Preparing For Dental Implants In Houston

A dental implant is a prosthetic device that is anchored in your jawbone to support a crown or bridge or in many cases a full arch of teeth. The implant itself acts as root in place of the missing tooth, and because of its stability and titanium build, it does not interfere with your other teeth and is biocompatible.
Because of these features and more; dental implants in Houston are becoming increasingly accessible and more affordable with excellent financing options like those available at Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston.

The Secret To Success Is Preparation

As we’ve already discussed, the best place to get dental implants in Houston is Comprehensive Dental Group Of Houston, that is no secret. However, the secret to success for your dental implant surgery is a simple preparation. Proper preparation will ensure a rapid and smooth procedure that will result in a quick healing and recovery period.

Before you get dental implants, make sure you follow this quick checklist that will ensure you have adequately prepared for this type of surgery.

Quick Prep List For Getting Dental Implants In Houston

Pre-Op Evaluation

For your dental implant surgery to be successful, several surgical steps will need to be completed, most often in a single day but in some cases, it may require multiple visits. Your dentist will determine the level of your condition and come up with a specific treatment plan centered around your circumstances. This evaluation process is when you should ask all the questions regarding the medications, recovery plan, and any other questions you may have about the procedures. A patient that is confident and psychologically prepared for a surgery of this type is a crucial component to having a smooth procedure.

Dietary Restrictions

When undergoing oral surgery, it is essential that you realize some foods will be off limits to you before and after the procedure to facilitate a successful process and speedy recovery. Your dentist will advise you of the foods and drinks that you should abstain from before and after the procedure.

It’s a good idea, in general, to keep your fridge stocked with softer foods such as mashed potatoes protein shakes yogurt and other food that don’t require heavy chewing or biting. Foods that require heavy chewing or biting will cause your implant sites to endure unnecessary pressure that may slow down or disrupt the healing process altogether. It is also heavily recommended to avoid spicy foods or foods that are acidic as that can irritate your gums while they are sensitive during this recovery period.

Plan Accordingly

When you receive dental implant surgery in Houston, it will require several days of preparation and several days of recovery after the procedure. You need to plan your life and activities around this time frame so that you don’t have any schedule conflicts. It can be quite nerve-racking when all of a sudden you realize that you have appointments that coincide with your implant surgery appointment— all it takes is prepping ahead and proper scheduling to make sure you have a clear schedule and not have any of these inconveniences pop up.

Good Financial Planning Is Important

While the cost of dental implants can be significant considering the sensitive treatment and the slight risks that are involved it is always a good idea to discuss the payment options with your doctor well before the procedure. You can also inform your insurance company far enough ahead of time so that they can help cover the upfront costs of the process. Each insurance carrier and plan is different so check with your insurer to verify your coverage and exclusions.
Payment issues are not something you want to and figure out on the day of your surgery or during your recovery, so plan well. At Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, we have excellent financing options for you that make this process much more manageable.

Be Prepared For The Recovery Period

Most of our patients feel a lot more at ease about the procedure when they prepared themselves psychologically for a successful procedure. This includes also preparing yourself to endure some pain, slight bruising, mild swelling, and some very minor bleeding after the procedure. Although this may sound intimidating, our spa-like atmosphere and attention to comfort dentistry will ensure that you have a smooth procedure and recovery process that is minimal and pain. Of course, all patients have unique situations, and your pain level may vary; but in general, it is a very minimally invasive and minimally painful recovery period.

Secure Transportation Beforehand

After the dental implant surgery most patients will be weak. If sedated, you will not be in a condition to safely drive themselves home. For this reason, we require you to bring someone to drive you home or have prearranged, some transportation. A family member or someone you trust is preferable. That way they can help you by stopping and picking up prescribed pain medication on the way home.

Rest Up

If your doctor hasn’t already advised you getting enough sleep is pertinent to good health. It is also relevant when getting surgery or any medical procedure to have a good night’s rest before. Having a good night sleep before your procedure helps boost your confidence, lowers your stress levels before the procedure begins.

Dress Comfortably

You may not think that how you dress can affect how your dental procedure goes but it actually can. If you come in dressing for work with all of your jewelry on and form-fitting clothing. It can make you very uncomfortable during the procedure which will make the process a lot less smooth.
Wear clothing that is comfortable and leave any other accessories. You also want to avoid strong cologne or perfume as this might cause you to be nauseated.

Post-Op Tips

Follow Prescriptions

Once the surgery is complete your dentist will issue you a prescription for antibiotics and other medications to take home. Make sure you follow the medication plan and take all medicines on time to ensure smooth healing and quick recovery.

Follow The Prescribed Diet

Your dentist will prescribe you a nutritional plan to follow after your surgery. This usually includes drinking a lot of water restricting supplements and avoiding certain types of foods. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions precisely to prevent any complications caused by diet.

Resting Post-Op

Just like getting plenty of rest before your surgery is essential. Getting plenty of rest after your surgery  take some time off from work to allow the implant to heal correctly. Also, you want to minimize the stress you put your body under after surgery. Once you have fully recovered, you can slowly reintroduce these strenuous activities until you feel comfortable.

Welcome To Your New Smile!

Congratulations! Once you follow all these steps in the surgery process. Your tooth should feel completely natural and function as a healthy tooth would. If you haven’t already scheduled a consultation contact one of our consultants here at Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston; and see what a difference a brand-new smile can make in your life.

Hard Tooth Truths From Dentists In Houston: 4 Biggest Dental Myths Busted

Being one of the most popular dentists in Houston, Dr.Hanna at The Comprehensive Dental Group Of Houston has heard a lot of lousy misinformation patients have quoted as their reason for not visiting the dentist as often as they should. Many patients have listened to and even believed many dental myths to be gospel. The sad truth is, most of them are more than just bad advice, they can be downright detrimental to your dental health.

Check this list of the most prominent dental myths straight the chair from many dentists in Houston. Make sure you educate yourself in the truth and importance of good dental care.

Top 4 Dental Myths From Patients To Dentists

1. “You Only Need To Visit The Dentist If Your Teeth Hurt.”

Listen, if your tooth hurts, it’s better to be safe than sorry. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Does that sound familiar? The best advice when it comes to anything medical and especially your teeth and heart, which coincidentally are very intertwined. When you have a toothache, it can be a sign of tooth decay or gum disease both of which can lead to heart problems if left untreated for too long.

Even without experiencing tooth pain, you can ask all the dentists in Houston how often you should see a dentist, and they will tell you at least twice a year. You can never be too careful with your dental health. Your teeth perform many vital tasks that many often take for granted.

We can’t help but also mention how much more expensive the cure is than the prevention. For example, if you have some minor tooth pain and you go in early on, you may find you have a cavity, and it can just be filled. Let that pain persist, and you could be looking at extraction and an implant—a lot more expensive just because you brushed it off. Bottom line, prevention saves you from added pain and expense in the long run.

2. “Flossing Can Create Gaps Between Your Teeth.”

This one is just flat out silly. Flossing does not create gaps between your teeth. It helps prevent big gaps between your teeth. In other words, it helps avoid decay, so you don’t end up missing a tooth—THAT is a gap between teeth you don’t want when you floss your removing food debris that otherwise would be sitting on your gums and around your teeth decaying and releasing harmful bacteria into your gums and eventually your bloodstream.

A healthy flossing routine when first started, might cause minor gum bleeding—don’t panic, this is normal. After a few weeks of routine flossing the bleeding subsides, your gums get used to the routine and benefit significantly from the flossing. One word of caution, however, if the bleeding continues after a couple of weeks of daily flossing, it could be a sign of severe gum disease. If this is the case, your next move is an immediate visit to the dentist for corrective measures.

