at the very least. Heart disease, depression, stroke, hypertension, migraines, and even sudden death.

Who Gets Sleep Apnea In Houston And Why?

Sleep apnea can be caused by numerous factors, but it is more common in men than women—specifically African-American and Hispanic men. One of the obvious signs is loud and disruptive snoring, often so loud it wakes their partner. The diagnosis of sleep apnea in Houston also seems to be a common thread in obese individuals. In many cases, sleep apnea is also a result of jaw misalignment that causes the tongue to slide back into the airway when sleeping.

Some other indicators may point to sleep apnea such as daytime fatigue and losing breath overnight. However, it should be noted that sometimes none of the symptoms are present in daily life.

It takes a monitored sleep study either in-home or at an inpatient facility to monitor your sleep and breathing patterns. A sleep study is invaluable to find out how severe your apnea is and what the best course of treatment would be.

Despite sleep apnea being as common as type 2 diabetes, there is a significant lack of awareness about it. Even many healthcare professionals overlook symptoms when seeing patients. Therefore, a majority of sleep apnea patients go on unaware of their condition. This is a serious issue as the disorder can cause so many serious consequences. Yet still, because of the lack of awareness by the public and health care professionals, most sleep apnea patients remain undiagnosed and therefore untreated, even though this serious disorder can have significant consequences. In fact, sleep apnea has even been potentially responsible for work impairment, auto crashes, and other workplace accidents.

This disorder does not need to go untreated though. There are several viable options for treatment— some medical and some dental.

Treating Sleep Apnea In Houston

Sleep apnea treatment is an ongoing and growing field with new insights discovered often. There are some treatments that have been proven to work in many cases. We’re going to talk about the two most common treatments.

Positive Airway Pressure

Positive airway pressure is a treatment made possible by the use of a machine combined with a breathing mask. These machines are the most prescribed treatment for severe and even moderate sleep apnea cases.

The breathing mask is worn over the nose or in some cases over the mouth and nose. While sleeping the mask delivers pressurized air directly into the patient’s throat. The air can be continuous or intermittent depending on the severity. This positive air pressure keeps the patient’s throat from collapsing at night.

The machines used to deliver the air do vary slightly and there are three commonly used varieties: CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), is the most common though. Also used is BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), and VPAP (variable positive airway pressure). The type of machine prescribed depends on each patient’s unique circumstance. Sometimes, they may try all three before settling on one that works best. Whichever machine is used, PAP therapy touts some particularly good statistics in successfully treating those with this sleep disorder.

Oral Appliances

Oral appliances are a growing trend for the treatment of OSA due to their results without being as intrusive as CPAP. In fact, many patients are opting to go to oral appliances as their first choice to treat their condition.

However, there are over a hundred different oral appliances that are FDA approved for treating sleep apnea. So, finding the right one for you may take some trial and error, and detailed research.

Oral appliances all work to achieve the same goal even if their design may differ from one to the next. The appliances are worn inside your mouth while sleeping and are similar to a mouth guard or orthodontic device.

The difference in these appliances is that they are designed to force your lower jaw out enough to keep your airway open. This prevents the tongue and muscles in the upper airway from causing a blockage due to collapsing.

Advantages of Oral Appliances

Oral appliance therapy is an effective option for those that cannot sleep with a CPAP due to its invasive nature. Oral appliances are a treatment for any lifestyle and patients prefer them more and more because they are:

  • Not invasive
  • Wearable with ease
  • Quiet
  • Portable
  • Easy to use
  • Low Maintenance

Sleep Apnea In Houston Can Be Treated By Your Dentist

Although there are some universal oral appliances you can buy over-the-counter, they aren’t FDA approved for treating your sleep apnea. Also, without them being custom-fitted to your mouth—you can cause more problems. We have seen many patients come in with teeth that have shifted, TMJ, or even worse sleep apnea.

First, you need to talk things over with your physician and find out if you even have the obstructive form of sleep apnea. If it is central sleep apnea, an oral appliance is not going to give the results you are expecting. Once you’ve been properly diagnosed with OSA—that is where the expertise of a dentist comes into play.

Dental Sleep Medicine Success

Dentists spend years in school learning the mechanics of the mouth and all things in between—including dental sleep medicine. What is dental sleep medicine? It’s the specialized field of dentistry that focuses on using oral appliances to treat OSA. These oral appliances differ from over-the-counter imitations in that they are custom designed to your mouth. Not only that, but they are also FDA approved for treating OSA, meaning they’ve met rigorous criteria.

When you have obstructive sleep apnea, your best bet for treatment is to visit your trusted dentist. They have the tools on site to get a mold of your mouth and ensure everything is done properly. No guesswork, no boil n bite mouth-guards—it’s a custom solution just for you.

The Best Dental Practice For Sleep Apnea In Houston

Many dentists in Houston will offer services they aren’t as experienced in as general dentistry. Specialized fields such as dental implantology, cosmetic dentistry and, you guessed it—dental sleep medicine require special skillsets. At Comprehensive Dental Group Of Houston, we don’t just have dentists, we have seasoned specialists for all your dental needs. Dental sleep medicine is a field where we have helped thousands of patients get relief from OSA. We can help you too, contact us today to schedule your consultation for oral appliance therapy.

Houston Dental Implants: Virginia’s Journey

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and see missing teeth—it’s not a smile you’re likely happy about. In fact, it can be emotionally debilitating and take a huge toll on your confidence. However, there is a way to restore your smile to a picture-perfect smile that you deserve. It’s not your everyday dentist you need to speak to for this big change—you need an expert in smile restoration.

Houston Dental Implants Specialist, Dr. Raouf Hanna

Here at the Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, Dr. Raouf Hanna has changed thousands of lives with full mouth reconstruction. The entire team here has a passion for seeing lives changed through restored smiles. We want you to have the smile you envision because we know the difference a good self-image can make in your physical health. If you are suffering from one or more of your teeth missing or failing, read on. We will show you how dental implants can change your life and your health.

