Let’s face it, even if your favorite dentist is one of the top 3 dentists in Houston (and we are!)—nobody looks forward to going to the dentist. It’s like if you are going to have to get a root canal done you might as well be in the hands of someone you trust, but it’s not exactly on your bucket list.

When it comes to choosing a dentist to be your regular provider of all your dental care and likely your family’s too, you want someone good—no, you want someone GREAT. But what kind of qualities makes for a great dentist in Houston? Is it a nice environment, comfy chairs lots of free samples on the way out?

The Spa Dentistry Trend: Does It Make A Difference?

Everyone likes to be in a soothing, relaxing environment with some perks when they visit the dentist.  Many people already suffer from dental anxiety, so who wants to be in an uncomfortable stuffy office that is more clinical than cozy?

Getting to be one of the top 3 dentists in Houston is no easy task, you can’t just buy that distinction. You have to make your patients really feel that you are the best dentist in Houston and build that trust. At Comprehensive Dental Group Houston, we start building that trust the moment you walk in the door.

Our goal is to create a warm, hospitable environment while you are here—so we greet you with a soothing interior not clinical white, complimentary beverages, and fresh-baked cookies (don’t forget to brush!) We make every effort to soothe your nerves before you put our expert skills to work on creating the perfect smile for you.

Can Spa Dentistry Separate A Great Dentist In Houston From A Good One?

Spa Dentistry can indeed make a huge difference in the patient experience and whether they view their dentist as one of the top 3 dentists in Houston or just another dentist. When it comes to medical matters and health how many people do you know that want an average cardiologist or an “okay” oncologist? No one—they want the best.

The problem that patients can have is dentists that offer all the spa dentistry perks and swanky waiting rooms—but substandard service and lack of skilled staff professionals. They sell you on the glitz and glamour but don’t deliver where it counts.

That is where Spa dentistry loses its impact—when the level of presentation doesn’t match the level of skill and attention to service and patients health.

Our Skills And Service Exceed Our Presentation

At Comprehensive Dental Group, we believe that while it is important to give our patients a luxurious and soothing environment for their dental health—our actual service and skill should exceed the presentation.

What Does That Mean?

It means, that our perception as one of the top 3 dentists in Houston should not be based on the style of our lobby or the spa environment we create. It should be based on our level of skill and attention to the patient. That is what really matters when it comes to being a quality dentist in Houston.

The environment we create would be useless if we weren’t transparent with our patients, listen to their concerns, inform them of what we are doing, and constantly growing in institutional knowledge. Sadly many when people visit a dentist in Houston, often they are met with premium office spaces and substandard service. A visit to the dentist should be first and foremost about the skill of the dentist and the attention to service.

What Makes Us Different From Any Other Dentist In Houston?

We are all about offering the highest quality of dental care in Houston in a comfortable environment that reduces stress and makes procedures go smoothly. Our staff constantly goes through continuing education courses, new modality training and we meet regularly to discuss how we can create an even stronger bond with our patients.

We realize our success is determined by how our patients feel about us as a practice. Go into any great dentist in Houston and you will notice that the staff, even the receptionist will greet you with enthusiasm and the utmost detail. The reason behind this is the old adage, ‘birds of a feather, flock together.”

You can rest assured that is never truer than in dental offices. Typically, it’s a pretty safe bet that if the receptionist doesn’t act professional or the dental staff is lacking in customer service skills, then the dentist is also lacking. Leadership starts at the top and is dictated by the practicing dentist. You can be sure that either of the top 3 dentists in Houston mandates a culture of excellence and level of service that has positioned them in the top spots.

At Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, we thoroughly screen our employees for every single position down to the cleaning staff. We require frequent training on new techniques, organizational skills, and customer service approaches. We don’t just appeal to your senses in our appearance, accoutrements and our vibe—we deliver the service that exceeds that presentation.

Looking For The Best Of The Top 3 Great Dentists In Houston?

You’ve found us! Comprehensive Dental Group will put our reputation up against any other dental practice in the Greater Houston area. Dr. Hanna is renowned for his expertise in cosmetic dentistry and restorative procedures. His experience and our level of attention to details from procedural to aesthetics is what elevates us beyond being just a “great dentist in Houston,” to the best dentist in Houston. Schedule a consultation and come see for yourself!