How Do Veneers Work?

Dental veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures for chipped, misshapen teeth and severe discoloration. They require very little maintenance and offer a significant change in the appearance of your teeth. If your dentist recommends porcelain teeth veneers in Houston to address the cosmetic concerns you have about your smile, here is what you need to know.

What Are Veneers And How Do Veneers Work?

Veneers are thin shells that your dentist attaches to your teeth to change their appearance. The shells are made of tooth-colored material and are specifically designed to appear natural in your mouth. Dental veneers can be made from porcelain or resin, but porcelain veneers are more common as many people find that they look more natural. Your cosmetic dentist will determine which kinds of veneers are right for you.

What Problems Do Veneers Fix?

Veneers can address a number of cosmetic concerns. They can be used to fill in gaps between teeth, lengthen teeth that appear too short, fix misalignments, and cover chips and cracks. Veneers can also cover up severe discoloration that cannot be corrected with traditional whitening treatments, such as discolorations that are the result of tetracycline use or excessive fluoride. Your dentist can design your veneers to address the specific issues you have so that your teeth look uniform and flawless. 

How Are Veneers Placed?

To prepare your teeth for dental veneers, your dentist will remove a small portion of tooth enamel to create a space for the veneer. Some patients wish to have a local anesthetic for this process. Once the enamel is removed, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth to use as a basis for creating your veneers. When your veneers are ready, your dentist will etch part of your tooth surfaces to make them more receptive to adhesive and bond the veneers to your teeth using a special type of cement that is activated with a curing light. Lastly, any excess cement is removed and the veneers are fine-tuned for the perfect fit.

So now that you have a brief overview of what Veneers are and how they work, let’s dive into a bit more detail on how veneers can impact your smile.

Ways Veneers Can Impact Your Smile

You might be surprised to realize that not a lot of people realize the impact healthy, white teeth have on a person. Teeth can be perfectly healthy but be misaligned, stained or otherwise oddly shaped, and that can affect how you perceive yourself. Veneers are a very affordable solution to improve your smile’s appearance in many ways.


So you like your coffee or have a smoking habit you’ve been trying to kick for years—you already know the effect those two things are having on the color of your teeth. This is no time to give up hope though, aside from bad habits, staining of teeth can also come with age and consumption of other foods as well. Sure, whitening kits can give a temporary solution in some cases, but that requires constant treatments and can get expensive. Sometimes stains are also beneath the surface and can’t be whitened at all. Veneers are perfect for getting that healthy white color everyone wants—in fact, the color can be customized to your exact level of white. 


Teeth are remarkably strong but aren’t invincible, they can become chipped, loose or flake enamel. Everything from a bad fall on the face to other dental trauma can chip a tooth significantly. Even grinding your teeth in your sleep can damage the surface of teeth. Let’s not forget genetics either, the hand you cannot choose that is dealt to you at birth—can leave you with some very pointy teeth by nature, or other odd shape deviations. Veneers can be custom designed in the shape you choose that looks best in your mouth. You no longer have to live with the hand you were dealt.


Usually, teeth are proportionate in size to your lips and the size of your gums. In some cases, however, people can be born with unusually sized teeth that are as small as baby teeth even as a grown adult. Veneers can be created to add length and compensate for the small size of your natural teeth. This creates a more pleasant and proportionate set of teeth and improves your smile greatly.

Tooth Spacing

Sometimes, failure of braces or not getting braces when needed can leave people with a gap in their teeth that makes them lack confidence. Sure in some cases it may be a signature look, but that is usually in the case of celebrities—and they likely had to learn to live with it and adapt it into a positive. Most people, however, find it impacts their self-image negatively and are seeking a resolution. Veneers offer that smile they seek and can cover up minor gaps that are not severe enough to warrant orthodontics. The results are instant and long-lasting and can have a huge impact on how you are viewed, but most importantly how you view yourself.

Ready For Your Instant Smile Upgrade?

Don’t spend another day loathing that chipped tooth, the gap in the middle, or yellowed teeth. Invest in veneers from Comprehensive Dental Group today. We can design your new smile from start to finish and give you an instant upgrade that will change your life. Contact us today for a free consultation and get back to smiling again!

Is Activated Charcoal Safe For Whitening Teeth?

So you probably ended up here after watching many YouTube videos of people brushing their teeth with this mysterious black goo called activated charcoal in their mouth. No, you aren’t witnessing the next iteration of the Tide Pod challenge—but the absurdity is not that far off.

These people are sadly following the advice of some very irresponsible “DIY dental experts,” and other YouTubers who have followed their advice as well. What they are doing is attempting to demonstrate the purported effectiveness of activated charcoal to whiten teeth.

The technique is super simple, the activated charcoal relatively inexpensive and it’s something that does not require a trip to the dentist. Ah, but yes there is indeed a catch. Even though it does make your teeth a tiny bit whiter, there is a serious downside—activated charcoal is downright harmful to your teeth.

Why Is Activated Charcoal Unsafe?

Activated charcoal on its own is a relatively harmless substance. It is good for filtering contaminantsout of the water, adsorption of toxins in the body and many other uses. It is however completely unsafe in the realm of dental care. Many people have been duped by videos online showing it to be a whitening solution that is as effective as any Houston dentist would be able todeliver—that is dangerous and very misleading.

What Is Activated Charcoal?

Many of you might be wondering what activated charcoal actually is. No, it’s not like opening a bag of BBQ briquettes and crushing them into a powder. All joking aside, activated charcoal is a carbon that is processed with oxygen to create millions of microscopic pores that can be used for adsorption (a chemical reaction that causes elements to adhere to the charcoal surface) of many different chemicals and toxins.