The Next Best Thing To Natural Teeth

Even if you’re just missing a single tooth, having a gap where a tooth should be not only inhibits your confidence it affects your health. You see, without the tooth rooted in the jawbone, the bone matter deteriorates due to lack of stimulation. This can lead to other dental issues, and if you’re missing several teeth it can be very serious. Missing teeth can cause a domino effect of health issues such as decay, gum disease, malnutrition, and even heart disease.

There is no need to subject yourself to such risk when you can comfortably and easily remedy the issue permanently. No awkward dentures, no ill-fitting bridgework that damages healthy teeth. You just need Dr. Hanna, the best in Houston dental implants.

Dr. Hanna is one of the most experienced implant specialists with over 12,000 successful procedures. Aside from that, he’s also Houston proud, having earned his Masters of Periodontics right here at UT-Houston. He delivers on his promise of state-of-the-art dental implants that are so natural-looking, no one will know—unless you tell them.

No One Will Know They’re Dental Implants

Dental implants are the ultimate solution for replacing natural teeth because they are a 1:1 natural fit. There is no adjustment, no compensating for other teeth, they are a precise and exact fit. Not only that, but the material they are made from will last a lifetime. Just like your original teeth, each implant has a root and a crown. The implant acts as the root and is made of bio-compatible titanium and it bonds with your jawbone. This is an important feature as it saves your jawbone and keeps it strong. The crown is made of a substance that is as durable as natural teeth. The hardness is the same or greater with the only difference being they can never decay. Keep in mind, however, that does not mean you can skip flossing. You can still get gum disease from trapped food particles just like with regular teeth so keep your regimen strict.

Dental implants also function as your original teeth, unlike dentures that severely interfere with your diet and speech. Houston dental implants offer the same freedom of natural teeth. You can eat what you like and you won’t have to learn how to speak with implants. It’s no different than before the procedure. Oral care is also the same, simply brush and floss at least twice daily as you normally would.

Is Dr. Hanna The Best In Houston Dental Implants?

If your broken smile is putting a damper on your self-image, your social life, and your quality of life—what’s holding you up? Why have you not investigated dental implants with Dr. Hanna? The fact that you are here means you are wanting help—we understand. Maybe you just aren’t sure if Dr. Hanna really is the best. Maybe you’re not sure dental implants are all they’re made out to be. We understand how our words can fall on deaf ears. After all, we could naturally be biased right?

Well, maybe you should listen to one of Dr. Hanna’s patients—Virginia. Recently, she was interviewed with Dr. Hanna on H-Town Spotlight with Rebecca Spera on ABC 13. Below you can read the interview featured in the clip above. Pay attention to how happy and full of life Virginia appears, and how passionate she is about her experience. That is not an actress, that is one of our real-life, loyal patients here at the clinic.

She was once in the same situation you may be in—and she made the call that would change her life for the better.

The Best In Houston Dental Implants: Virginia’s Journey

Rebecca Spera: Most of us when we go out and about, the first thing we want to do is smile when we see someone we know. If we’re not happy with our teeth, it can affect our confidence and be challenging to go out and about every day.

Today, I am with Dr. Raouf Hanna with the Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston and his patient Virginia. Now, Virginia, you came to Dr. Hanna because you weren’t feeling very good about your teeth for a while.

Virginia: That is correct.

Rebecca: Tell me what was going on.

Virginia: Well, at that time I was losing my teeth. I had to come in and have something done because I was losing my confidence in the process. Dr. Hanna is a miracle worker in my eyes. I have my self-esteem back, I am able to go out and meet people, talk to them—it’s just a big change in my life that I’m so grateful for.

Rebecca: Well, [Dr. Hanna] Virginia told me that it was a couple of hours and her whole smile and confidence was transformed. It really happened that fast for her?

Dr. Hanna: Correct, we do a consultation first and then we get records and everything that’s needed—X-rays, CT scans, digital filming [sic]. We have our own lab, so we reconstruct the case in the lab first, and then she comes in. We have sedation, so she’s completely comfortable, completely asleep. Then, within two hours we place the implants, connect the new teeth to them, and she can have full function the next day.

Rebecca: And that’s exactly what you’ve had [Virginia] which is incredible—oh my gosh, I’m so happy for you! A lot of people come to you Dr. Hanna for full mouth reconstruction, what exactly is that?

The Miracle Of Full Mouth Reconstruction

Dr. Hanna: Yes, we specialize where most of our patients will need their full mouth rebuilt. Either missing teeth for a long time—we’ve had patients that lost their teeth for over 40 years and lived with dentures. The dentures don’t fit or hold anymore, and they need something so, we do the implants to hold new teeth.

Rebecca: And how does the process work?

Dr. Hanna: It depends, we have some out-of-state patients so we will pre-plan it to be a one-day consultation, and then the next day is the procedure. Sometimes, it’s a week in between it just depends on our schedule and the patient’s, so we arrange in advance.

Now, another thing is the number of implants that we use to do a full mouth have greatly been reduced. We used to have to place 10 to 12 implants, sometimes 15 for a full mouth reconstruction. It used to be a process of several surgeries and several steps that would take between 6 and 18 months to finish.

That is all history, it’s all in the past. Now, we can use as many as 8 or as little as 5 implants to do a full mouth reconstruction. Which reduced the cost also significantly.

Rebecca: That is so incredible, and I have to ask you, Virginia. Why would you recommend this to others who might be feeling unconfident and not wanting to go out and about like you were for so long?

Virginia: I recommend this because Dr. Hanna exceeded my expectations. No pain. I was AMAZED. Put the fear aside, give him a call—have a consultation so you can go on with your life.

Rebecca: And have a smile like Virginia one day too!  

You Can Get The Best In Houston Dental Implants Too!

Did Virginia’s story hit close to home for you? We know it does for many of the people that are reading this. We encourage you to do as Virginia says, “put the fear aside.” Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and begin the journey to change your life!

Can Snoring Be Fixed?

A: The answer is complex. Each patient presents differently, so you’re going to have to spend a fair amount of time going through some diagnostics. You’re going to go through sleep studies, airway studies, you’ll visit with us in the dental chair, as well maybe an ENT. The quick answer is yes—It can be fixed. The first step in determining whether it can be fixed is to come to visit your dentist. We’ll talk through the various options that we know we can provide. As well, we’ll give you the other specialists you might want to see to try and get treated.