3. “It’s Just A Baby Tooth, No Big Deal.”

The importance of baby tooth is one of the most overlooked dental facts by patients of all dentists in Houston. The point is, baby teeth give you the necessary space for permanent teeth to develop in place properly and grow. Cavities in baby teeth, if not taken care of immediately can cause prolonged spaces between teeth as the baby tooth falls out before the permanent tooth is ready. Sure, a dentist can make an artificial spacer, but it’s no comparison to a baby tooth as a natural spacer.

Children’s dental health is especially crucial as it an excellent dental care routine not only helps them have healthy strong smiles, but it also establishes good dental habits they will carry on into adolescence and adulthood. So yeah, it is a lot more than a baby tooth!

4. “It Doesn’t Matter What Time I Brush My Teeth.”

We always recommend brushing twice a day, but did you know there is a reason why we specify the times when you should brush your teeth? It may seem arbitrary, but when you look at the science behind the importance of a structured brushing routine, you will understand it in a different light.

At night as we sleep, our salivary glands produce far less saliva than during the day when we are awake, you might realize this next time you wake up with dry mouth. During the day, however, our salivary glands kick into high gear and give a cleaning effect we don’t get at night. Those who have chronic dry mouth for various reasons, have it worse as they produce even less saliva during the day.

All this is to say that if you brush before you go to bed, you are giving your teeth a helping hand. In the morning when you brush, it cleanses your mouth of all the bacteria that’s built up overnight and helps fight bad breath.

Stay Vigilant About Your Dental Care

Above all the best way to prolong your teeth and smile is to be vigilant about dental care. If you have tooth pain, go to the dentist. If it’s been more than six months since your last visit, go to the dentist. It can’t be stressed enough—prevention is a lot less expensive than a cure. So, contact us today to schedule your routine exam or if you have any dental issue bothering you right now. The sooner you catch a problem, the better we can treat it.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

What is “cosmetic dentistry”? It’s a term that is being used almost in every dental office these days—meaning, it’s the focus on the cosmetic aspect of the work we do. Every dentist, to some extent, practices cosmetic dentistry—it’s just whether they’re good at it or not. What I mean by that is, if you got to get a crown put on your front tooth, filling in your back—there’s cosmetic dentistry that even goes into that filling in the back. Does the white match closely to the white that your tooth shows naturally?

The tooth that we put say, half a crown on or a veneer—does that match the other tooth and does it look cosmetically appealing? So, you can’t practice dentistry without the mindset of cosmetic, but some people focus on cosmetic as their primary approach.


Would You Like To Give Yourself A Better Smile?

More and more patients that visit a Houston dentist regularly are inquiring about how to improve the aesthetics of their smile. They are realizing just how much of an impact a bright and healthy smile can have on how they see themselves as well as how people receive them in public. 

If you need proof of this “awakening” of sorts, just turn on the shopping channel on your local cable service and see how many teeth whitening products and other smile enhancements such as invisible braces are being marketed on a daily basis.

Houston dentists also offer many services that can improve and even re-shape how your smile looks through cosmetic dentistry procedures. Actually, when you think about it there is cosmetic dentistry woven into just about every dental procedure from whitening, to adjusting the color of a filling or cap to match the tooth.

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do For You?

When most people think of cosmetic dentistry, they seem to immediately mention teeth whitening, but cosmetic dentistry is so much more than that. It can also help correct cosmetic issues such as:

When seeking cosmetic dentistry in Houston, typically, you may find one practice that offers a full array of different services to treat each type of issue. 

For example, if you suffer from stained teeth due to smoking, coffee stains or another superficial staining— teeth whitening can be performed using powerful, yet gentle products that can restore the original color of your teeth. Results may vary due to each unique situation but it definitely can improve the color of your teeth drastically.

If your teeth are slightly misshapen or too long, enamel shaping and contouring procedures using a procedure similar to a filling can reshape your teeth.

Other Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Veneers are a great solution when you have multiple issues such as permanent tooth stains, misshapen teeth, or other cosmetic issues. Veneers are simply a thin layer of composite or ceramic material that is tooth colored and shaped perfectly to enhance your smile.

Bonding is a procedure that uses a tooth-colored composite material that is applied to your tooth to even out the shape.

Tooth-Colored Fillings are also made from composite resin and can help improve the shape, size, and color of your teeth, especially with cavities.

Invisalign is a revolutionary alternative to braces when minor alignment issues are present and straightens teeth using a progressive system of transparent aligners that are subtle in appearance. 

Choosing The Right Cosmetic Dentistry Practice

As already discussed, cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of procedures that can greatly improve the appearance of your smile. However, as with any service that requires skilled professionals—you have to make sure you are getting quality care from a good practice. The problem is, if you don’t know much about cosmetic dentistry in Houston—how will you know what to look for in a quality practice?

Take a look at this quick four-point guide to better position yourself for a successful procedure that will improve your smile not damage it.

1. Are The Advertising Photos Real Or “Stock Photos?”

Look at the practice website and marketing material. Do the photos look authentic client’s or more like stock photos? Some photos may be hard to tell, especially if the practice did a professional photo shoot. Some sites will list the patient’s name or make a disclaimer that indicates the photo is one of an actual patient of the practicing dentist.

If you’re not sure, simply call their office and ask if they are real patients or if they are stock photos. Any cosmetic dentist in Houston that is reputable will be eager to showcase their work in their marketing material and not use stock photos. 

If you’re not sure about the photos you are seeing on a website or in advertising, ask your prospective dentist if the photographs are of “actual” patients or they are purchased stock photos.

The Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston uses images of our actual patients in advertising, on our website, and our social media channels.

2. AACD Accreditation & AACD Membership

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) is the world’s leading authority on cosmetic dentistry. Dentists travel from destinations all over the world just to attend the AACD’s annual conference due to the wealth of knowledge disbursed at this event.

It’s important that the cosmetic dentist you choose maintains this membership and furthermore is an accredited member at that.

The AACD accreditation process is recognized worldwide as the standard in cosmetic dentistry credentialing programs. The accreditation process takes at least five years to complete and is comprised of a deep written exam, required seminar hours, peer review of at least five cases, and a very thorough oral exam. Any dentist that has earned this accreditation is a leader in their field and an exceptional practitioner. 

Dr. Raouf Hanna is an accredited member of the AACD.

3. Quality Materials

All too often, patients will choose cosmetic dentistry in Houston from the least expensive option, assuming that all cosmetic dentists are the same. This couldn’t be further from the truth as often, dentists with the lowest prices tend to have the least experience and use subpar materials and inferior labs.

The reason they can charge patients less is that they have less overhead as they have not invested hundreds of thousands into their training, materials, and labs to deliver the best product possible. They then pass on those savings to the patients with one huge caveat—they also pass on the low quality.

The Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston uses only state-of-the-art materials and collaborates with only the most accomplished, AACD-accredited cosmetic dental ceramists.

4. Are The Results Aesthetic Only Or Functional As Well?

Anyone seeking to improve their smile appreciates a gorgeous set of teeth. All cosmetic dentists promise a beautiful new smile, but are they proficient and creating one that is also functional?

What is a functional smile? A functional smile is one that looks beautiful but also works beautifully. An experienced dentist with real talent will create a beautiful new smile for you that is as comfortable and functional as it is beautiful. The two characteristics go hand in hand.

For example, you can be given a gorgeous new smile that looks perfect, but if it isn’t correctly aligned, it will be worn down and damaged due to wear and tear that would not be an issue had it been aligned properly. So, in the end, you save upfront, sure—but you end up spending more to fix the “bargain” smile.