Why Is It Bad For Teeth?

Activated charcoal by nature is quite abrasive, akin to fine sand. Would you ever consider brushing your teeth with sand in an attempt to make them whiter? We didn’t think so. Yet so many people are buying into this trend and ruining their teeth, rather than improving them.
The reason why it has taken off and become a “viral” trend is that inessence, it does indeed whiten your teeth a tiny bit—at first. The way it “whitens” is the abrasive charcoal polishes the enamel on your tooth surface—removing some surface stains in the process. However, continued use actually wears down the enamel as you may be polishing your teeth, but with an abrasive polish. Basically, slowly but surely you are removing the enamel from your teeth which weakens them severely and can lead to conditions such as:

  • Exposing the dentin layer
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Permanent enamel damage

Here is the ironic side to using activated charcoal to whiten teeth instead of just visiting a Houston dentist—it will eventually turn your teeth yellow. Yes, you read that right. When enamel gets damaged so bad that it exposes the dentin layer, your teeth will appear yellow. Not just any yellow but a yellow stain that is not treatable with topical whitening solutions. Once your dentin is exposed, your only corrective remedy that will work is veneers, or implants—both of which are significantly more expensive than whitening sessions at a Houston dentist. To sum it up, activated charcoal for whitening teethis a temporary, pseudo-solution at best that will end up ruining your teeth.
Not only that, but when you damage the enamel you open yourself up for increased risk of tooth decay and infections which can lead to root canal surgeries, fillings and finally the removal of the bad teeth. So that quick, “inexpensive” whitening method you thought might be less expensive than a local Houston dentist, actually ends up costing you thousands more. That is a truth that some people will sadly find out the hard way—don’t be one of those people. Whiten your teeth with proven, safe methods approved by the American Dental Association.

Safe Methods To Whiten Teeth

The best way to whiten teeth is to be proactive with your dental care. Try to limit your consumption of dark or staining beverages such as tea, coffee and acidic ones like soda and sugary drinks. Abstaining from tobacco products will increase your white levels significantly as well as add years to your life.
Proper maintenance is important as well. Make sure you brush after each meal or snack. Many pharmacies have small disposable brushes infused with toothpaste for when you’re on the go. When you are home, make sure to use a quality toothbrush paired with high-qualitytoothpaste as well. Increasing your frequency of water intake will help rinse staining substances off your teeth but also keep your body hydrated which helps even more.

Doing All The Right Things But Still, Have Yellow Teeth?

Sometimes genetics and just our daily routines can make our teeth an unsightly yellow shade no matter how many rules we adhere to. When your dental care routine doesn’t quite cut it, you can come into Comprehensive Dental Group and receive safe and effective teeth whitening procedures that will last and not ruin your teeth.
There’s nothing wrong with using safe, proven methods of home teeth whitening kits that won’t ruin your teeth, but the most effective way to correct stained teeth is to explore your options with your preferred Houston Dentist.
Contact Comprehensive Dental Group today and get your free consultation on teeth whitening solutions such as whitening sessions and porcelain veneers. Bring your smile in here and we’ll take good care of it.

Dr. Hanna Transforms Smiles With Invisalign®

Whether you live in Spring, Sugarland, North Houston or Uptown—cosmetic dentistry specialists aren’t hard to come by, nor are solutions for a smile that just isn’t quite right. The key to getting a great looking smile, however, is choosing the right dentist for the job. If you are struggling with your self-image due to a less than ideal smile, Dr. Hanna of Comprehensive Dental Group can give you back the smile you envision with the Invisalign® system—the ultimate alternative to braces.  Just because you have chipped, crooked, crowded teethor they aren’t spaced properly, shouldn’t mean you have to lose your smile forever.

Smiling Is Healthy

Smiling is an often overlooked, important part of our physical health, yes physical health. You see, smiling in recent studies has proven to release endorphins that help regulate our mood and assist in managing stress.

Here is the real interesting part—smiling is so powerful that even a forced smile produces the same effects. So next time you’restressed out or having a bad day, “fake it till you make it,” and force yourself to smile. It will release endorphins and help you get through a rough day.

But for those whose source of stress is their smile itself, faking a smile might be a lot harder than it sounds. In fact, it may be downright impossible as smiling also makes one very vulnerable as it centers attention on yourself. If your smile is embarrassing to you, this could pose a real problem—but there is a solution and Dr. Hanna is the clear choice for the best in uptown cosmetic dentistry solutions such as Invisalign.

What Is Invisalign?

It has been well established that misaligned teeth can impact your dental health. The American Dental Association has done studies that show crowded teeth or severe gaps between teeth are more at risk for infection because the gums don’t fit the teeth properly, leaving them vulnerable. Teeth that are misaligned may also be hard to brush and floss which leads to plaque buildup and excessive bacteria that causegum disease and tooth decay.

An atypical bite can also lead to:

  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder)
  • Abnormal tooth and jaw function
  • Ineffective chewing
  • Teeth grinding and excessive wear
  • Speech impediments, both minor and severe
  • The weakeningor depletion of the jawbone

Before Invisalign, the main solution for straightening teeth and misaligned bites was metal braces. However, if you’ve ever talked to anyone who has braces, then you would know their struggle. Metal braces are not only very uncomfortable, they also are seen as less than attractive by many people and inhibit the things you can eat as well. Not to mention the constant rubber band adjustments and the constant removal of food particles that get stuck to them.