Snoring is a condition that affects over 40% of Americans nationwide. In fact, you’ve probably been affected by snoring in some way either directly or indirectly. Snoring can vary in both type and degree of severity. It can be something simplistic in nature, or it can be symptomatic and require diagnostics.

No matter the severity or type of snoring one has, snoring is often associated with several side effects including:

  • Increased mental and physical fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Increased stress/cortisol levels
  • Reduced libido
  • Hypertension

Those side effects are just what the person snoring suffers through, but often a snorer’s partner suffers lack of sleep on their behalf. Lack of sleep can also be a serious health hazard—physically and mentally. Most cases of snoring are naturally discovered by the snorer’s partner as the person snoring often has no idea of the problem.

Fortunately, there are many treatments available to reduce or eliminate snoring—but first, you must diagnose the cause.

What Causes Snoring?

Once we fall asleep, our muscles begin to relax, including the muscles in your throat. This relaxing can result in the soft tissues in your throat vibrating which is the snoring sound we all know of.

However, just because your muscles relax doesn’t mean you will automatically snore. Many factors can increase your likelihood of snoring such as:

  • Obesity
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Alcohol/medication use
  • Certain conditions such as a deviated septum

For most patients that suffer from snoring, it is usually isolated instances. In these cases, it is relatively harmless for the patient and they are not aware of it. However, their partner is the one who endures lack of sleep due to the disturbance.

Snoring can also be a component of a more dangerous condition—obstructive sleep apnea or “OSA” for short. If this condition is not corrected properly, it can cause complications that can be life-threatening.

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

OSA is a type of snoring condition that is much more serious than isolated instances. For brief intervals, your airway becomes obstructed by your collapsed throat muscles. The blockage of the airway cuts off oxygen supply which can have serious consequences over time. The amount of time your airway is blocked varies but there are generally two classifications of severity:

  • Apnea– This is where muscles in the throat collapse severely enough that it completely blocks your airway for at least 10 seconds or longer.
  • Hypopnea – While not a total blockage—this still blocks about 50-75% of the airway. It causes shallow or hindered breathing for at least 10 seconds.

Each of these complications can happen several times throughout the night and are identified by loud snoring or difficulty breathing. Often, the shallow breathing is accompanied by snorting, gasps of breath, and wheezing. These problems cause disruptions of sleep for both the person suffering and their partner. However, while the partner is often aware of the disruption, the person suffering usually has no idea. The person suffering from OSA just knows of the after-affects—the fatigue, headaches, and other varying symptoms. All a byproduct of not getting enough oxygen for extended periods.

There are many common factors paired with instances of obstructive sleep apnea such as age and fat distribution. Therefore, middle-aged men’s odds of suffering from OSA are more than double that of similarly aged women.

What Causes Snoring And How Can I Prevent It?

Although many people who suffer from OSA-related snoring seek treatment from their primary care doctor, their dentist might hold the key. At the very least, dentists can play a major role in treating OSA because often, dental problems cause OSA or at least compound the issue. In fact, three main dental problems usually play a huge role in snoring issues such as OSA.

Wisdom Teeth

If you still have your wisdom teeth, they could cause trouble when they begin to erupt through the gum line. Often, these teeth are in a very tight spot in your jaw and your mouth can’t accommodate them properly. Due to this, some wisdom teeth grow in at an abnormal angle or only grow in partially, which can cause many issues.

For example, some of our patients that suffer from wisdom teeth that don’t erupt all the way experience swelling and pain. This is because when the tooth only partially erupts, there is a flap of soft tissue that grows over the exposed part. Often the tissue becomes inflamed or infected which is called “pericoronitis.” You will know pericoronitis by symptoms such as a foul taste in your mouth, tender gums, and snoring.

Due to the inflammation and discomfort, pericoronitis causes people to open their mouth when sleeping which often contributes to snoring. If the condition is not corrected, the problems will continue and infection may also spread causing more issues. You should see your dentist ASAP to correct any wisdom teeth issues before the issues are compounded.

Snoring Caused By Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

On the side of your face where the front of your ear and lower mandible come together is the temporomandibular joint,(TMJ). If that joint is not aligned properly it’s classified as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).

Those who suffer from this condition tend to clench or grind their jaw throughout the night. Often this causes them to wake up with a tension headache or dull face pain. The more important factor is—this disorder often means the lower jaw sits too far back. When sleeping, the muscles in the jaw trying to support the misalignment relax. Because of the misalignment, the tongue when relaxed sits too far back in the mouth as well. This causes an obstruction that leads to snoring.

Jaw And Tongue Positioning

OSA, the more serious form of snoring we have mentioned, is often caused by jaw and tongue positioning issues. As people sleep, the tongue relaxes along with the jaw usually towards the back of the throat. However, with some patients, especially those with the aforementioned TMD, this positioning can be extreme. When that is the case, it blocks the airway, leading to OSA which many patients suffer from.

One common dental solution to this cause of OSA is the use of an oral appliance to properly align the jaw and tongue. This customized device is molded to fit your mouth and holds your lower jaw in a forward position as well as the tongue. This results in elevating your soft palate which helps to keep the airway open as you sleep. Patients that get this oral appliance custom-designed for them get a complete turnaround. Their sleep is more restful, their energy levels increase, and their mental clarity is improved in the mornings.

Tired Of Snoring? Call Us Today!

Our dental sleep medicine experts here at CDG of Houston can help you with your OSA or snoring treatment. We will diagnose your issue as well as work with other medical professionals if necessary. A healthy night of sleep is important for your overall health, so don’t go another sleepless night with headaches and fatigue.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and get the great night’s sleep you deserve. We are ready to serve you!

What Are Veneers?

A: Veneers in Houston are basically a cosmetic procedure to help improve the overall look and smile of a patient. You can replace all your teeth with veneers—partial, upper, lower. What we call our Smile Design, takes into account what your smile window is. So, when you smile as an individual how big is your smile, how many teeth are you showing? Some people only show upper, some only lower.