Dr. Hanna and the CDGH team undergo extensive and ongoing continuing education to stay at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry. With over 12,000 successful procedures, Dr. Hanna is an exceptional dentist that not only restores the beauty of your smile but it’s true function as well.

Where Is The Best Place For Cosmetic Dentistry In Houston?

When getting cosmetic dentistry procedures, or any dental work done for that matter—you always want to make sure you go to someone who has a proven track record in the field as well as the proper certifications and facilities.

At The Comprehensive Dental Group Of Houston—Dr. Hanna, one of the leading dental implant specialists in the country, and his staff have earned the reputation as one of the top practices in Houston for cosmetic and restorative dentistry.

With facilities that create a spa-like environment and state of the art labs on site, we can give your smile a new life and your confidence a huge boost. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!

What Is An All-On-4®?

A: All-On-4® is a complex dental procedure where we do a reconstruction of the entire mouth, but what we do—is we use implants in the place of lost teeth. Then with the implants, we anchor a full prosthesis that will have all your teeth in it. Sometimes people need just the upper, sometimes people need just the lower. But, the concept and why it says “All-On-4®” is you have four implants and then all your teeth are put back on those four implants.

Have missing or failing teeth made you feel discouraged about your appearance? Has the social stigma of a damaged smile made you less outgoing and sociable?  At Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, we see many cases of patients going through the very same situation you are facing. We are here to tell you that there is good news for you and your smile — Dr. Hanna can fix it.

Full mouth reconstruction by Dr. Hanna is a unique permanent solution different from temporary ones like dentures or bridges. Using the latest in dental implants, we can give your smile a new life, even after serious dental trauma.

Why Am I Suffering From Missing Teeth?

We understand how stigmatizing tooth loss can be and many get so discouraged by this medical condition. Your dental problems don’t define you though, and in fact— millions of people suffer from the same exact condition, so you are not alone. Patients that come into CDGH for dental implants in Houston or full mouth reconstruction are usually suffering from conditions such as:

  • Tooth loss as a result of dental trauma or tooth decay
  • Teeth that are chipped badly, fractured or misshapen/misaligned
  • Bad tooth erosion due to acidic foods
  • Constant TMJ or other conditions that affect bite alignment and create lisps
  • Genetic dispositions that cause softer than average jawbones or other dental problems

But There Is Hope…

More than just the leaders for dental implants in Houston, Dr. Hanna is also one of the foremost leaders worldwide on the revolutionary All-On-4® procedure. This method of tooth replacement allows our patients to begin their journey to a healthy, bright smile in just one day! Yes, one day.

How Is This Possible?

The “All On Four®” process is what makes this one-day new smile method work. It is still a restorative treatment that involves some minor surgery; however, we offer sedation and have highly skilled anesthesiologists onsite. In fact, most patients indicate that they feel no pain at all or very minimal pain. That is the advantage of sedation dentistry—we make you as comfortable as possible so we can get you back to the comfort of your home and daily routine ASAP.

Why The All-On-4® Procedure Is So Effective

In most cases, when you have multiple teeth failing, missing or showing the symptoms of genetic dental failure; full mouth reconstruction is the best treatment option. Whether you are old or young, with dental problems this extreme—the All-On-4® treatment will completely change your life. Not only does it improve your self-image but it also improves physical well-being.

The procedure includes taking molds of your mouth and gathering imaging of the jawbone and then extracting all of the teeth in your mouth. Rather than place each implant one by one, the All-On-4® procedure places all of the lab-created restorations aligned and loaded onto a single medical device. The device is then mounted to titanium posts strategically implanted in your jawbone.

The restorations are made from high-end materials that look, feel and function just like regular teeth and the one-piece application makes for a more natural feel that you don’t have to get used to—unlike dentures and bridges. The added benefit is the teeth are aligned perfectly, also correcting any misalignment you may have had before losing your natural teeth.

Unlike dentures, there is no need to change your diet, no worrying about them wearing out or slippage and no messy adhesive. Full mouth reconstruction feels natural, looks amazing, and gives you your smile back in one day.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a dental prosthesis that actually takes the place the root of a tooth that has failed or decayed beyond restoration. Just like your original root, dental implants are permanently inserted into the jawbone and bond to your jawbone through a natural process called osseointegration. These titanium posts are not visible so no one can tell you have implants. They are simply used to mount the crowns (the part of the tooth you would see) that replace the affected missing teeth.

Implants are very strong, yet light, because they are made of titanium which is both lightweight but also the strongest metal that is also biocompatible—which means your body will not reject it as a foreign object. This is an important benefit to consider since this will literally become part of your body forever.

As one of the top 3 dentists in Houston, Dr. Hanna heavily favors dental implants due to their high success rates among any implant procedure medically available. Dental implant products may require more of upfront investment—but they are in fact superior and in many cases, can be less or equally expensive in the long run.

Why Dental Implants Are The Perfect Solution

Our All-On-4® is not only revolutionary due to its one-day surgery, and unique four implant procedure that evokes simplicity. It also is revolutionary due to the dental implants used themselves. We’ve already told you how dental implants protect jawbone integrity and become one with your body, but there are other reasons dental implants are a perfect solution:

  • They Will Never Decay – Because dental implants are made from advanced materials they never decay or erode. This doesn’t mean you can ignore good dental hygiene, after all, you can still get bacteria buildup and gingivitis.
  • They Are As Durable, If Not More Durable Than Real Teeth – Touching back on the durability of the materials again, it’s important to note that dental implants in Houston from Dr. Hanna are the next best thing to your real teeth, because they are just as strong but also in many patient cases their new implants were harder than their original teeth.
  • No More Messy Dentures – One of the biggest praises we get from Dr. Hanna’s All on Four patients is that they don’t have to be embarrassed using denture adhesive or worry about their teeth falling out randomly as dentures can. “All-On-4®” makes our implants YOUR teeth.

Why Full Mouth Reconstruction Instead Of Veneers?

Many of our patients that come in with issues like these, inquire about procedures they’ve seen on makeover shows and think that is the solution. Unfortunately, when you have severe dental issues those solutions such as veneers or whitening just doesn’t work. When teeth are misshapen or discolored due to decay or failure, it is more than a cosmetic issue. There is an underlying medical issue that will only progress and veneers or teeth whitening will only mask the problem as it is degenerative and will eventually lead to tooth loss. Veneers and teeth whitening are great solutions for surface issues or minor tooth issues that aren’t a health risk. For deep-rooted issues, there are usually two outcomes—tooth loss or corrective replacement.

Full mouth reconstruction procedures such as our All-On-4® treatment by Dr. Hanna actually remove the failing teeth and replace them with permanent lab-created full arches of teeth.  The procedure doesn’t just mask the problem—it solves it.


You Can Smile Again With All-On-4® From Dr. Hannah

Why are you settling for a smile you aren’t proud of, a diagnosis you don’t want to accept, and treatments that are less than ideal? Don’t settle for another minute! Contact Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston and see how full mouth reconstruction by Dr. Hanna can change your life.

If you feel you can’t afford the All-On-4®, you have nothing to worry about. It can end up costing less overall than dentures and we have special financing available for qualified applicants. Don’t let anything stop you from getting the smile you deserve. Call us today and book your free consultation.

Why Choose an All On Four?

A: Patients would choose All-on-Four if they are in what we call, “terminal dentition”— meaning the remaining teeth are really not salvageable or the patient is already in a denture. If a patient is in a denture, they already know the problems and complexity that comes with a denture and people who basically have very few remaining teeth also understand the complexity and issues that they’re struggling with.The All-On-Four gives those patient types an opportunity to have highly functioning, nice cosmetic teeth—with a simple procedure.

What Is All-On-Four?

The All-On-Four™ dental implant method is a medical procedure that is so advanced both in materials and process, that it can literally do in a day what other processes take weeks to accomplish—a brand new smile.