Invisalign: Correction Without The Stigma Of Braces

Invisalign takes the concept of braces and removes the stigma associated with traditional metal wire braces. That’s because Invisalign is a crystal-clear dental alignment device that is virtually invisible. It has helped give nearly 2 million patients new reasons to smile since it’s inception. This alignment system is made of an advancedproprietary material called SmartTrack® and fits snugly over your teeth. The aligner straightens your teeth gently and gradually over time until a healthy alignment is reached. This results in a smile that is more functional and more attractive that you can be proud of.

They Aren’t Obvious Like Braces

Unlike metal braces, most people won’t even notice that you are wearing Invisalign. The aligners, while not permanently affixed to your teeth like braces do need to be worn all the time. However, unlike braces,you can remove them to eat and brush your teeth. This allowsmuch more freedom than braces and you can even add whitening agents to the aligners, whitening your teeth while you are aligning them as well. Even though the aligners are removable, keep in mind, the longer they are on your teeth the quicker the process will work.

Who Can Benefit From Invisalign?

As with any cosmetic dentistry procedure, there are some patients that not every procedure will work for. Invisalign is appropriate for people with:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Open Bite
  • Crossbite
  • Tooth Crowding
  • Gaps Between Teeth

Invisalign can work for any age and persons in any industry. Again, they are not noticeable at all so any job you have or public speaking you may do will not be impeded.

Invisalign Process At Comprehensive Dental Group

When it comes to the experiencefound in uptown cosmetic dentistry practices, Dr. Hanna has a proven track record in transforming even the most difficult cases into success stories. His Invisalign track record is no different and he serves all areas of Houston with this life-changingprocess.

When you contact us for your free consultation, we will book you for your first appointment. This is when we will assess your smile and get 3-D imagery of your teeth. We can even give you a virtual smile animation that will let you see how your new smile will look on you. We will let you know how to use your Invisalign aligners, how long treatment will be and what you need to do to guarantee success.

Since it is a process of gradual adjustment using different aligners after set periods of time, we will schedule some follow-upappointments as well. These aligners will gradually move and realign your teeth at a safe pace that feels natural and painless. The only thing you may feel is a bit of discomfort when graduating through the different aligners, but that discomfort goes away within a couple of days.

Let Us Make You Smile Again With Invisalign®

If you’re ready to benefit from a beautiful smile again and feel better about yourself, contact us today to make your free consultation appointment. We will make sure you have the finest care of any uptown cosmetic dentistry practice and beyond. In fact, we even have some patients that come from outside of Houston just to get the quality service Dr. Hanna and his team provides. Contact us today to get back in alignment and back to life.

Silent Signs Of Oral Cancer You Should Pay Attention To

Just a few nights ago, The 2018 Stand Up To Cancer(SU2C) 6thannual live fundraising telecast bound together all the major broadcast networks and a multitude of the biggest names in entertainment, for a night filled with music, comedy, and inspiration for a single cause—fighting cancer.

At Comprehensive Dental Group we take our patients oral health very seriously, so we watched intently as this telecast brings in quite a bit of donationsfor an organization that is helping to make an impact on cancer research and the battle to eradicate all forms of cancer.

This year’s event was an important benchmark in SU2C as they have entered their 10thyear of raising funds for cancer research that is aggressively seeking to find a cure for a wide range of cancers, as well as innovations in treatment for existing cancer patients.

Doing Our Part To Stand Up To Cancer

While a majority of our practice involves cosmetic dentistry in Houston, we are still rooted in our goal of maintaining good oral health. Often, in fact—cosmetic procedures aim to help foster that good oral health such as Invisalign® procedures that correct bite and alignment improving chewing and other daily functions.

What we want to focus on today, however, is deeper than a perfect smile or state-of-the-art teeth whitening procedures. We want to do our part to Stand Up To Cancerusing the one resource we have that is abundant—knowledge.

Being one of the leading dentists in Houston, we see a lot of dental problems and some of those symptoms we see can raise concern about oral cancer. Surprisingly many people don’t realize how significant the number of annual oral cancers is. Nearly fifty thousand people are handed a diagnosis of some type of oral cancer in America alone every year.

We may not be able to cure cancer here at Comprehensive Dental Group, but what we can do is empower our patients with information on how to spot the signs that can indicate oral cancer early. As with most cancers—early detection is key, so look out for these possible signs:

Possible Signs Of Oral Cancer You Don’t Ignore

Mouth Sores

Even though most times, a mouth sore is something harmless and benign such as a canker sore or abscess—sometimes it can be the sign of something deeper. Most canker sores or an abscess clear up within about 8-10 days. If you have a sore that lingers for about two weeks or more, it should definitely be diagnosed immediately by your dr. Also, the texture of the sore can give you a hint as to its possibility of being cancerous. Abscess ulcers tend to be very thin and soft and canker sores don’t usually bleed. Tumors, on the other hand, are thick and hard and bleed quite often.

Halitosis (Chronic Bad Breath)

When a tumorin the mouth outgrows itsblood supply it forms an ulcer and that ulcer can get infected. That bacteria carries with it a putrid smell that is different than your standard “morning breath.” This smell will not go away with brushing or mouthwash and the pain you’ll experience might make it hard to swallow which is the body’s natural remedy to flush bacteria. Chances are it could be something as minor as tonsillitis or a non-cancer related infection due to bad hygiene. Either way, it’s better to be safe than sorry if you have bad breath that lastsfor two or more weeks.

Red Or White Blotches

While blotches of these colors on your gums, tongue, or the roof of your mouth may not indicate the presenceof cancer—they could be signs a tumor has the potentialto develop. Again, follow the standardprotocol of getting it checked out regardless if the blotches last more than two weeks.