Ultimately, a veneer is an outer replacement of that tooth. So, each tooth that we’re putting a veneer on to improve your smile, will have a new outer piece of ceramic which will give it a much better look.

Who Needs Dental Veneers In Houston?
Have you ever obsessed over a tooth that you’ve chipped or one that is heavily stained through the enamel? Maybe your teeth are slightly out of alignment, grew in crooked—either way, everyone wants a straight, bright smile. When your smile issues are minor cosmetic defects or blemishes that otherwise don’t affect your oral health—veneers are an ideal solution. They can help you achieve that perfect smile you’re trying to attain but can’t because of something minor.

When patients are seeking veneers in Houston it is always due to strictly minor cosmetic issues—more severe cases require implants. The great thing about veneers is that you keep your original teeth yet you get the satisfaction of essentially hiding the issues. Unlike dental implants for more serious issues, veneers do not require any complex surgery. It’s a very simple procedure that gives you quick results and is minimally invasive.

The most common cosmetic issues we conceal with veneers in Houston are problems that thousands of people deal with such as:

Teeth that have been ground down
Misshapen or crooked teeth
Large gaps or uneven space between front teeth
Teeth that are stained beyond what whitening can correct
Misaligned teeth (within a certain degree)
These issues often can affect one’s self-image just as much as more severe problems such as overbites or missing teeth. No one should have to live with that kind of confidence killer—but you don’t have to. In fact, veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures we perform, second only to dental implants.

However, despite their popularity—many people know the term, but few can actually describe what they are and how they work.

More About Dental Veneers
Veneers can be thought of as a cover of sorts for your teeth, they conceal the irregularity of shape, size, or color. Dental veneers in Houston are a widely available service at many dental offices. While there may be different application and design methods—they’re all made of either porcelain or composite resin. Regardless of the process, each material has its pros and cons. Your dentist can help you figure out which material is the best for your situation.

Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain is a very durable material that aesthetically, provides the closest match to natural teeth. Patients who get porcelain veneers in Houston are swayed by their benefits such as:

Durable, strong, and long-lasting
Natural appearance and texture
The amount of tooth enamel that needs to be removed is less than a crown or cap
Do not stain easily
Applying Porcelain Veneers

First, a small amount of enamel is removed from the front and the side of the teeth receiving veneers. This provides enough room for the veneers to sit flush with existing teeth which looks natural.
Then, the dentist will take a mold or impression of your prepped teeth. At this stage, the dentist also chooses the best shade of veneer to match your smile.
That impression is forwarded to a dental lab that creates custom-fit porcelain veneers to fit over your teeth with precision. This process could take a few days, so some dentists may give you temporary veneers while you wait.
On your next visit, the dentist checks the veneers for fitment and shape. If adjustments are needed they are made there, the teeth are cleaned and the veneers are bonded to your teeth permanently.
If any changes need to be made after bonding, a follow-up appointment would be necessary.
Composite Veneers
Composite veneers are a more economical veneer that is created from a tooth-colored resin that is permanently bonded to your teeth. This is often the choice for patients on a limited budget, they also offer some other benefits as well.

Composite veneers require less enamel removal than porcelain veneers
Often, composite veneers can be completed in just one appointment
They cost less than porcelain veneers
Although not as strong or durable as porcelain, composite veneers are very easy to repair compared to porcelain.
Applying Composite Veneers

Teeth are prepped the same as with porcelain, albeit with less enamel removal.
Once the prep is done the composite material is applied to your teeth, sculpted, colored, and cured with a UV light to bond it.
The veneers are then smoothed and are polished to give a natural, tooth-like appearance.
What To Know Before Getting Veneers In Houston
Even though getting veneers is a routine and simple procedure, there are still some important things to know beforehand. Being knowledgeable and prepared about veneers and the process and aftercare is the best way to ensure a smooth experience.

You must have healthy gums and teeth before undergoing the process for veneers. If you have any gum disease or tooth decay, it must be corrected before getting veneers.
Veneers are not always a viable option for patients who grind or clench their teeth. Since veneers are very thin, intense grinding or clenching can chip or break them. While they are durable under normal pressure, grinding and clenching exceed that normal pressure. If you do suffer from this, your dentist may suggest sleeping with a dental guard at night as protection.
The prepping that your teeth go through is not reversible—when the enamel is removed, it’s gone for good. This is something to seriously consider before committing to veneers.
Veneers can in some cases become loose over time. If that happens, you may end up needing new veneers which would be an additional investment.
Proper dental care is your responsibility and required for a successful procedure. Always discuss your expectations and other options for smile correction with your dentist. With any procedure you get, you must keep regular dental visits and proper aftercare.
After You Get Veneers
Once you get veneers you need to follow important aftercare to get the most out of them. Veneers over time will wear down like any material. However, with proper dental care and careful usage habits, you can get a lot of life out of them. It is important to keep in mind:

Veneers with the right amount of pressure can break or chip. For this reason, you should avoid chewing on hard objects such as fingernails, ice, or pen caps. Damage done to your veneers is your responsibility and the expense to repair falls on you as well.
You might take a few days to adjust to the feel of your new veneers. Naturally, veneers will feel foreign at first, but you should get used to it after a few days. You should, however, let your dentist know if your bite feels out of alignment after the veneer has been placed. Don’t wait until they’ve been bonded and you leave the office. If you let them know right away, it can be corrected right there.
Maintain a proper oral care routine that includes daily brushing and flossing. Cavities can still develop underneath or around veneers. Always use toothpaste, brushes, and flossers that have the American Dental Association seal of acceptance. Products with this seal have met strict standards set by the ADA.
Perfect Your Smile With The Best Veneers In Houston
If you’ve been researching veneers in Houston and are looking for a dentist you can trust with your smile—you’ve found us! Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston has performed thousands of veneer applications. We specialize in restoring smiles that need everything from just a cosmetic touch up like veneers, to major reconstruction like dental implants.

Contact us today to book your free consultation and to go over the best options for your custom veneers.

Does Insurance Usually Cover General Dentistry?