Using a modular installation to permanently affix a full upper or lower set of implants to your jawbone in just a single day, the All-On-Four™ procedure is the most effective option you can have for a 1:1 match of natural teeth. The implants used are of the highest quality and are identical in form, function and feel to natural teeth. This procedure allows you to eat whatever foods you like, throw away that gooey denture adhesive, never worry about slippage again, and most of all, retain the smile you deserve and jawbone integrity. The All-On-Four™ procedure is not a band-aid fix like dentures and bridges, it is a permanent solution to a temporary issue that empowers you and allows your quality of life to remain high, rather than limited as it is with dentures.

Why You Might Need The All-On-Four™ Procedure

If you have ever lost several teeth or are subject to wearing dentures or a bridge, then you know the plight of the multitudes of people in your situation. From having to remove dentures and bridges nightly to clean them, to worrying if they will slip out mid-conversation—dentures and bridges are often a very sensitive subject for many individuals and often leads to depression among other problems. 

Even if you don’t have dentures you are still missing out on life and your jawbone integrity is also suffering. When you lose your teeth, the jawbone gets no stimulation since there are no roots bonded with it anymore. Even with dentures, you’re only masking the problem and giving yourself a substandard replacement for proper chewing and digestion that natural teeth give.

Also, dentures are noticeably artificial and are not a perfect fit, if you are self-conscious about your smile like most people are—the fact that your smile will physically suffer can weight on your emotional health as well. Over time, as your jawbone deteriorates your face will begin to sink in around the mouth and causing you to look drastically different. 

It’s such a difficult burden to try and conceal the fact you have dentures or missing teeth that people who do have dentures or missing teeth live in constant fear of judgment. People are human and we tend to judge unfairly, that’s just the reality of humanity. This can severely affect a person’s confidence level in addition to the physical complications of dentures or missing teeth. Problems with speech and chewing are one of the biggest issues you suffer from. Words are harder to say when you don’t you’re your natural teeth, chewing many foods proves to be impossible and nutrition also suffers because of this. 

This among other reasons is why we encourage our patients that are good candidates for All-On-Four™, to go ahead and opt for the procedure. It gives you a permanent new smile and does not affect your lifestyle at all it only bolsters it.

External Causes Of Tooth Loss

Sometimes tooth loss isn’t just from bad habits or a poor dental hygiene regimen, sometimes we can endure trauma or injuries that can directly cause tooth loss. Take a look at two real patient cases where habits and other direct causes were not the factors in their need for the All-On-Four™ procedure. (For privacy, names have been excluded)

Motorcycle Accident

This patient was enjoying a weekend day trip to Galveston when an 18-wheeler in front of him blew a tire, ejecting the huge tire tread right into his front wheel. The bike ended up crashing sending the patient into the ground face first. The type of helmet he was wearing was compliant for road use but was not the style that covers the jaw and lower mandible as well, just cranial protection. Sadly, while his jaw was only severely bruised, he ended up losing six teeth—two on the bottom and four on the top. Aside from being very painful, the prognosis was either an uncomfortable bridge or just live with the front teeth he was missing for the rest of his life. 

The patient chose the All-On-Four™ procedure given he was only 22 and wanted the best chance at living out a normal, active life without restrictions. After just one day, this patient had a full and healthy smile that was perfectly aligned, pearly white, and absolutely indistinguishable from natural teeth.


Sadly, many instances of tooth loss that require the All-On-Four™ procedure stem from some type of physical assault. The only solace dentists can take in a situation as distressing as this, is that we can help restore some dignity and normalcy to a person that has endured such a horrific crime against them. This patient was a victim of domestic abuse and we won’t go into the details but it was severe enough that the patient needed a full upper arch and a single dental implant in the lower. 

The All-On-Four™ procedure and the results it yields gave this patient an emotional sense of relief, seeing not just a full set of teeth, but an even better, whiter and better-aligned set of teeth than before.

Why Choose Comprehensive Dental Group For All-On-Four?

Dental implants account for a large portion of cosmetic dentistry procedures in Houston. While there are many procedures and products that are used to give a patient a perfect smile—the absolute best for those with multiple tooth loss is the All-On-Four™ procedure. If you are seeking the best solution for missing teeth, it is imperative that you also seek the best provider for your All-On-Four™ procedure. Many dentists in Houston may offer this advanced procedure but few offer the expertise and experience that CDG of Houston offers with Dr. Raouf Hanna.

The Advantage Is In The Experience

Dr. Hanna stands out from other Houston dental practices offering this procedure because, in addition to performing the All-On-Four™ procedure, he is also a dental implant technique innovator. Many Houston dentists declare themselves an authority on dental implants when they’ve only done a little over a thousand procedures over their long career. With Dr. Hanna however, you are gaining the advantage of over 12,000 successful dental implant procedures—which has led to him filing many patents that have revolutionized the dental implant industry. So, rather than getting your average dentist who studied this procedure and can administer it, you are dealing with an innovator in the field who is an expert in developing the procedures themselves.  When it comes to something as delicate and important as your smile, you need the track record we can provide in Dr. Hanna’s experience and institutional knowledge.

State-Of-The-Art Facilities

Dr. Hanna considers his smile reconstruction procedures and other cosmetic dentistry services his art. Like any artist, Dr. Hanna wants only the best “studio” with all of the cutting-edge tools to create his masterpieces.  An artist is only as good as the tools he has at his disposal; as a vision without means of execution is useless. That is why Dr. Hanna invested so much in the facilities at Comprehensive Dental Group. From the moment you walk in, you realize you are in a Houston dentist office that is on another level. Every patient is treated like Dr. Hanna’s only patient and he takes pride in offering the best atmosphere and service to each patient he builds a relationship with. 

Contact us today to book your free smile consultation with Dr. Hanna and see the possibilities with your brand new smile.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

A: Teeth whitening is any procedure that’s done either in the office, at home as a take-home kit or you can sometimes go to the store and buy whitening kits that will help your teeth add a shade or two of color whiter than what they were. Coffee stains, wine, over time teeth just will darken and so, sometimes it’s a mild approach and you can use the toothpaste at home that has the whitening. Sometimes you need heavier whitening options, and that’s when you would come into the office and we can treat you.

Teeth Whitening is arguably the most inquired about service when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Houston. Everyone wants that youthful, toothy, ultra-white smile and how it boosts their self-image. While there have been many advancements in home whitening kits—the results they deliver can often be less than expectations and not nearly as dramatic as what a visit to a Houston dentist can give. 

Seeking A Brighter Smile?

When it comes to teeth whitening in Houston, you can go about it in one of two ways: onsite whitening at a Houston dentist, or a take-home kit you get from the dentist or over the counter at your favorite pharmacy. 

Most teeth-whitening options use peroxide bleach as the base for their whitening agent. Home-based kits are lower in the amount of peroxide at about 3 to 20 percent. Onsite treatments contain about 15 to 40% peroxide so, naturally, they give a better result

Typically the longer you have a stronger bleach on your teeth, the white your teeth will get. However, the stronger the solution, the less time it should be left on your teeth. If you leave the bleaching gel on too long, it can severely dehydrate your tooth and lead to varying degrees of tooth sensitivity and pain.

Whether you go with onsite treatment or a take-home teeth whitening kit, you should be aware that not everyone will see a change in their shade. For example, bleaching will not work on porcelain crowns or composite tooth-colored fillings. 

That being said there are many patients that experience great success from teeth whitening and it just depends on your situation which method; onsite or take-home kit that you go with.