Ear Pain

This is one that surprises a lot of people, especially most first-yeardental students and doctors. Ear pain doesn’t always mean the source is the ears themselves. When you have ear pain that only hurts on one side of your head it could be a sign of oral cancer. The nerves that feed your tongue, uvula and your voice box all link to the ear—so the pain signals travel back and forth and radiate. See your doctor if you notice persistent pain in just one ear. Ear infections are not common in healthy adults and they affect both sides of the head if it isindeed an ear infection. If it turns out to be something as insignificant as swimmers ear—it’s still better to know.

Tongue Pain

If you’ve ever bitten your tongue by accident or eaten a piece of piping hot pizza too quickly—then you already know how extremely sensitive the tongue is. As sensitive as your fingertips, pain from a sore or cut on the tongue can be extremely painful but it can also be a sign of something more serious. Don’t sleep on it—make the next possible appointment with your doctor. Early detection—are you seeing a pattern yet?

Unintentional Weight Loss

As with most cancers,the presence of cancerous tumors can affect other areas of the body and cause a significant drop in weight that isn’t intentional. This should always be discussed with your doctor in case it is something serious.

Mouth Numbness

A cancerous tumor in your mouth can get large enough to cause nerve damage in your mouth leaving you with a numbness in an isolated part of the mouth. Typically, if it’s from cancer the numbness will be preceded by pain for several months.

Lump In Neck

For all intents and purposes,if you are over 40 and notice a lump in your neck, you should consider it cancer until proven it’s not—that is just how serious this symptom should be treated. There really arevery few reasons for a lump in the neck that aren’t related to cancer. The reason is—when oral cancer spreads, usually it’s to the lymph nodes just below your jawline. It could be a simple inflammation of your nodes but even then, that is a condition that should also be looked at.

Don’t Give Up—Stand Up. Be Proactive With Your Oral Health!

The best way to be on top of your oral health and to detect symptoms of oral cancer early is with regular visits to your favorite Houston dentist. At Comprehensive Dental Group, we are always looking for irregular developments in your mouth whether insignificant or worth checking out further. Don’t neglect your oral health contact us today to schedule an oral exam and Stand Up To Cancer!

Smoking: The Effects On Your Oral Health

Thanks to the many smoking awareness campaigns such as the truth campaign the number of smokers in America has declined at a steady pace over the years. However, there are still quite a large number of smokers—over 35 million in the US alone, according to the CDC. You may ask yourself, “why would any blog for cosmetic dentistry practice be blogging about smoking. Isn’t that for oncologists?”

Well, the reason we address smoking and it’s many health risks, is that it can also have a serious impact on your oral health and your teeth. When you’re one of the top practices for cosmetic dentistry in Houston, you see a lot of patients getting solutions for teeth damaged by smoking—so we see the aftermath of this devastating epidemic.

How Smoking Affects Oral Health

While smoking cigarettes or any other tobacco product has a serious impact in many ways on your oral health overall— the most serious way it makes an impact is by increasing your risk of oral infection. When you smoke cigarettes, you mouth loses much of its ability to stave off infection, leaving your mouth and teeth vulnerable to bacteria. These bacteria are then allowed to cultivate and lead to the growth of plaque. When you smoke tobacco, your mouth’s ability to fight off infection is vastly reduced, leaving your mouth vulnerable to bacteria. The resulting bacteria can begin to cultivate, which leads to the growth of plaque.

If you do not visit a Houston dentist regularly to have the plaque removed and the buildup scraped, it can lead to a horde of health issues with varying degrees of destruction such as:

Tooth Discoloration

When you seesomeone with yellowish or brown teeth, what is your first inclination to think about that person? Likely, it’s that they are a smoker. The reason is that thedangerous chemicals in tobacco actually stick to the enamel of the teeth and causethem to stain to varying degrees. While discoloration of the teeth is one of the easiest things to improve with cosmetic dentistry in Houston, if you are a smoker—you will need teeth whitening often and those costs can add up. Factor in the cost of cigarettes as well and you are talking about an expensive habit that costs as much as a down payment on a house annually!

Halitosis Or Bad Breath

If you’ve ever conversed with someone after they’ve had a smoke break at work then you know that the distinct smell of “smokers’ breath.” Cigarettes give the gift that keeps on giving, as their smell can linger in the mouth long after actually smoking. In addition to the smell of cigarettes, but because it also contributes to bacteria overgrowth—that overgrowth lead to gum disease and tooth decay both ofwhich are the main source of chronic bad breath or halitosis. Whereas normal morning breath can be vanquished with simple brushing and some mouthwash—halitosis as a result of gum disease cannot. You would need the assistance of a local Houston dentist to get a good cleaning and/or debridement and a prescribed oral hygiene regimen.

Gum Disease

Speaking of gum disease, let us be clear—it’s a lot more serious than just a source of halitosis. If you do not get gum disease under control it can lead to more serious conditions such as the gums actually receding from the teeth. This can—in its most severe form lead to periodontitis which compromises jawbone structure and strength.

Periodontitis is a typically very painful condition in which the bone and tissue that surround the tooth, holding it place, break down and results in teeth rotting or falling out. Even if you have a great oral health hygiene that includes brushing, flossing, andoral rinse—smoking can negate that completely resulting in poor oral health despite your valiant efforts to stave off the health impact of smoking.

Inhibiting Healing

Smoking not only leads to many costly dental procedures and investments in Houston cosmetic dentistry providers— it also inhibits your body’s ability to heal after said procedures. For example, if your smoking led to gum disease that causedyour teeth to fall out and you received dental implants—the healing process would be significantly inhibited or restricted altogether.

Not surprisingly this can lead to some particularly nasty complications such as oral infections, painful ulcers, implant failure and more.

