Which Financial Options Do We Offer?

A: We offer third-party financing with CareCredit, Lending Club, and GreenSky. Once you are approved, we offer 0% interest for up to 24 months and we also accept all PPO policies.

If you’re stressed out from trying to figure out how to afford the dental work you need—we have some good news. You have options. Even if you don’t have PPO dental insurance, you may be able to break up the cost into manageable payments. We offer dental financing through our financial partners to make things easier.

Whether you’re needing dental implants, crowns, braces, or expensive restorative procedures—finances shouldn’t hinder you. In many cases you can get the dental financing you need, it’s just a matter of finding the right lender or solution for you.

How Can I Afford My Dental Procedure?

We understand that some dental procedures can be a financial strain you may not be expecting. Even the occasional routine treatment can hinder an already tight budget.

Sure, some people can just pull out their debit card and drop thousands of dollars for dental implants or veneers. However, most of us don’t have that luxury and we’re stuck scrambling to find a way to get the treatment we need.

Like visiting the doctor, going to visit the dentist isn’t cheap—but then again getting good medical care never is.

Why Is It So Expensive?

Here in the US, dentists spend thousands going to dentistry school for up to 8 years. It’s even longer for dentists that also want to be a certified prosthodontist. Then, they have to do a residency in a clinic once they graduate.

Higher education costs in the US have skyrocketed in the last 20 years. So, the average dental student graduates with over several hundred thousand dollars in educational debt. When they open their practice, they’re usually still paying on that debt.

Then, of course, you factor in the costs of having a practice. Expensive imaging equipment, staff salaries, rent on the building, and sky-high liability insurance rates. So, when you go to the dentist, you’re paying for more than just a 30-minute visit. It’s just like any business; overhead is rolled into the cost of products and services.

However, that’s still not going to make you feel better when you get the bill—and we’re not discounting that feeling. You need dental work, yet you can’t afford the cost—or can you?

Getting The Dental Financing You Need

We want our patients to be able to get the dental treatments they need. When external forces such as financial constraints prevent a procedure, it can be discouraging. However, we have negotiated with several financing companies to get patients the dental financing they need.

A lot of patients that we treat can secure their own financing either through their own bank or credit union. This is typically because they have excellent credit and a working relationship with their lenders. But what if your credit is less than stellar?

Dental Financing Is An Option Even With Bad Credit

Unfortunately, life throws us curveballs here and there and sometimes that ends up having a negative impact on our credit. This makes getting a car loan difficult, getting approved for a loan is sometimes near impossible. So, it can feel so pointless to try and apply for dental financing fearing yet another rejection.

Fortunately, there are dental financing partners that offer assistance at most credit score levels. We use a few trusted partners here at CDG.


CareCredit is a network-based credit card that is accepted by multitudes of partner practices both medical and dental. These providers, including our practice, accept the card as payment for services, co-pays, and even cosmetic procedures.

We have negotiated a 24-month, no-interest promotional financing offer with CareCredit on certain procedures. With credit approval, you can use the card to pay for all (subject to available credit) or part of your procedure.

As with any loan or credit card—please make sure you understand the terms of the offer and what your obligations are. Many of our patients have found that CareCredit has opened doors to them they thought were closed. Patients are able to get the dental implants, braces, or restorations they desperately need.

Lending Club & GreenSky

These two options are a bit different as they are loans specifically for procedures performed here at CDG of Houston. It’s straightforward, as it’s just a regular loan that offers different interest rates based on your credit. With these financing options, you’re getting a set payment amount that’s due for a set term, which will vary on a case-by-case basis.

We Also Accept PPO Dental Insurance

If you have a PPO dental insurance plan, then you have some added assistance. While coverages and limits vary with different carriers it can be a big help. If you don’t have a PPO insurance plan yet, you might want to consider getting a policy. Unless you need urgent dental work immediately, a PPO policy might be a wise solution.

Keep in mind that some dental insurance policies make you wait for some time before making a claim. So, again, if it’s urgent and the policy you’re considering has a 90-day waiting period—that’s a dealbreaker. Some policies will take you on even with pre-existing conditions and no waiting period, but those usually are more expensive.

Depending on your policy, insurance may save you a little, a lot, or not much at all on dental care. So, dental financing is something you may still be looking at to get the treatment you need.

What Procedures Can I Use Financing For?

Each lender is different, some offer fixed loan amounts for a specified term, so it’s not likely to be for routine procedures. However, others such as CareCredit, offer an open line of credit that you can use for cleanings, minor procedures, and also major ones. It just depends on the provider and special financing options that they make available.

