Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Missing teeth can improve both your appearance and your oral health. Because of this, dentists often recommend dental implants for patients who have lost one or more teeth. If you’re looking into your options for missing tooth replacement in Houston, then watch for the following signs that could mean dental implants are right for you.

Reasons Why Dental Implants May Be Right For You

Your gums are in good health.

It’s not uncommon for people to underestimate how important their gums are for their oral health. Your gums perform critical functions by protecting your teeth and providing them with stability. After undergoing the dental implant procedure, your gums will need to be in a healthy state for them to heal well. When your dentist examines your mouth to determine if you would be a good candidate for dental implants, he may suggest periodontal treatment before dental implant surgery if you have moderate to severe gum disease.

You want to avoid oral health issues.

When you lose a tooth, it’s important to realize that this event isn’t isolated to the missing tooth. Your teeth are designed to hold each other in place inside your mouth, so when one falls out and leaves a gap behind, your remaining ones can begin drifting out of place. When this occurs, it can be more difficult to keep your teeth and gums clean and make you more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease.

You want to have a beautiful smile.

Depending on its location in your mouth, a missing tooth can potentially have a significant impact on your appearance. While the gap between your teeth is an obvious incentive for replacing a missing tooth, the effects that tooth drifting can have on your smile should also be considered.

You’re not a heavy smoker.

While having a smoking habit doesn’t necessarily mean that dental implants aren’t right for you, you can expect your dentist to ask you if you smoke and how often before he schedules you for this procedure. This is because smoking can negatively affect your overall oral health, as well as the likelihood that your dental implant procedure will be successful.

These are just touching the surface of all the valid reasons why dental implants are such a smart treatment for missing or failing teeth. Once you have made the decision to get dental implants, the next step is the most critical—choosing the most qualified prosthodontist to perform the procedure.

What To Look For In A Prosthodontist

Dental implants are not a treatment that you go to a general dentist for. Even though the procedure itself is relatively painless and routine—it’s still very complex and should be handled by a specialist. Prosthodontists receive specific training that exceeds the scope of general dentistry and goes very in-depth in terms of restorative procedures, medical procedures, and surgical techniques. 

Even if you are offered a less expensive rate for dental implants by a dentist in Houston you should avoid the temptation at all costs. When dealing with something that can have a very serious impact on your oral health, you do not want to compromise. Dental implants, when installed properly, can have a tremendously positive impact on your oral health. On the contrary, if not installed properly dental implants can destroy your jawbone, cause damage to your nerves, or other serious issues. When looking for a qualified Prosthodontist you want to look for a few specific things to narrow down your choices.

  • Certification – A qualified prosthodontist should have completed a very rigorous, four-module competency examination given by the American Board of Prosthodontics.  They must pass it with a minimum percentile as well as complete a training program after dental school to be certified. In addition to their initial certification, they must be re-certified every eight years. 
  • Industry Affiliation – A well-qualified prosthodontist will also keep an active affiliation with multiple dental associations, specifically once that promote advancement in their specific scope of treatment such as prosthodontics. 
  • Highly Regarded – One should always check the reviews of any prosthodontist in Houston before trusting them with their implant needs. Of course, a bad review can be given even to a stellar provider every now and then—but the overall consensus should be very positive. When a bad review is given, the provider should make some attempt to explain the issue and respond professionally. A provider who is unprofessional or who does not respond to bad reviews at all should be a sign to avoid that provider.
  • Transparent Fee Disclosure – Dental implants are a significant investment in your oral health, and budget can be a significant factor in which provider you choose. That being said, however, it is important you do not let it make you choose a subpar provider over a superior one because they list a lower price. Always make sure the provider you choose is upfront about their fee structure and what you get for the price. When treating your oral health issues, taking a shortcut to save a few bucks could end up costing you thousands and a lot of pain.

Save Yourself Some Pain—Call CDG For Dental Implants In Houston

If you want to avoid the pitfalls of choosing the wrong prosthodontist and enduring months of pain and financial stress—call Comprehensive Dental Group for the best prosthodontists in Houston. We have performed multitudes of highly successful dental implant procedures and can get you on the road to restoring your smile right away. Contact us for your free consultation.

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