Oral Cancer

As we covered in our last post for Stand Up To Cancer 2018, developing oral cancer is one of the biggest risks you take when smoking cigarettes. When you smoke cigarettes you are exposing your tissue to hundreds, yes hundreds of carcinogens via smoke which penetrates more effectively than in any other form. As a matter of fact, did you know that people who smoke cigarettes have a chance of developing cancer that is six times the odds of non-smokers—nearly 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed this year alone according to current statistics.

Oral cancer has very definitive warning signs you need to be aware of:

  • White or red blotches in the mouth
  • Pain or trouble chewing or swallowing
  • Jaw numbness or dull pain
  • Earache on just one side or the other

If you experience any of these symptoms either isolated or in tandem—do not hesitate! Make an appointment with a Houston dentist immediately for an oral cancer screening. The earlier in cancer development you catch the disease, the better your odds are at a positive outcome.

Want To Avoid These Health Issues?

Whether you, as a smoker; are experiencing minor halitosis or something more serious like advance gum disease as a result of smoking—Comprehensive Dental Group can help you with deep cleanings, advanced treatment plans, andoral cancer screenings.

However, the absolute most effective way to mitigate your risks of serious oral health issues associated with smoking is to quit. We realize that is often harder than most people understand—So our team can assist you with smoking cessation programs and medication recommendations that can end your nicotine dependence.

Contact us today for an exam and a consultation so we can get you on the road to a smoke-free lifestyle that will ensure you enjoy life for many more years to come.

What Makes A Great Dentist In Houston?

Let’s face it, even if your favorite dentist is one of the top 3 dentists in Houston (and we are!)—nobody looks forward to going to the dentist. It’s like if you are going to have to get a root canal done you might as well be in the hands of someone you trust, but it’s not exactly on your bucket list.

When it comes to choosing a dentist to be your regular provider of all your dental care and likely your family’s too, you want someone good—no, you want someone GREAT. But what kind of qualities makes for a great dentist in Houston? Is it a nice environment, comfy chairs lots of free samples on the way out?

The Spa Dentistry Trend: Does It Make A Difference?

Everyone likes to be in a soothing, relaxing environment with some perks when they visit the dentist.  Many people already suffer from dental anxiety, so who wants to be in an uncomfortable stuffy office that is more clinical than cozy?

Getting to be one of the top 3 dentists in Houston is no easy task, you can’t just buy that distinction. You have to make your patients really feel that you are the best dentist in Houston and build that trust. At Comprehensive Dental Group Houston, we start building that trust the moment you walk in the door.

Our goal is to create a warm, hospitable environment while you are here—so we greet you with a soothing interior not clinical white, complimentary beverages, and fresh-baked cookies (don’t forget to brush!) We make every effort to soothe your nerves before you put our expert skills to work on creating the perfect smile for you.

Can Spa Dentistry Separate A Great Dentist In Houston From A Good One?

Spa Dentistry can indeed make a huge difference in the patient experience and whether they view their dentist as one of the top 3 dentists in Houston or just another dentist. When it comes to medical matters and health how many people do you know that want an average cardiologist or an “okay” oncologist? No one—they want the best.

The problem that patients can have is dentists that offer all the spa dentistry perks and swanky waiting rooms—but substandard service and lack of skilled staff professionals. They sell you on the glitz and glamour but don’t deliver where it counts.

That is where Spa dentistry loses its impact—when the level of presentation doesn’t match the level of skill and attention to service and patients health.

Our Skills And Service Exceed Our Presentation

At Comprehensive Dental Group, we believe that while it is important to give our patients a luxurious and soothing environment for their dental health—our actual service and skill should exceed the presentation.

What Does That Mean?

It means, that our perception as one of the top 3 dentists in Houston should not be based on the style of our lobby or the spa environment we create. It should be based on our level of skill and attention to the patient. That is what really matters when it comes to being a quality dentist in Houston.

The environment we create would be useless if we weren’t transparent with our patients, listen to their concerns, inform them of what we are doing, and constantly growing in institutional knowledge. Sadly many when people visit a dentist in Houston, often they are met with premium office spaces and substandard service. A visit to the dentist should be first and foremost about the skill of the dentist and the attention to service.

What Makes Us Different From Any Other Dentist In Houston?

We are all about offering the highest quality of dental care in Houston in a comfortable environment that reduces stress and makes procedures go smoothly. Our staff constantly goes through continuing education courses, new modality training and we meet regularly to discuss how we can create an even stronger bond with our patients.

We realize our success is determined by how our patients feel about us as a practice. Go into any great dentist in Houston and you will notice that the staff, even the receptionist will greet you with enthusiasm and the utmost detail. The reason behind this is the old adage, ‘birds of a feather, flock together.”

You can rest assured that is never truer than in dental offices. Typically, it’s a pretty safe bet that if the receptionist doesn’t act professional or the dental staff is lacking in customer service skills, then the dentist is also lacking. Leadership starts at the top and is dictated by the practicing dentist. You can be sure that either of the top 3 dentists in Houston mandates a culture of excellence and level of service that has positioned them in the top spots.

At Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, we thoroughly screen our employees for every single position down to the cleaning staff. We require frequent training on new techniques, organizational skills, and customer service approaches. We don’t just appeal to your senses in our appearance, accoutrements and our vibe—we deliver the service that exceeds that presentation.

Looking For The Best Of The Top 3 Great Dentists In Houston?

You’ve found us! Comprehensive Dental Group will put our reputation up against any other dental practice in the Greater Houston area. Dr. Hanna is renowned for his expertise in cosmetic dentistry and restorative procedures. His experience and our level of attention to details from procedural to aesthetics is what elevates us beyond being just a “great dentist in Houston,” to the best dentist in Houston. Schedule a consultation and come see for yourself!

Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening In Houston

Over the last few years, one of the biggest trends in dental care products has been the abundance of teeth whitening products and gimmicks available for at home use. They have products that guarantee shades whiter in just 24 hours, 5 shades in just 3 weeks, UV light gadgets, and charcoal whitening paste—yes, you heard that right, charcoal.

When people are so desperate for shortcuts to teeth whitening in Houston there will be a flood of gimmicks like sticking charcoal in your mouth—which ruins your teeth, check it out here. Have you ever been sold on one of these gimmicks that you see on late-night infomercials and been sorely disappointed in the results? We have patients come in every day with similar stories and how they felt hustled and lied to. As one of the top 3 dentists in Houston, we can tell you that most of the at-home treatments you can buy are no comparison for professional teeth whitening in Houston.

Don’t Trust Gimmicks

Kits that use gimmicks like dissolvable strips, baking soda in toothpaste, and battery powered UV lights are just that—gimmicks. Sure they may lighten your teeth a little bit, but at what cost to your enamel and how long do the results last? Many of these gimmicks contain chemicals or substances like charcoal that are harmful to your teeth. Consumer research studies show that the average person spends almost $300 annually on drugstore and infomercial teeth whitening solutions and are not happy with those results.

While at home whitening kits and gimmicks have very varied results and carry greater risks of tooth damage than professional teeth whitening in Houston. If you are unhappy with all of the gimmicks you have tried, why spend more on failed products? You can simply contact Comprehensive Dental Group for a teeth whitening consultation and get real results.

Real Professional Teeth Whitening Results

At Comprehensive Dental Group, Dr. Hanna and his expert whitening team have been giving patients beaming white smiles for over well over a decade. With a combined 40 years of experience in dentistry, our team are experts at creating healthy white smiles without gimmicks or damaging the enamel on your teeth.

We understand the impact a great smile has on you professionally, socially and romantically. That’s why it is so important to understand the benefits of teeth whitening in Houston done right. Professional teeth whitening has many benefits that the home kits and gimmicks just can’t compete with.

Obvious Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening In Houston

Ok so let’s get the obvious benefits out of the way first as these are no-brainers when it comes to having a brilliant white smile.


A brighter smile is naturally more attractive and exudes confidence. Stains from things like coffee and cigarettes often dull a smile and lessen your expressiveness and degrade your self-esteem. Also, a brighter smile is more attractive and can enhance your love life as it is sure to turn someone’s head.

Better Oral Health

Another obvious benefit is that it improves your oral health. When the stains are removed during a professional whitening treatment your teeth and become healthier and stronger which increases gum health and your entire mouth for that matter. Not a bad trade-off for just a short time at the dental office right?

Less Obvious Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening In Houston

Ok so maybe those reasons aren’t enough to resist the urge to brush your teeth with magic charcoal whitening paste. So let’s dig a bit deeper and look at some of the not so obvious benefits professional solutions offer.

A More Vibrant, Long Lasting White

Now, you might think this is more of an obvious benefit than not, especially when you consider the feeling of a fresh cleaning that comes with the treatment. However, even though it’s obvious that a professional whitening treatment yields more even whiteness, a brighter smile and better overall look than over-the-counter products—there’s another less obvious aspect. When you, for example, are a smoker or heavy coffee drinker, your teeth become severely discolored and an at-home whitening kit, just can’t give you very good results if any at all. On the other hand, professional teeth whitening in Houston at your preferred dentist is able to break through those stains with a remarkable difference in brightness.

Fast And Reliable

You may think that those over the counter kits are quick and convenient, but what is advertised isn’t always what really happens.  Typically, after the set-up, application, then the suggested wait time, and wrap-up—you’re clocking in at just over an hour on average. That doesn’t seem too far off from an office visit teeth whitening in Houston but the results are like night and day. A professional teeth whitening procedure will give you noticeably more white teeth in about an hour and you get reliable results. You can’t get a consistency like that with the multitudes of gimmicks and kits out there. So, if it’s fast you want, whiter teeth you want—Comprehensive Dental Group is all you need, one hour, that’s it no multiple sessions when you add in the suggested home maintenance post -procedure. Your smile deserves the best dentist in Houston where teeth whitening is done right.

Customized Procedures

Over-the-counter treatments are a universal application approach. Unfortunately, that leaves no room for flexibility due to fitment, whitening preference, application ease and it generally is hit and miss because of that. Professional teeth whitening from Comprehensive Dental Group is customized to your teeth, your preferences and the shade you want. It is completely tailored to you.

More Comfort And Safer For Your Teeth

Over-the-counter kits and gimmicks can actually damage your gum tissue due to the harsh chemicals often contained in the paste or gel. This can make your teeth hurt or sensitive to certain things you may eat or drink.

On the other hand, professional teeth whitening in Houston at our spa-like facility is far more comfortable, the set-up protects your gum tissue, and the procedure is handled by a professional who monitors the entire procedure start to finish. teeth whitening remedies can cause damage to the gum tissue in your mouth. This can hurt and make your teeth sensitive to certain foods and drinks.

A professional whitening treatment is much safer and more comfortable because you have an experienced expert performing the procedure and monitoring the progress every step of the way.

Need A Great Dentist In Houston For Teeth Whitening?

Call Comprehensive Dental Group today for the best teeth whitening in Houston. Our spa-like facility encourages comfort and a stress-free procedure that is customized to each patient’s needs. Contact us today for a consultation and be ready to smile ear-to-ear when you see your brighter, whiter smile.