A: It really does depend on what type of insurance you have. Every patient typically has some form of insurance and so what we do, is we make sure to vet that insurance. We like to make sure we can let you know upfront what it’s going to cover.

Typically, the general averages these days cover most preventative such as an exam or cleanings. If it’s what’s called “minor” dentistry such as fillings and things like that it’s usually about 80% covered by insurance. Then, more complex dentistry like crowns and root canals is usually about 50/50.

Most insurance plans cap out between $1,000 to $2,000 each year, so it’s important for patients to know that. We work with each patient to help them determine what benefit they will receive.

Need A Dentist In Houston Under Your Insurance?

Dental insurance can be of much assistance to cover the costs of most dental procedures. If you end up needing expensive dental procedures it could end up being a lifesaver!

Over one-third of Americans have not visited a dentist in the last 12 months, according to the recent statistics. When patients come into our office after years without seeing a dentist in Houston, we ask why the gap? More often than not, the answer we receive is due to the cost of even basic dental care.  These patients are usually not insured and are paying out of pocket, so naturally their costs will be higher. they cite financial issues as the reason.

Regardless of why you don’t see a dentist more often, dental care is essential to overall health. There are options to assist with the costs of visiting a dentist in Houston. The option that is best for you really depends on your individual needs and situation.

How Dental Insurance Works

Most dental plans use a pre-defined network of providers they work with exclusively. HMO and PPO are the two types of networks in dental insurance. In either one, using one of their providers will save you far more than going to a dentist of your choosing. In fact, you need to look at the difference between those two plans and a third option.

Visiting A Dentist In Houston With An HMO…

An HMO is the most restrictive of the three major types of dental insurance available. In this type of plan, you must use a dentist on the plan or it won’t be covered at all. HMOs, on the plus side do not have maximum benefit caps or require you to pay a percentage of the charges.  Another benefit is that you have deductibles that are typically very low usually $25 or less.

That being said, you are very restricted in choosing one dentist or dental office for all of your dental care needs. Also, you will have copays, which is a set amount you pay every time you visit a dentist in Houston.  This can be a deal-breaker if your plan doesn’t have a lot of providers in your area and you have to travel far.

With A PPO…

A PPO is still restrictive but not an all-or-nothing plan, there is some wiggle room albeit with a catch. If you use a network dentist you are covered at the stated coverage breakdown. However, you don’t have to use a network dentist. You can use any dentist you want, but you will pay more out of pocket.

PPO plans are the most common insurance but do have higher annual deductibles, though they aren’t astronomical at $50-$100 dollars. After that deductible is met, the plan will pay for the defined percentage of your dental care costs. Most PPOs cover 100% on preventative, 80% on minor procedures, and 50% on major procedures.  Keep in mind, that unlike HMOs, a PPO plan does cap out how much they will pay in a year.

The Indemnity Option…

An indemnity plan is usually the least expensive plan with the most freedom as you can choose any dentist you want. But wait, there is a catch—you have to pay upfront and wait for reimbursement. The problem with that arises when you get into a $15,000 procedure. Not everyone has that kind of cash flow lying around. Also, indemnity plans have an annual cap as well so you might not be getting such a value after all.

Alternatives To Cover Costs At A Dentist In Houston

Sometimes, insurance just isn’t the right option for everyone, especially those with excellent oral health. They may just visit the dentist once a year as a good habit, and that could be the difference. However, for the rest, insurance may not be ideal but maybe some of these viable alternatives are.

Dental Discount Plans

Dental discount plans are completely different from HMO’s and PPO’s. That is because they are not insurance at all nor can they be used with insurance. They are also called dental savings programs and are an alternative to insurance.

They work more on a membership club model such as Costco or Sam’s but for dental care. Savings can vary wildly from program to program and some skeptics argue their worth. Nevertheless, many patients opt for these discount plans because of their low cost.

Here’s how they work: You pay an annual fee and some type of activation or enrollment fee. This fee is usually much less than insurance premiums. Programs range anywhere from $75- $250 a year per person for access to discounted rates.

Just like the insurance plans use a network of dentists, so it’s important to find a dentist you like in the network.  Some discount plans have a large number of dentists participating and some have very few, you should research that beforehand.

When using the in-network dentist you receive a set discount on the services that are covered. However, keep in mind that the rate is still higher than if using insurance but less than if paying cash. It should be noted, that if you end up needing an expensive procedure, it can still be costly.

Paying Cash

Planning to pay cash for dental care is not something that is a practical option for many.  However, if you are very healthy, maintain your teeth well, and have good genes, it may be.  That being said, not everyone is that fortunate.

If you just need a dental cleaning twice a year or something, cash might honestly be the best avenue. It would be prudent though to put away money every pay period into a dental emergency fund. Something to fall back on if you end up needing extensive dental work suddenly.

Although rare, you may find a dentist in Houston that will work out a payment plan with you if you have earned their trust. Keep in mind though, it’s very rare to find that these days.


Financing the cost of dental care has become more and more popular over the years as lenders have seen the potential.

Lenders such as Care Credit specialize in lines of credit specifically for medical and dental procedures. Any dentist in Houston these days including Comprehensive Dental tends to partner with Care Credit.

It’s a great way to fix immediate dental issues before they worsen and cause even bigger problems. It doesn’t eat into your monthly budgeting and the payments are typically very manageable.


What’s Keeping You From Visiting Us?

Has it been more than a year since your last visit to us for a cleaning, routine exam or other issues? Are tight finances and a costly dental procedure looming over your head? You should never avoid the dentist, just call us to let us know the situation.

More often than not, we can point you in the right direction for an alternative to dental insurance or find ways to afford care.

No one should forego proper dental care due to a lack of funds, there are too many options for those in need.

Contact us today to find out how we might be able to help!

What Is The Purpose Of A Veneer?

A: Patients choose to get veneers when they’re really not happy with their teeth. Generally, the shape of the tooth, the coloring, and various things that make patients unhappy. The purpose of a veneer Is to improve that.  Often when you’re doing veneers—you’re doing let’s say several teeth that need to have a better look for that patient. What we do, is take a little surface area off the tooth, then we come back with new porcelain. It’s cemented to the tooth and will last 15-20 years and gives the patient a brand new smile.