Onsite Tooth Whitening

Onsite teeth whitening just due to the strength of the gel and the additional technology available that expedites and intensifies the effect, is always going to whiten teeth much quicker. This is due to the addition of heat or UV light technology that is often used to speed the process up and boost effectiveness.

Some of the most dramatic changes that yield anywhere from three to seven shades brighter, usually require only a few in-office visits of about 45 minutes each. This makes it very convenient and delivers rapid results. However, at Comprehensive, we also offer a unique whitening system that can achieve those same results in a single appointment that lasts no more than two hours!

At-Home Teeth Whitening Options

There is no shortage of options these days for at-home teeth whitening kits. Even the toothpaste companies have focused significant energy towards tapping the home teeth whitening market. Some of the most popular choices include:

  • Teeth Whitening Strips And Gel – These peroxide-based bleaching products have to be applied directly on your teeth with a brush or a thin strip and need to be done once or twice a day for a set time. Typically, this time frame is every 10-15 days. Manufacturers claim results last up to four or months or longer depending on what you buy and if you apply correctly. The cost is lowe to moderately expensive and the intensity of the white varies. 
  • Bleaching Trays –This at-home method is a little more complex and involves a mouth guard tray of sorts that is filled with the bleaching gel or paste and fits over your teeth where it must stay for up to several hours a day for about a month. These kits come in different forms and can be bought at your pharmacy or have one that is custom-fit to your bite from your dentist. The cost is significant and the tray can be somewhat inconvenient for people with busy schedules or always on the go. 
  • Toothpaste With Bleach Alternatives – All toothpaste helps remove stains from teeth as it is because they are slightly abrasive. However, whitening toothpaste also contains chemicals and polishing agents that help remove stains from teeth without using bleach. These toothpastes are inexpensive but only brighten by about one shade at most. Even though there are a few kinds of toothpaste varieties that do include bleach (peroxide) the toothpaste doesn’t stay on the teeth long enough to even have a mild effect. 

Maintaining The Results

No matter which treatment you go with for teeth whitening, maintaining the results and making it last is the key to getting maximum value. The best way to go about this is being pro-active by brushing, flossing, and using mouth rinse daily. You should also avoid acidic food and drink that are rich in tannins such as:

  • Black teas and coffee and coffee-based drinks
  • Wine 
  • Sports drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, etc.
  • Sodas 
  • Cherries, Berries and other rich-colored fruits
  • Sauces such as soy, and BBQ.

Why Choose Comprehensive Dental For Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening at home, in addition to whitening your teeth can also have some unintended side-effects you may not be aware of until you experience them such as making teeth very sensitive temporarily or in some cases permanently.

Also if you do not use the home kits correctly and carefully follow the instruction you can temporarily bleach your gums and even burn them.

 Teeth whitening is most effective on people with yellowing teeth but less effective for those with teeth that are brown in color. If your teeth are worse than that and are grey or purple, whitening won’t do anything, unfortunately. 

The best way to make sure teeth whitening is a viable solution for you and that it’s done safely and correctly is to come into our office for a consultation with one of our smile specialists. They will be able to evaluate your teeth and see if our whitening procedure is going to give you good value and deliver significant results.

Benefits Of Comprehensive’s Onsite Teeth Whitening 

Comprehensive’s expert whitening technicians give you a verified, tried and true procedure that is very safe and the most advanced technique in the Houston cosmetic dentistry field. Unlike most dentists that just put a topical gel on your teeth and let it work at the surface, we use high-intensity UV light technology that causes the pores on the enamel of your tooth to expand allowing the stains to be extracted from within the enamel layer. The type of equipment we use is not available for consumer purchase and isn’t found in many dentists in Houston or Texas for that matter. That is just one of the main benefits of coming in for onsite teeth whitening. There are many more benefits aside from having a clean bright smile when you leave:

  • Mitigates the risk of damaging your enamel from inferior home kits or accidental improper usage.
  • We only use a gentle, FDA cleared hydrogen peroxide whitening agent recommended by the American Dental Association.
  • When you consider the repetitive costs and invasiveness of home kits, we are very affordable and the least invasive treatment option in existence.
  • Our whitening specialists combined experience spans over two decades!

Do You Want A Brighter Smile Right Away?

The results we deliver with our onsite teeth whitening are not only astounding in shade difference and intensity, but the results are visible within only one hour of receiving our advanced treatment and easily last up to eight times longer than most other whitening methods.

Contact us today to book your consultation and get on your way to a brighter, happier smile with teeth whitening from Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston! 

What Is A Filling?

A: A filling is something that we would put in place where a small cavity would be. Basically, a dentist will need to go in there and clean out the bacteria where the tooth is basically compromised. Then they would come back in with a composite filling, or sometimes people will use metallic fillings and other things. Ultimately, we use composite so it’s white and matches the tooth’s natural color. What you’re doing is you’re sealing that off, hopefully from keeping additional bacteria and additional issues and that ultimately helps save the tooth.

Need That Cavity To Disappear? Fillings Can Help!

You might have had a friend that had a few cavities that were bothering them and then all of a sudden you notice one day those cavities are gone and they no longer complain about them. Was it magic, was it a dental implant? Actually, it may be neither!

When patients have a tooth that has a cavity but isn’t beyond saving, their dentist may opt for the procedure mentioned in the video—a filling.

You may have heard of fillings before and may have a pre-conceived notion about them. Yes, traditional fillings in the early days of dentistry were made from a mixture of metals such as tin or mercury—most of the fillings we use here are a composite resin material that matches the color of the tooth.

These advances in filling technology have resulted in a filling that more closely resembles a natural tooth in color and in texture and are virtually unnoticeable. Older fillings were admittedly an embarrassment to some due to their composition of metals that looked completely different than a natural tooth.

Now, while the cosmetics of fillings have advanced leaps and bounds it isn’t all just about the aesthetics of these fillings but also the functionality of the tooth they help retain. When metal fillings were the only option many foods could trigger sensitivity in the tooth and many patients were actually allergic to the materials used.

With the new composite resins that are hypoallergenic and more natural in appearance, those problems are a thing of the past. In fact, when you really think of how fillings have progressed, it’s quite fascinating.

The Woes Of Early Cosmetic Fillings

These indistinguishable modern fillings didn’t just happen overnight. In fact, the earliest iterations of tooth-colored fillings were nothing like the marvels we have available today. In the early development, the fillings were an ambitious attempt to help the fillings blend it a bit more, but they couldn’t even come close to what is available today.

Even though they were technically “tooth colored,” they lacked the durability of traditional fillings made from metal and they honestly didn’t look much better. Since their durability was a weak point they also could not be implemented in areas of the tooth that had to be under a lot of pressure as they fillings would crack easily under such conditions. They also felt foreign in the patient’s mouth as the materials felt nothing like a tooth and were near impossible to polish like one.

The Miracle Of Composite Fillings

Today’s cosmetic fillings are not only identical to your tooth’s color, but they are also built much better and more durable. Modern cosmetic fillings are created with a composite of plastic and either glass or ceramic to form a resin. The fillings are cured with UV light which makes them very hard and magnifies their durability in a layered process. 

Several layers of the resin are laid down on the tooth, cured, and then the process is repeated until the cavity is full.  Then the excess is removed and the filling undergoes contouring to match your tooth’s shape and surface all being followed up with a polish to match perfectly.

Why Choose Modern Cosmetic Fillings?

Chances are, if you’re in your 20’s or older, you’ve likely had to be treated for at least one cavity before. In fact, Over 88% percent of patients from age 20-64 have had a cavity at some time in their life. So knowing that you are not in the minority if you have a cavity, you should feel confident in doing something about it—you don’t have to let it progress. You should take advantage of the wonderful benefits of cosmetic fillings from Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston. 