Top 4 Dental Tips To Remember This Thanksgiving

How is talking about Thanksgiving about dental tips? While it’s common knowledge that sodas, candy and sugary snacks throughout the work week can wreak havoc on your teeth—what about the holidays? Yes, we’re talking Thanksgiving—the time we take every year to gather round with family, watch football and wreck our teeth with caramel pumpkin pie, cranberry jelly, and Houston praline pie. It’s ok to admit it—we all give the old diet a kick to the curb every Thanksgiving.

Yes, no matter what intentions we have of a “lean” or Keto Thanksgiving—we normally succumb to the abundance of sticky starches, rich gravies and of course a variety of sinful, sugary pleasures from House of Pies that we waited 2 hours in line for. Not only can these pleasures affect your waistline, your cholesterol level, and have your kidneys calling the diabetes hotline on you—it can also impact your teeth.

The good news is that you can prevent some crucial damage to your teeth with a little bit of self-control, some pro-active dental care, and some smart choices that will keep you from getting a toothache by Christmas.

Four Dental Tips To Avoid Wrecking Your Dental Health This Thanksgiving

Brush, Floss, Repeat

While this should already be a daily routine for you—flossing and brushing throughout this festive day will guarantee your teeth don’t get a buildup of yuck, plus your breath won’t reek of nana’s stuffing either. Sure, it smells good fresh out of the oven, but after bits of it sitting around in the nooks and crannies of your mouth for four hours—gross!

Flossing and brushing about 3 to 4 times on Thanksgiving helps get those little bits of food that linger so that you don’t cause tooth decay and tartar build up.  Don’t wait too long after eating to brush either—try to get it in no more than 30 minutes after eating. Be sure to consume a lot of water and chew some Trident or other sugar-free gum to help get rid of lingering particles of dinner. If you are spending Thanksgiving out of town, don’t forget to pack your toothbrush and floss.

Dr. Hanna’s Tip: If you don’t have access to floss where you gather for Thanksgiving, ask for a toothpick and be careful with your gums. It may not be as thorough as flossing—but it’s still better than nothing.

Load Up On Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, And Lots Of Vegetables

Getting a bit anxious about your teeth and celebrating Thanksgiving? Take it from the best dentist in Houston—avoid the sweets and rolls. Stick with turkey, veggies and sweet potatoes (without the syrup and marshmallows of course!) You get plenty of phosphorous from the protein in turkey and when that’s mixed with calcium and vitamin D, it is a great combo for your bones! Sweet potatoes despite their decadent names are actually good for teeth to being good sources of vitamin A, B6, and C. Just make sure you cut out all the sweet gooey topping or you’re just counteracting the nutritional value with garbage.

Actually, in general—load up on vegetable sides such as snap peas, greens, salad (watch the salad dressing) and green beans. All of these vegetables are packed full of vitamins and better than any supplements. Keep in mind that even though these sides are great for you, they still have some naturally occurring sugar and leftover particles still need to be brushed and flossed away.

Avoid The Sugary Sticky Stuff

If you value your smile, avoid the sugary snacks and sides if you can. Sugar wreaks havoc on your teeth—especially cranberry sauce, as most is processed with tons of sugar. On the other hand, if you have cranberry sauce made with real cranberries and not some canned garbage—it can actually be beneficial. Fresh cranberries are much lower in sugars and the flavonoids found in fresh cranberries can actually rid your mouth of bacteria and help remove plaque from teeth. Just make sure you eat the fresh cranberry sauce with firm foods or crunchy foods so they can pull the sticky sauce away from your teeth.

Dr. Hanna’s Tip:  If you just have to have the pecan pie (the worst offender of sugary sides) and the banana pudding make sure you wash your mouth out regularly with warm water and have the number of your local diabetes doctor in your contacts—sugar is not nice to your body and you might need that to. Diabetes and periodontal disease are very tightly connected—that’s no joke.

Plan Ahead—Schedule An Exam BEFORE Thanksgiving

Our final tip is pretty simple to accomplish: make it a point to visit your favorite dentist in Houston, Dr. Hanna for a pre-game check-up. You might have dental problems that you don’t even know about that could be aggravated by Thanksgiving binging (we mean food, not Netflix). Given most dentists are closed the Friday after Thanksgiving (including us) if you have a problem come up over Thanksgiving you are out of luck till the following week!

Plan ahead and book your appointment with Comprehensive Dental Group before Thanksgiving to make sure all is well with your teeth so your smile doesn’t suffer for a few sinful bites of pecan pie.

Don’t wait until there’s a problem with your oral health, let the team at Comprehensive Dental Group show you why the best dentist in Houston is Dr. Hanna and his team of professionals. We will have you ready for Thanksgiving and ready to protect your smile. Contact us today for your consultation!

Dental Implants In Houston Made Easy With Sedation Dentistry

Are you one of the thousands of Americans that deal with a significant dental problem that has a major impact on daily life? If you are, keep reading because this is important news for you that could change your life for the better.

Dental problems that range from weak teeth, genetic gum disease, and misaligned teeth to losing teeth because of dental trauma, can make a person very self-conscious about their smile. Not only do they cause embarrassment due to the stigma of the issues but they can also cause discomfort and affect daily activities such as chewing and dental care.

We understand your plight and empathize with the undue stress it puts on your life—but there is good news for you!