Often, we get patients that come in with minor cosmetic smile issues—not just dental implants. One of the most common procedures to correct a minor smile issue is porcelain veneers. Whether your teeth are kind of crooked, have a chip, or are stained beyond correction—veneers are a solid option. Many of our patients are embarrassed about their smile for various reasons but the issues aren’t severe enough to warrant a major procedure. So, they research getting veneers in Houston yet, they’re often left with many questions.

If you’ve never looked into the process of getting veneers in Houston you should first really understand the basics of this common procedure. We say this because veneers are a permanent decision, you can’t just change your mind 3 months in.

What You Should Know About Getting Veneers In Houston

We check our Facebook messenger account several times an hour and lately we have been inundated with questions about veneers. With many people working from home due to the pandemic, they probably have more time to focus on personal care.

The most frequently asked question surprisingly is “Do I go to a dentist for veneers?” People probably assume that because it is a cosmetic procedure, a dentist doesn’t handle that.  Even though veneers are a cosmetic solution, they are still a serious dental procedure and will be handled by a dentist.

With the UT Health Science Center Houston boasting a top-tier dentistry school, Houston has no shortage of options for cosmetic dentistry. So, it’s all a matter of finding a dentist that you’re comfortable with that specializes in veneers. Keep in mind, not all dental clinics will offer advanced cosmetic procedures. Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston does, as we are a state-of-the-art facility geared towards smile restoration of all levels.

You should do your research on several dental clinics and the dentists that perform this procedure. A reputable clinic will offer free consultations on veneers and will answer as many questions as you have. You should always try to find the best option that’s conveniently located for you so that if you ever have an issue, they are conveniently close. Unfortunately, just because a clinic is close to you doesn’t mean their work is the best. So, always put the quality of work as your priority and the location as a close second.

Here are some more of the questions we get most often, some of them might be some of yours too.


What Is A Veneer?

Without getting too technical and complex, a veneer is a wafer-thin piece of porcelain that is permanently adhered to your tooth. Veneers can mask a stained tooth, misshapen teeth, or teeth that are misaligned. Veneers in Houston are available for a single tooth or multiple teeth, up to an entire arch. Additionally, you can either get a full veneer or a partial depending on what kind of coverage you need and your budget. Every case is different, that is why we offer a free consultation to ensure a smooth process.

Now, keep in mind, you can’t just come in with a picture of Matthew McConaughey and tell the dentist you want that. It all depends on the size, shape, and placement of the teeth in your mouth already—however, we can improve on what you have. Basically, it’s our job to take ideas from your inspiration and then do the best we can with your smile.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Veneers In Houston?

If you practice good oral hygiene, have healthy gums and no decay, but want to correct minor issues—veneers are an option. For example, if you have some slightly crooked or misshapen teeth but don’t want to wear braces—veneers. If you have teeth that are stained beyond correction through whitening procedures—veneers. We even have some patients that have gotten veneers that were not done very well or are too thick. Those patients can come in and get those removed and have better quality, brand new veneers created for a more natural look.

How Many Visits Do Veneers Take?

Typically, veneers take a few appointments to complete properly. The results you receive from well-done veneers make the extra time worth it. At CDG Houston, our veneers are extremely customized meaning we consider more than your teeth. We ask you questions about your needs, your expectations from veneers. We also then consider your personality and lifestyle, how you talk, how you smile, and your expressiveness. All of these things are what go into the signature of a smile that many people overlook.

To ensure you’re going to like your permanent veneers, we also provide you with what we call a “trial smile.” It’s temporary veneers we give you to wear and get used to while we handcraft your new veneers.

Are Veneers Reversible?

If you struggle with commitment issues—veneers may not be a good fit for you. Veneers are a permanent solution—your existing teeth are shaved down a bit to accommodate them. If suddenly you decide a year in that you don’t want them—there’s no going back. The protective enamel on your teeth that was shaved off will make your teeth vulnerable to damage. When you get veneers, sure, the enamel is shaved down, but the veneers then protect your teeth.

Although the benefits of veneers greatly outweigh the downsides, it is still a decision worth thinking about—remember it’s for life.

Is It True They Shave Your Teeth For Veneers?

This question is related to the previous but we want to touch on it a bit more since this is a hot question. In most cases, your teeth do need to be shaved down so that the porcelain veneers fit naturally. However, 99% of the time it takes no more than .5 millimeters shaved off to make room for your custom veneers. For a point of reference, that is about the thickness of the average pinky nail.

We go into great detail to know exactly how we want to design your new smile so that the shaving is minimal. Now, in some cases where a patient has very crooked teeth that are discolored severely—that might require extra shaving. However, it should be noted, those cases are quite rare, at less than 1%.

Do I Still Have To Brush Veneers?

Veneers need to be cared for just like your natural teeth would be. Regular brushing and flossing, twice a year checkups, and regular cleanings at the dentist are in order. If you want your veneers to look natural and healthy for a long time make sure you don’t break this routine. Think of veneers as an investment—you need to take good care of them. If you do, they will easily last you upwards of 15-20 years.

Is It Worth It To Get Veneers In Houston?

Everyone’s needs and circumstances are different, so whether veneers are worth it, depends on your own situation. However, it all comes down to how you feel about your current smile, how you think veneers might make you feel, and your budget.

Remember, veneers are irreversible, so you should talk things over before committing to the procedure. The best thing to do is contact us and set up a free consultation for veneers. Our team will treat you with dignity and privacy and answer any questions you may have.

Does Getting A Veneer Hurt?

A: Whenever we get into pain and what’s painful for one person to another, that’s a very subjective subject. However, generally speaking, a veneer does not hurt. Like any dental procedure such as fillings, we will numb you with an anesthetic so that we can do a bit of drilling. But, ultimately, you don’t find patients hurting from a veneer. If there is any pain, it’s usually less than a 10-24 hour issue.