Our Cosmetic Fillings Bond With Your Teeth

When you opt for the older, traditional metal fillings, the filling never actually bonds to your tooth and often people have to come back for a re-application because their metal filling has fallen out. 

Think of it like patching a hole in a wall. You can just put some spackle in the hole and fill it with some filler and paint over it—but that’s not going to look right or last long. Eventually, it will breakdown and the “filler” you put in the wall will shift or fall out—and you have that ugly hole again. However, if you actually replace the hole with compound, blend in a new piece of drywall, and then re-seal it, you have permanently fixed that hole and the wall is—no pun intended, whole again.

The same concept can be used when talking about filling a cavity. In the old school fillings from the past, the dentist makes a putty-like substance from a powdered alloy and liquid mercury that is packed into the cavity. It cures fast and hardens, but it never actually adheres to the tooth, it’s literally held in by tension. 

Our modern cosmetic fillings, however, are a completely different procedure and concept altogether. As mentioned, we use a resin material that is painted in layers into the cavity and the tooth and cured to harden. Once the cavity is filled, we refine it by gently grinding down the excess resin, clean it and then polish the filling to complete. The filling is now one with your tooth, it is not held in with tension, rather it is now part of the tooth.  

We Save Most Of Your Healthy Tooth With Our Cosmetic Fillings

Because metal fillings have to be stuffed into the cavity, there is some actual drilling of the cavity required, which means you will lose some healthy tooth material too. The drilling needs to happen to make room for the putty and it does remove a significant amount of healthy tooth matter. For this reason alone, cosmetic fillings are the ideal solution for cavities both major and minor. 

Cosmetic Fillings Are Medically Safe

You read that right, metal fillings contain mercury. While the amount of mercury is in very low levels and has been declared safe for patients over the age of six—it’s still something that raises major concern for most patients. The reasoning is because while at such low levels mercury might be safe, it does not mean it can’t cause significant allergic reactions in quite a large sampling of patients—some which are quite serious in nature. Our cosmetic fillings do not contain any metal and are medically safe and hypoallergenic.

Cosmetic Fillings Are Almost Indistinguishable

One of the biggest advantages of our cosmetic fillings is that they are practically invisible to the naked eye. Since the resin we use is matched to the color of your tooth and feels like your tooth’s enamel, you might forget you have a filling at all, let alone someone else notice you have one. You get a perfect smile again without that glaring metal shine in your mouth that most patients dread.

Let Comprehensive Complete Your Smile With Cosmetic Fillings That Will Get You Smiling Again

Cosmetic fillings from Comprehensive Dental Group Of Houston will give you back that bright smile you once had. Your confidence shouldn’t be hindered by a few cavities when we can correct that in just one single visit. 

Contact us today for your free consultation and get your smile back in one day!

How Long Is The Procedure For An All-On-Four?

How Long Are All-On-Four Procedures?

In this video, Steven Skiff tells us about the length of an all-on-four procedure.

A: It’s a very wide answer to that question. Part of it actually does depend on which doctor you choose to go to. I’ve been in this field for over 15 years and I’ve been seeing All-on-Fours done for ten. I’ve seen some doctors take seven, eight hours to do an All-on-Four procedure and I’ve seen some doctors take two or three. 

At the Comprehensive Dental Group by Dr. Hanna, generally, our all All-on-Four is about two hours per arch—so a full upper, lower is typically four. But again, every patient is different and every patient brings different circumstances. So sometimes it’s more complex and it might take an extra hour. Sometimes, they come with no teeth and you don’t have to take time pulling out any remaining teeth, and it takes less than three hours.

What Is All-On-Four?

To fully comprehend what the All-On-Four procedure is, you first need to get a brief intro to dental implants. A dental implant is a small titanium screw that is implanted into your jawbone where a tooth has been lost. It occupies the exact same space as the vacated tooth so there is no crowding or gap. Once the implant is set in the jawbone, the dentist attaches the replacement tooth to the screw completing the restoration. 

Dental Implants Made Simpler

All-on-Four dental implants are a simpler, modular form of dental implants that replace multiple missing teeth or inferior solutions such as removable dentures. Utilizing advanced materials and methods, All-on-Four is the perfect replacement for natural teeth.

All-on-Four dental implants support an entire arch of teeth, top or bottom—with just four implants. The replacement teeth look and feel identical to your natural teeth and function just the same.  Many patients who have dentures end up upgrading to All-on-Four because of the many added benefits this procedure offers.

How Does All-On-Four Work?

All-on-Four consists of the four of the titanium screws implanted strategically into different spots of the jawbone. These screws serve as the support base for the actual dental restoration will be mounted to. Unlike single implants, this procedure is completed with a full arch of teeth on one solid piece secured to the four screws. 

Being a solid piece is the only way this procedure is similar to dentures. However, unlike dentures, the jawbone is stimulated due to implant bonding, and bone atrophy is not an issue. Also, this is a permanent solution—no removing dentures for cleaning and worrying about slippage or other issues. 

Even if you have some jawbone loss due to long periods of time without teeth or using dentures, this procedure still might be a good fit for you.  When posterior screws are implanted at a 45-degree angle, it can reduce the need for complex bone grafts. This also avoids the nerve canal located in the lower jaw and the sinus cavities which are in the upper jaw. Since this part of the jawbone is denser, it can possibly still support the implants and help save the rest of your jawbone and give you a new smile. Even if bone grafts are necessary, depending on your situation—having to get bone grafted in is still a better solution than living with a deteriorating jawbone.

The Details On All-On-Four

The cost of All-On-Four dental implants can vary depending on the material the replacement teeth are made of and if there are any pre-op procedures such as the aforementioned bone grafts required. Another factor that plays a big part in the overall cost for your procedure is what your insurance plan covers, how much the deductible is and what provider you can use.  

Acrylic Or Composite All-On-Four Dental Implants

The All-On-Four procedure at the basic level uses acrylic dentures or composite dentures that are molded to fit your precisely using the titanium implants. Using this option is the more economical way to go but keep in mind that while it will still look similar to natural teeth and feel the same—there is a more popular material option that is also superior.  

Porcelain All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-On-Four is also available using upgraded dentures made from porcelain. Porcelain looks identical to natural teeth, feels exactly the same, and lasts much longer than the basic acrylic or composite models. Naturally, the porcelain upgrade comes at a slightly more expensive price point, but the difference is worth it, although either option is better than non-permanent solutions.

What To Expect In An All-On-Four Procedure

Many patients find any type of dental surgery scary, and we understand. It can be quite nerve-racking getting dental implants for the first time. Most of the anxiety and fear regarding dental implants is the lack of knowledge regarding the procedure. Uncertainty is not something we want our patients to worry about when being prepared for this procedure, so let’s go through it one step at a time. 

First, Dr. Hanna wants you to be comfortable with a procedure like this, so local or general anesthesia is given to you to make the process much smoother.

Second, he will prep your mouth for the titanium screws that will be implanted, which may include any remaining teeth that have failed. Then Dr. Hanna will also cut away any gum tissue that is infected or diseased, from your jaw and gums. 

Then, we begin the implantation phase—inserting the screws into the jawbone at the necessary positions. This is typically two at the front of the mouth, and two at the back of the mouth to evenly distribute the force of the denture when chewing.

Finally, once the dentures have been secured to the implants Dr. Hanna will thoroughly clean the surgical site, suture the incisions and transport you to the recovery area to relax and recover from the anesthesia. That’s it! You’re on your way!

Recovery Time And Expectations

Typically when you get traditional dentures the recovery and adjustment period can last from three months to a year depending on circumstances. All-on-Four procedures, however, have most patients back at work in a couple of days with just some Tylenol.