You Can Permanently Correct Your Dental Issues

That’s right, you don’t have to live with those dental problems anymore, there is a permanent solution that makes your issues only a temporary problem. Dental implants in Houston have come a long way and are now easier and more streamlined than ever. Dental implants make it possible to completely transform your smile with the same functionality, feel and appearance of natural teeth. One thing we are certain of is that about half of Houstonians shudder at the thought of dental surgery. The anxiety of the preparation, the uncertainty of the outcome and the over-magnified fear of any pain involved—often deters people from taking advantage of these advancements in cosmetic dentistry. Are you one of those patients? Does the thought of dental implant surgery bring feelings of overwhelming anxiety? You might want to at least contact us for a free consultation—because we have a solution tailored just for patients like you.

Say Goodnight To Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

At Comprehensive Dental Group, Dr. Hanna and his staff have seen a huge increase in patients that traditionally would not visit for dental procedures due to severe anxiety. So why are the coming to Comprehensive Dental Group in record numbers? It is because we eliminate the fear factor associated with dental procedures.

From the moment you walk into our facilities, you notice the difference. Our offices are designed with meticulous detail aimed at creating a soothing and relaxing environment that is more spa than a dental clinic. We realize that surface solutions only go so far and you need something a little more substantial to ease that anxiety—that’s where our sedation dentistry comes into play.

Sedation dentistry is an extremely gentle and safe solution for calming dental anxiety that prevents you from getting the dental solutions you need to live your best life. With our sedation dentistry, all solutions are opened up to you as your anxiety is no longer a roadblock. We can now get you the dental care you require to restore your smile to the way you deserve it to be—perfect, healthy and beautiful.

Why Comprehensive Dental Group Is The Best Choice For Dental Implants In Houston

When you lose a tooth it can be detrimental to your health in more ways than one.  Losing a tooth could affect your bite, the structure of your jaw, your smile, and even your facial composition altogether. The solution that is most natural for this detrimental oral trauma is dental implants. Getting the best choice for dental implants in Houston is a serious decision and should not be taken lightly.

Dental implant surgery should only be performed by an experienced professional who specializes in the field of implant surgery. Dental implant surgery when performed properly, can have an extremely positive impact on your physical health, your emotional health, and your self-image.

Of course, when it comes to dental implants in Houston, there is one clear choice when it comes to this specialized type of oral surgery; and that is Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston and for several good reasons.

Our Relaxing Atmosphere Reduces Anxiety

When you walk into our office for an appointment for your dental implant surgery, right away you notice something here is different. The atmosphere we provide and create is purposeful and is designed to reduce anxiety by creating a spa-like environment.

Our staff attends to your every need such as refreshments, personalized internet radio stations, and seating that is comfortable and relaxing while you wait for your appointment. This is no ordinary dental office and we are no ordinary dental practice.

Our staff will welcome you and treat you like family and your dental needs and your peace of mind is of our utmost concern. Our ultimate goal is to make going to the dentist a routine and peaceful practice so that maintaining proper dental care is easier without the added stress of anxiety.

Clean And Organized Facilities

In any medical environment whether it’s dentistry, internal medicine, or general surgery enforcing a high standard for a clean environment and keeping infections at bay is absolutely essential. Our dental professionals and staff constantly take critical steps to make sure that your oral health is taken care of in a sterilized facility that prevents bacterial infections which can lead to further complications following any oral health procedure.

Our Dentists Are Second To None

One of the many things we pride ourselves on is being very selective in who we bring on staff. Dr. Hanna and the other dentists that operate in this office are some of the best in the industry and have over four decades of combined experience. Our doctors understand that the dentistry practice is dynamic and constantly changing. That is why our doctors are always educating themselves on new technologies and procedures to help improve your dental health.

Our Dentists Are ADA And TDA Members

Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston dentists are long-time members of the ADA (American DentalAssociation) and TDA (Texas Dental Association). When dentists join these associations and become members, they are required to follow a specific code of ethics and conduct that benefit patients, in order to maintain their membership. This ensures patients are receiving proper dental treatment in a professional manner.

Reasonable Pricing & Finance Options

Everyone knows that the cost of medical care can have quite an impact on your finances and the costs are always rising. Dental implants are a permanent solution to a temporary problem and act just like natural teeth and anything that is this advanced is going to come with some significant cost. However, dental implants, in the long run, are still a more valuable option than any other means of tooth replacement. That being said, we do offer very reasonable pricing and financing options that make dental implants a very real possibility within most budgets.

We also give you pricing information upfront before your treatment begins so that you can plan and explore your financing options without any pressure. We also accept a widerange of dental insurance plans that may also help alleviate some of the costs depending on your plan and coverages.

Advanced Technology

Dental procedures such as dental implants can involve a very complex process which requires the use of modern technology and the most advanced materials and techniques. We have invested heavily in the most advanced dental technology and equipment to ensure your dental implant surgery is quick and seamless.

For example, our All-On-4 Teeth-In-A-Day® procedurecan create a brand-new smile for you all in the same appointment. Even just a few years ago this would have required several follow-up appointments and recovery processes that can now be done in one visit.

We Handle Everything In House

Some dental offices may send you referrals for certain services to other specialized dental offices. That not only can be a hassle but also takes up more time than you need to be spending on your dental healthcare.

We have all the necessary skilled personnel here under one roof; there is no need for endless referrals and bouncing around from office to office. When you come to Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, all facets of your dental care are being handled by the people that you trust in one location.

This also helps us give you seamless treatment because we know your dental history, what procedures have been talked about and what your dental needs and goals are. It is truly a very personal experience as we value our patient’srelationships with us.

Come Find Out For Yourself Why We Are One Of The Top 3 Best Choice For Dentist Implants In Houston!

Listen, you could read what we have to say about ourselves all day long, but you’ll never actually truly believe it until you make an appointment for a free consultation and see for yourself what makes us different from the rest of the dentists in Houston. So contact us and schedule your free consultation today to pamper yourself with our state-of-the-art dental care.