Have you considered getting a dental veneer in Houston? If so, you probably have at least a dozen questions regarding the procedure. When patients ask us about a veneer, their biggest concern seems to be if the procedure hurts. This is a very often asked and expected question as the procedure does involve removing some of the tooth surface.

That can be a scary thought for any patient, however, when you actually get the procedure done it’s more in the mind than anything. So, let’s dig into the million-dollar question− does getting a veneer hurt?

Minor Pain From Enamel Removal For Fitment Of A Veneer

Of the entire process, this first step is the one where minimal pain may be felt by a small sampling of patients. However, typically these patients also tend to have sensitive teeth as it is, so, understandably, a dental bur might hurt a bit. A dental bur is a tool that essentially grinds away a minimal layer of enamel from the front of your tooth. This shaves down the surface enough so the veneer can fit flush with the rest of your teeth.

The depth of penetration is so minimal that nerves are not even close to being disturbed, so most patients will feel no pain. However, we have documented exceedingly rare cases where there is a minor amount of pain that is resolved with Tylenol or an equivalent. There may be a little anxiety or discomfort from the use of the dental bur and the sensation but it’s very insignificant. In some cases, shaving the tooth surface down may not even be necessary eliminating any chance of minor pain. That, however, is rare and is determined on a case by case basis.

Anesthesia−The Safe Bet Against Discomfort Or Pain With A Veneer

Most dentists need to be able to work without patients stopping them or interrupting due to discomfort or anxiety. They need to work uninterrupted and the patient needs to be very still as this type of work requires the utmost precision.

To ensure there are no interruptions most dentists in Houston will use local anesthesia injected into the gums. This shot is a very small needle and one of the least painful shots. It begins to work immediately and completely numbs the work area to ensure no discomfort or pain.

Many patients may not experience pain at all but have the fear that they might or that something will go wrong. It’s a very common occurrence in the dental field for patients to have elevated anxiety during dental procedures. For anxiety, dentists usually employ nitrous oxide as it relaxes you and makes the process smoother. In more serious cases, we offer sedation dentistry that puts a patient to sleep while the procedure is done. This is method is the most effective for those with severe anxieties or phobias of dental procedures.

On occasion, some patients may have tooth sensitivity after the enamel is removed and until a veneer is applied. This is easily prevented though with a temporary veneer that protects the teeth until the permanent veneer is ready. They are often referred to as trial smile as they are also issued before creating permanent veneers. It’s a way to see if you’ll be comfortable with veneers and to get used to the restored look of your teeth.

Gum Pain From A Veneer?

There is no disturbing of the gums or soft tissue at any step in the veneer procedure. That being said, there should be no pain in the gum or soft tissue either. However, as with any dental treatment you need to take good care of teeth and gums to prevent infection. You need to follow your dentist’s directions before, after, and during the veneer procedure.

The Process Is Painless In Most Cases

To understand why veneers should be a painless process we need to discuss the procedure and steps involved. Veneers are a very common procedure and are relatively simple compared to other procedures such as dental implants.

The veneer procedure usually consists of three visits to the dentist. The initial consultation where the dentist will determine if veneers are right for you. Your second visit is then used for preparation, molding, and the application of temporary veneers. The final visit is for the application and post-consultation where you will be advised on veneer care. Let’s dive into the process in-depth so that you can know what to expect.

Consult And Planning

This step is where you lay out your expectations, the problem you want to fix (stains, alignment, etc.), and your concerns. Your dentist will get imaging done on your teeth and impressions and molds will be completed. A reputable dentist will also be honest in regards to your expectations versus realistic results. This way, you know exactly what you are getting into and what the precautions and limitations of veneers are.

Preparation For Application Of A Veneer

To prepare your teeth for veneer application, the surface of each tooth needs to be reshaped to allow for flush fitment. If this is not done properly you will have veneers that extend past other teeth, causing bite and alignment issues. The amount of enamel removed off the surface of the teeth will be the same thickness as the veneer being placed on top. This is usually about the thickness of a fingernail, so the tooth nerves are never disturbed.

However, if this part of the procedure makes you anxious or if you suffer from sensitive teeth, you may need numbing. Some people are also very anxious to the point of panic attacks, so sedation might be needed instead. That is a matter that is between you and your dentist, so make sure you make your concerns known in the initial consultation. After your teeth are reshaped, the veneers can take up to a month to be created in the lab. In the meantime, you will be given temporary veneers or a “trial smile” to protect the teeth and get you used to veneers.

Placement & Bonding

Once the veneers are back from the laboratory, your dentist will have you come in to finalize the procedure. The dentist will place your veneers over your teeth to ensure the fit and color is as expected. The veneers may need minor trimming to ensure an exact fit and your dentist will repeat this process till it’s perfect.

The color of the veneer can be adjusted with the shade of the bonding cement that will be used. Once the veneers have been adjusted perfectly, your teeth will be cleaned, polished, then etched. Etching makes your tooth surface rough to allow the cement to create a strong bond. There is a special cement applied to the veneer that is cured using UV light. The veneers are placed on the teeth, positioned properly and then the dentist will cure it in place. The curing is done with UV light which the chemicals in the cement react to and harden quickly. There may be a precautionary follow-up visit to ensure the bond has held up and to check on overall oral health.

Veneers Are Painless If Your Dentist Is Qualified

The best way to ensure you are happy with your veneers and experience no pain is to choose a qualified dentist. You need a dentist that is specifically trained in dental veneers−not all dentists specialize in this procedure. Make sure the dentist you choose is properly credentialed and has photos of actual clients cases. Ask all the tough questions upfront and don’t be afraid to ask them−a reputable dentist won’t take offense.

Get The Best Veneers In Houston At Comprehensive Dental Group

You can avoid the risk of getting bad veneers or enduring a painful veneer process by booking your appointment with us. Our team of talented dentists with deep, extensive experience in veneers and more complex procedures will ensure a smooth process.

Simply contact us today and book your free consultation and see what dental veneers can do to transform your smile!

Is A Veneer Permanent?