The reason the recovery time is much faster is that the implant procedure is all done in one shot and since it bonds with your jawbone— stability is achieved immediately.

During the first hour after leaving the recovery room or when bleeding ceases, you will have gauze packs secured over the surgery sites—you need to gently bite on these to secure them in place.

After about an hour or so, a technician will remove the gauze packs provided the bleeding has stopped. If it has not stopped or it’s excessive, you will be re-packed and you’ll be sent home with instructions to change the gauze every 30 minutes or so until bleeding stops.

Once home from surgery, be careful not to do anything to irritate the tender areas in your mouth. DO not touch the surgical sites or rinse them with water, only the medicated rinse we prescribe to you. You can brush them very gently with a soft toothbrush, and of course, smoking is a horrible idea as it prolongs and hinders healing. 

The day after surgery, if you still have some minimal bleeding, it’s recommended to gently rinse your mouth using salt water. Just add a tablespoon of salt to an 8oz glass of warm water and gently rinse, and let the water flow out of your mouth into the sink, do not spit. You can repeat this around 2-3 times a day if needed. 

Precautions To Take The Rest Of The Week

As for the rest of the week, if you can avoid work, that is the most ideal—even though many return to work in two days. It all depends on what type of work you do. An office job without any hard labor or physical activity shouldn’t be an issue. 

Just be sure to avoid bending over, lifting heavier objects, standing too quickly from a seated position, and excessive talking.

Also, you’ll want to make sure to get as much rest as possible and eat softer foods for the next 3-4 days to avoid irritating the surgical site. 

Get Your All-On-Four Dental Implants At CDG!

Don’t put off your new smile another day, make the call and schedule yourself for a free consultation with Comprehensive Dental Group and get your smile back with All-On-Four!

What Is General Dentistry?

A: General Dentistry is really an encompassing term that explains to the market, to the patients who are looking for a dentist—they would do a little of everything. Meaning, they’re going to be the doctor you go see for your routine checkups, your hygiene visits. Then, anytime you have a simple little filling or a crown that needs attention—general dentistry encompasses that.

At The Comprehensive Dental Group, we do general dentistry. It’s the anchor and foundation of what we do. However, within our group, we’ve added all kinds of different specialists. So, we can handle orthodontics, implants, endodontics, and we can do the full gamut of dentistry at our office.

Do you have a dentist you trust for general dentistry? If you don’t, that means you probably haven’t been to the dentist in a long time. It’s time to put your dental health at the top of your list and choose a dentist. Naturally, the first question most people ask that don’t have a trusted dentist in Houston is:

How Do I Find The Best Dentist Near Me?

This is a question often born out of frustration not lack of knowledge. Everyone knows you can Google for general dentistry in your area. However, the process is what can bring on the frustration.

Are you feeling overwhelmed when looking for the best dentist in Houston? Do you get a bit of anxiety when you search, “best dentist near me?” Surprisingly, that one search will bring up quite a few results—and what does that say about those findings?

Ironically, it’s either Google lying to you, clever keyword marketing, or it’s a legitimately amazing dentist in Houston. However, the trick is learning to decipher which result is a dud and which is a diamond of a find.

Your Oral Health Is Top Priority

Finding the best dentist in Houston for your dental needs is not an easy task, but a very important one. In fact, making your oral health a top priority will have a positive impact on your entire body. Think about it—your mouth is where many of your vital functions needed for life begin.

Breathing, nutrition, communication, and many more functions all come from functions of your mouth and its components, including your teeth. Therefore, finding the best dentist in Houston is one of the most impactful decisions you will make for your health.

Where Do I Begin The Search Process?

Ironically, if you live close to our offices, and you are reading this article—your search is already over. You found the best in general dentistry as well as many specializations. However, if we are too far of a drive for you just have a quick read over our guide. Rest assured, that once you put into practice what we show you— you’ll have the best dentist for your needs.

Remember These Key Considerations When Searching For General Dentistry Providers

When finding a dentist in Houston for your family’s dental needs, there are some things you need to consider. First off, you need to search Google for “best dentist near me,” and make a shortlist of the results.

Now, we know what you’re thinking, “How can a list this long be shortened?” Well, that’s where these key factors you need to consider come into play. Once you ask yourself these important questions, the results will filter out those that don’t fit your specific needs.

Is This Dentist Near Me Part Of My Insurance Network?

Naturally, dental work can get expensive very quickly without insurance. So, this question is going to filter down the results quite a bit. If you’re not sure how to verify if a provider is in-network, refer to your insurance company’s website. Now, you should have a list of providers that meet your financial needs.

Does This Dentist Maintain Membership In The American Dental Association (ADA) Or Other Dental Professional Organizations?

Naturally, if a dentist is legitimate and knows their craft, they will be accepted by their colleagues in the field. One sign of this is a dentist’s acceptance as a member of the ADA and other dental industry associations.  This is a good indication of their credibility because acceptance hinges on being vetted and bound by a strict code.

However, it is very possible that the provider you see is not an accredited member of the ADA. This may be due to their scope of treatment or specialization within the field. A reputable provider may also belong to other respected associations such as:

DON’T FORGET: Yes, these accreditations and academy memberships are a great indicator of a reputable dentist. However, it’s even more important that the dentist you choose is certified in Texas and that it’s up to date.

What Type Of Dental Treatment Do You Need?

Aside from financial concerns, this will be the most important question to ask yourself when seeking a dentist in Houston. Making the determination on what your greatest dental issues and needs are will further shorten this list.

Do you need just a checkup, cleanings, and other routine maintenance procedures?
The good news is, you have an abundance of options for general dentistry in Houston. Therefore, that’s when you just have to see how the dentist and staff make you feel. If you are confident in their abilities and their demeanor, then you have a contender!

However, if you have something like missing teeth you need replaced or a chipped tooth, you need a cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentistry in Houston is another field where there are quite a few options all over the city.

In fact, dentistry is a field with a wide range of specializations that cover more than just the routine services.  The good news is, that contrary to medical insurance procedures, you don’t need a referral to see a dental specialist. All you need is to find the dentist that specializes in the issue at hand:

  • Orthodontists deal mainly with teeth that are misaligned and provide solutions such as braces.
  • Periodontists specialize in treating and prevention gum-related diseases such as gingivitis.
  • Prosthodontists deal with complete tooth restoration, broken teeth, dental implants, and full mouth reconstruction.
  • Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeonsspecialize in sedation dentistry that involved complex procedures. In these cases, nitrous oxide isn’t a practical anesthetic as the surgeries require the patient to be very still.

If you are mainly seeking for children’s dental care, you want to search “pediatric dentist near me.” While these dentists are held to the same standards and training as any dentist, they cater to children.

Children tend to be fearful of going to the dentist and these kinds of practices use methods to mitigate that. They may use things like kids movies, video games, or toys in the waiting room to make it less anxious.

Additionally, they move at a pace that allows kids to settle in and get used to the dental examination process. go through the same training and certification as any dentist, but their practice caters to the needs and fears of children to make the visit much more pleasant.

Top 3 Questions To Ask Before You Schedule Your First Visit

Once you’ve narrowed it down to a dentist that may work for you, there’s one more step. You need to ask a few key questions before committing to an appointment.

There is no specific set of questions to ask as everyone’s needs are different. You really just want to ask the questions that are pertinent to your situation. Some of the most common questions we get at Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston are:

How Much Do General Dentistry Procedures Cost?

This is a very good question. You should always know upfront what the cost is for some common, routine services. Procedures like x-rays, cleanings, fillings, etc. These types of procedures are pretty basic without many variables. The dentist should be able to give you a pretty accurate estimate. This allows you to get an idea of the price range of the candidate you have chosen.

Do You Take Payment Plans?