Don’t Let Finances Hold Your Smile Back

If you’re needing a dental procedure to correct a broken smile, don’t just give up because of financial issues. Contact us today and speak with a smile expert to look over your options for financing the smile you deserve!


What Is The Process For A Dental Implant?

A: To keep it pretty simple, you would either have a missing tooth or a tooth that needed to be pulled out because it was beyond repair. Infections and other things can cause that. Then, what we do is we go in there and we screw in what looks like a little screw, it’s called a dental implant.

That anchors into your bone and what we’re looking for is to get a good angle and good purchase. Once we know it’s purchased in the bone, then we’ll allow that to heal for a couple of months. Then, we’ll restore that with a permanent restoration.

How we do that is— the implant that’s in the bone, we come back with what’s called an abutment. It’s a little metal piece that sticks up above the bone that allows us to either screw in or glue a crown to it.

Then, at that point, you’re in the final phase and you will have a full restoration.

Dental implants are a procedure that replaces missing or severely damaged teeth with a permanent restoration. Implants are essentially threaded metal posts that are anchored into the jawbone and support a permanent crown.

Implants offer the most lifelike, and healthy option for the replacement of natural teeth because they preserve the jawbone. Unlike dentures, dental implants are permanently fixed and custom-designed as a 1:1 replacement for natural teeth. This leaves you with a smile that is uniquely yours and perfectly aligned.

How dental implant surgery is conducted depends on your individual circumstances, but generally is the same.

Why A Dental Implant May Be Right For You

Dental implants, in 98% of cases are the superior form of treatment for missing teeth. Because they are titanium posts that are implanted and bond with the jawbone, they offer benefits no other treatment can. Dentures and bridges are all removable prosthetics that do not protect or fortify the jawbone. They also do not offer the bite strength that implants provide.

Since the jawbone is not fortified, it gradually erodes which leads to facial deformation and many health problems. Lack of bite strength also prevents patients from eating many of the foods they enjoy and/or need for proper nutrition. Additionally, dentures often can slip or even fall out of your mouth at the worst times.

When you start to look at all of the pitfalls and downsides of bridges and dentures, you realize people settle for these treatments. When is the last time you told your doctor that you want the least optimal solution for a health problem?

Unfortunately, a lot of patients don’t realize how much better implants make your life. They don’t realize that they too, in most cases, can get dental implants to replace their missing teeth.

In general, dental implants are typically right for anyone that:

  • Has lost one or multiple teeth
  • Has a fully grown jawbone
  • Possesses an adequate among of jawbone density
  • Has healthy gums
  • Has no underlying conditions that can affect healing
  • Is not willing or cannot wear dentures or bridges
  • Wants to be able to speak without any issues
  • Will follow the treatment plan and healing process as directed
  • Doesn’t use tobacco products or is willing to cease at least 3 months before surgery

Preparing For The Procedure

A lot goes into the dental implant procedure before the actual surgery takes place. The planning that goes into it is critical. It involves working with your dentist, possibly some specialists such as a maxillofacial surgeon.

Since dental implants are such an intricate surgical process, we must perform a thorough evaluation to ensure success. This evaluation is integral to the process and includes:

  • Comprehensive Exam— We’ll get 3-D imaging and x-rays done to ensure all is well and have models created of your jaw and teeth. This aids in designing the implants to be a perfect fit for your mouth.
  • Medical History Review— Make sure to disclose any medical issues you have and any medications you’re on. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter medications or supplements. Certain conditions such as diabetes and heart issues may complicate the healing process if precautions aren’t taken.
  • Discuss Your Treatment Plan— The treatment plan varies from one patient to the next. It is a completely tailored plan that takes into consideration many factors. Things such as your lifestyle, occupation, underlying conditions, and more.

Keeping Pain To A Minimum

If dental implants were too painful of a procedure, not many people would be in line to get them. However, the reason dental implants are overwhelmingly popular is that the pain is in fact, minimal. During the procedure, you have your options as to what level of anesthesia you want. If you want to be completely sedated, we can do that. Maybe you are fine with local anesthesia which is another option. However, we do recommend full sedation as it allows us unfettered access to your mouth and to position you as we need to.

The most critical part about anesthesia is to make sure you have someone you trust to bring you to your appointment and take you home. We cannot let you drive yourself home after receiving any type of anesthetic and that is non-negotiable. We care about your safety and want you to have a positive experience.