A: It is a permanent solution, but I would never call it a lifetime solution. In dentistry, most of the time, the teeth God gave us don’t even last a lifetime. So, to expect something that’s put in at a dentist’s office to last a lifetime, I think is unrealistic. However, it is a permanent solution. When we put a veneer on, we definitely tell a patient to expect this to last for 10, 15, or maybe even 20 years without any real issues.

When you think about your greatest strengths what comes to mind? Your intelligence? Maybe it’s your humility? It could possibly be your quick thinking. However, one of your greatest strengths that often goes overlooked—is your smile. Your smile makes the most definitive and impactful first impression before you even speak. Studies conclude that 49.7% of the population in the U.S. feel that a smile is the most appealing feature of a person.

The problem, however, is that over time, our smile can get “worn out.” Teeth can become stained, we may have a chipped tooth or two, or they may be misshapen or imperfect to begin with. In fact, someone is rarely born with a perfect smile, all smiles have some irregularity to them. But there is something you can do to improve your smile easily. Getting porcelain veneers in Houston is how many people get that bright, healthy appearance in their smile.

How Does A Veneer Improve Your Smile?

We’ve been talking about veneers for a few months now, and for good reason—there’s a high demand for them. We get at least a dozen questions about veneers every month from clients of all backgrounds. The fact is, no matter your lifestyle, income, or disposition—everyone wants a beautiful smile. Veneers can make that happen in most cases.

A veneer as previously mentioned is like a covering for your tooth—it can cover minor to moderate imperfections without major surgery. Made of wafer-thin porcelain, veneers are bonded to the front of your teeth permanently. They hide any stains, minor alignment issues, chips, and other cosmetic issues. The result is a smile that looks natural, but flawlessly white, and straight with the correct shape of teeth.

When we say permanent, we don’t mean a lifetime. However, as Steven mentioned, we do mean they should last anywhere from 10-20 years with proper care. Since veneers are irreversible, it’s important to know all there is to know about them. That’s why we’ve been covering this topic for the last three months.

You Have To Determine If A Veneer Will Work For You

Just because veneers are one of the least invasive procedures in Houston dentistry doesn’t mean they will work for you. There are a few things that could even make veneers unavailable to you due to some dental conditions. These conditions can include:

  • Bruxism/Clenching
  • Significant tooth damage such as a fracture
  • Misaligned bites such as an under or overbite
  • Gum disease

If you have signs or verified cases of any of these conditions you will need to discuss your options with your dentist. There may be an alternative treatment to improve your smile despite not being eligible for veneers.

In case you missed our prior vlogs in this series, we want to give you a brief overview of the veneers process. The more you know about the subject, the better of an educated and informed decision you can make when considering veneers. Veneers are a multi-visit procedure− they can’t be completed in one visit. The entire process takes nearly a month and could be shorter or longer depending on the complexity of your veneers. Now that you know how long you’re committed for let’s talk about how to get the most out of your new smile.

There’s No Substitute For Experience

Even though veneers don’t require an invasive procedure, they are still a serious and long-lasting solution. Your veneers should only be created and installed by a qualified Houston dentist with extensive experience in veneers. You should be aware that many dental clinics in Houston do not offer veneers or other cosmetic services. We, however, offer a full line of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures under one practice.

So, your first visit will consist of a dental exam that will help determine if veneers are going to be compatible with your teeth. If they are, your veneer options will be presented to you and the dentist will help you choose the right ones for you. It should be noted, if you need extractions, implants, or a filling those have to be done before veneers.

Once you’ve been cleared, the dentist will prep the teeth for veneer fitment. This includes shaving the surface of your teeth down a bit. This allows the veneers to sit flush on top of your old teeth without affecting your bite. This consequently also removes some enamel from your teeth, that is why we say veneers are irreversible. Although the amount of enamel removed is extremely small, it still is permanent─ so carefully consider this.

After that is removed, you’ll have molds of your teeth made and receive a temporary set of veneers. This gives you a chance to see if you like the veneers as designed and adjustments can be made in the lab.

Once you have them to your liking, the permanent veneers are custom made in the lab with extreme precision. Your temporaries will be taken off, and the permanent veneers will be bonded to your teeth after being aligned perfectly.  That’s the whole process, your new smile is ready to show off.

Getting The Most Use Out Of Your Veneer

Veneers should be treated just like regular teeth, you still need to brush and floss at least twice a day. But because you have veneers there are some additional precautions and care you want to take with them. After all, you spent your hard-earned money on these veneers, you want them to look great as long as possible.

  1. Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene— Floss and brush at least twice a day, yes we said this twice because it’s that important. Also, be sure to make use of some good mouthwash like Closys to rinse out any bacteria. As usual, make sure to visit your dentist regularly to monitor oral health and catch any issues early.
  2. Use Protection— If you suffer from teeth grinding or participate in sports, make sure you’re using a mouth or night guard. It only takes an accidental elbow to the jaw or a fall to do over 1k of damage to your veneers.
  • Avoid Hard Foods— We know how common it is for people to eat things like ice, hard candy, and other like items. However, many of these hard foods, if bit down on just right, can chip your veneers. So, try to avoid foods such as:
  • Hard Candy
  • Popcorn Kernels
  • Seeds
  • Ice
  • Pen caps (not food, but we’ve seen it all)


  • Avoid Foods That Stain Teeth— Another thing that can ruin your veneers, at least in appearance, is stains. As is the case with natural teeth, veneers can stain just as easily and some foods are more punishing than others. Try to avoid or eat with caution, foods like:
  • Red Wine
  • Coffee
  • Teas
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Caramel
  • Chocolate
  • Ketchup


So, Are Veneers Really Permanent?

If you want to get into semantics, technically the answer is no, but then again permanent teeth aren’t permanent either. Like teeth, if you care for them with discipline and barring accidents− you can easily get 20 years out of veneers.

However, over time there will be wear and tear, and sooner than later if you’re not careful. At some point, you’ll probably want to look at getting another set. Now, if a singular tooth happens to get damaged early on, you can get that replaced by itself.

Considering Veneers In Houston?

When all is said and done, veneers are an outstanding value and a worthwhile investment into your smile. If you are considering getting veneers, contact us, and schedule a free consultation. We’d love to design a set for you!