Many dentists offer their own form of payment plans or financing such as CareCredit to lessen the immediate financial impact. Complex procedures like implants can end up costing a significant amount and most people can’t afford it all at once.

What Are Your Office Hours For General Dentistry?

If you find a great dentist in Houston but their hours don’t work with your schedule, then it’s pointless. Finding a dentist that has hours that can work for you is another key to good oral health. Not everyone can afford to take time off from their job for a dental visit. You might also ask about weekend availability or after hours. Also keep in mind not all operating hours are for general dentistry procedures. Many dentists will have days and times blocked off only for surgeries or implants.

The Best General Dentistry In Houston Can Be Found Without A Search

You can end your search now—because you are already here with the best. At Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, we realize there are a lot of dentist options in Houston. We are so confident that we are the best in the city, that we encourage you to explore your options.

We encourage this because we know that when compared side-by-side—we are the best there is. Whether it’s general dentistry, or a specialization, we have some of the top dental professionals in the nation. Additionally, we have state-of-the-art technology that we constantly upgrade and improve. Above all, we know how well we treat our patients. Do you? Come by for your first appointment and see for yourself!

Is All-On-Four The Last Resort?

A: The answer to that is no. But, for patients who have complex dental issues and they’ve lost most of their teeth or they’re in dentures— All-on-Four is the last, best resort remaining. Meaning, people can still go into dentures and live a nice healthy life. However, it’s not the best option—of course, getting to the best option does come with some more expense. So, to answer it and say, “it’s the last resort,” absolutely not—there’s always choices and patients get to make those choices. We go through those choices with patients, however, it is the best last resort.

What Is All-On-Four?

If you really want to understand this amazing method for replacing teeth, you need to understand dental implants first. We’ve gone over it extensively before so let’s just give the quick and tidy answer in a nutshell. Basically, a dental implant is a biocompatible titanium screw that is implanted permanently into your jawbone. Once we set the implant, a life-like crown is attached for the most realistic prosthetic tooth available today.

Now, with All-On-Four, things get a bit more advanced by becoming much simpler—confused, yet? Let us explain, with this procedure you don’t need an implant for every single tooth. You simply need four implants on top and four on the bottom. Yes, just four dental implants for each arch and that’s all it takes.

That is because All-On-Four is a modular method of dental prosthetics—it’s a full denture affixed to just four implants. The beauty of this procedure like all dental implants is that it fuses to your jawbone, preserving it for life. No bone deterioration or facial structure changes, bite issues—none of that. Your new teeth are permanent and will last a lifetime.

That’s the beauty of the all-on-four. And because the implant is made of titanium, it has the unique ability to fuse to living bone and function as part of it. So eventually, the dental implant becomes part of the jawbone and serves as a strong, long-lasting foundation for your new teeth.

Best In Houston All-On-Four Procedures

Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston is the best provider in the Houston area for this remarkable procedure. Dr. Hanna is a leader in the dental implant procedure and has performed over 2,000 successful procedures to date. With a support staff that has a combined portfolio of experience of over four decades in dentistry—you are in safe hands.

All-On-Four, due to its unique method of implantation, is a process that is easily completed in one single visit for most patients. It’s a procedure that most patient’s regard as minimal in pain and often return to work the following day. In fact, the list of the benefits All-On-Four offers can easily fill a small book, but the most common benefits are:

  • In And Out In A Day
  • Replaces All Teeth At Once
  • Looks, Feels And Functions Just Like Natural Teeth
  • Fixed, Permanent Placement
  • Does Not Impact Diet
  • Maintains Jawbone Integrity
  • Best Overall, Long-Term Value

All-On-Four Dental Implants Are The Best Option

If you have missing teeth and struggling with daily life using dentures— All-on-Four is for you! It is by far the most optimal permanent solution for missing teeth. Whether you are missing all or just most of your teeth, choosing All-on-Four will change your life.

Listen, losing your teeth is a traumatic experience in and of itself, but over 25 million adults share that struggle. You aren’t alone and shouldn’t feel embarrassed about the situation. What you can do is begin to feel better about yourself with the All-on-Four procedure.

Because of this new technology, you don’t need to settle for the discomfort and anxiety of denture slippage or speech issues. With the All-on-Four dental implant procedure, you will preserve your jawbone, facial structure, and normalcy of life.

All-On-4 Vs. Traditional Dentures

The fact of the matter is—dentures only solve part of the problem of missing teeth, and not in the best way possible. The problem with dentures is that it is not a permanent, fixed solution—so it’s not a natural fit or feel. Most patients have trouble speaking normally, cannot eat certain foods, and their jawbone begins to soften. All of these problems combined together lead many patients to regret opting for dentures instead of All-on-Four. Most often, people choose dentures because of the lower initial cost—but there are two major caveats to consider.


While All-On-Four feels no different than your natural teeth and doesn’t impair eating or speaking—dentures are quite the opposite. Dentures are not a fixed 1:1 replacement like implants are. This means that while it is a molded fit, it goes on top of the gums so there are some spacing issues. Plus, because they are removable, they can shift, slip out while speaking or begin to hurt. Dental implants feel no different than regular teeth and there is no adjustment needed.

Dentures can also cause blisters in the mouth due to the prosthesis moving and shifting in the mouth. These can be very painful and even become infected leading to more oral health issues. As if the discomfort wasn’t enough, these denture sores often lead to not wearing dentures due to the pain.

You just don’t have comfort issues with All-on-Four—it really is a seamless transition.

Need Regular Adjustment Or Replacement

The problem with dentures as a long-term solution is that they just aren’t a long-term solution. The reason being is because dentures do not stimulate the jawbone. Therefore, it becomes soft and deteriorates over time. When this softening happens it changes the shape of your mouth and causes dentures not to fit properly anymore.

When this happens, you can either try and get the dentures adjusted which will cost you more money. However, often they are so out of proportion that they need to replaced which is quite a bit more in cost. On average most dentures need to be replaced every 5-7 years for optimal fitment—that begins to add up. In fact, recent studies show that depending on the dentures—they can cost as much as implants in the long-run.

Bottom line, when comparing dentures to implants solely on cost, consider the actual cost of ownership, not just the initial investment. Does All-on-Four cost more upfront? Yes, but it’s a one-time investment that will outlive most patients while preserving your jawbone. You can’t really quantify the immeasurable value of that benefit.

What To Expect With The All-On-Four Procedure

At Comprehensive Dental Group, most of our patients with a healthy jawbone can expect to have a new smile in one visit. Naturally, some patients may have lost too much of their jawbone and need bone grafts or other complications. In complex cases, it may require two visits to properly prepare for this revolutionary procedure.

Now, even though you may walk out of here with a new smile in a single visit, you must realize the process itself is not over. Healing is the final process and proper care and caution must be taken to allow full healing. The implants placed into your jawbone need time to fully fuse to your existing jawbone making them strong as normal teeth.

Dr. Hanna will discuss that timetable with you based on the surgery, condition of your jawbone and other factors. You will come back for a couple of interval follow-up visits to check on the healing process. These follow-up visits are crucial and must not be missed—we take every precaution to ensure success and need your help in doing so.

Is All-On-4 The Right Solution For Me?

For most patients, the answer is, “absolutely!” However, that does depend on some factors that must be determined as favorable with an examination. Jawbone integrity is the biggest factor—the longer you go with missing teeth, the more jawbone you may lose.

During your initial consultation, we will perform a scan to get an idea of jawbone health and designing your new smile. We will then design a custom treatment plan just for your specific needs and then schedule the actual procedure.

The first step in the procedure is you contacting our smile consultants to schedule a free consultation. It only takes a few minutes of your time and you can contact us here. Let us transform your life by giving you the smile back that you have missed!