Dental Implant Surgery Overview

When it’s time for your actual surgery, you’ll need to bring someone who you trust to care for you and get you home. Since this is a one day surgery, you will be a bit disoriented after the procedure due to pain meds and the residual effects of anesthesia. The procedure involves several steps which include:

  • Extraction of the teeth we’re replacing
  • If needed, bone grafting (to add jawbone support)
  • Placing the dental implant
  • Osseointegration and site healing
  • Attaching the abutment
  • Attaching the permanent restoration

Depending on the type of dental implant procedure, the process can take a few months from consult to completion. It all depends on each individual’s circumstances. The entire process can take many months from start to finish. Much of that time is devoted to healing and waiting for the growth of new bone in your jaw. Depending on your situation, the specific procedure done or the materials used, certain steps can sometimes be combined.

Dental Implant Aftercare

Whether your dental implant procedure is a one-phase procedure or multiple, you may have varying levels of discomfort. However, with most patients the pain is minimal and short-lived—many patients go to work within two days. Some of the things you may experience include:

  • Bruising around the surgery site including the gums
  • Minor facial and gum swelling
  • Pain near the new implant
  • Minimal bleeding

You may be prescribed pain meds or antibiotics after the implant procedure depending on your situation. Swelling and pain should subside daily until it’s completely gone. However, if you notice the pain and swelling getting worse daily, then you need to contact us ASAP.

You will want to stick to soft foods during the healing process which can take a few weeks. Start with things like soft pasta, mashed potatoes, etc. Avoid crunchy or sticky foods and candy. Extreme cold or hot beverages can also cause discomfort as can spicy foods. So, just be proactive in what you eat but make sure you are still getting enough calories.

Smoking after implant surgery is the number one reason why implants fail. You mustn’t smoke or use tobacco at all during the healing process. Additionally, if you can go that long we highly recommend looking into a smoking cessation process or product. Smoking and tobacco use weaken your immune system and lessen your body’s ability to fight infection.

Are You Ready To Smile Again?

If you’re tired of hiding your missing teeth or dealing with the complications of dentures, contact us today and see how dental implants can change your life!

Will Dental Implants Help Me To Eat And Drink Normally?

A: Whatever discomfort, whatever issues that were occurring with the tooth that was in stress, decay, or missing—will go away. The dental implants and the restoration on top will basically give you almost 100% tooth structure that you had previously.

So, you’ll find that people—if it’s only one tooth they’re still eating pretty well. But, they might say, “I had food get trapped over here” or, “I’m drinking and I can feel fluid moving through that area.”

Putting the tooth back where it naturally was, then—you don’t have those feelings anymore or food trapped anymore. So, it does allow you to get back to eating and drinking normally.

Teeth are one of the most important components of your mouth. Besides helping to speak, they also are important for getting nutrition. That is why it’s so important to take good care of teeth like brushing, flossing, and getting regular checkups.

If you abandon any part of your dental care routine, you can quickly find yourself deep in dental problems. These issues that can arise can prove to be detrimental to your teeth which also affects your overall health.

Issues such as tooth decay or gingivitis when left untreated, lead to tooth loss. If you have to have teeth removed you can suffer serious consequences if they’re not replaced. Of course, sometimes tooth loss comes as a result of dental trauma. Things like car accidents or sporting injuries can result in tooth loss.

The Complications Of Tooth Loss

Regardless, you must have those teeth replaced with a true permanent replacement—not dentures or bridges. There’s a reason why we lean so hard on dental implants as the ideal treatment for tooth loss—because it is. Without dental implants, so much of your daily life is impacted negatively.

Trouble Eating And Chewing

Teeth are critical components for chewing your food—especially proteins such as meat and fish. When you chew food it is breaking it down so that your body can process the nutrients in the food and absorb them.

However, with tooth loss, you struggle to break down the food enough for your body to digest it properly. This leads to malnutrition as many patients get so frustrated, they skip many nutrient-rich foods. Often they end up eating softer less nutritious foods because they’re easier to handle.

Not only that, but the food you do need such as lean meats, fibrous vegetables, and leafy greens make your body work harder. It’s working harder because the teeth didn’t break down the food as much. This leads to a lot of discomfort when and after eating. You can expect conditions such as nausea, excessive flatulence, constipation, and nutrient deficiencies.

Trouble Speaking And Forming Words

Teeth also play a huge role in your ability to speak and form words and sounds. They regulate airflow when you talk that makes sounds like P’s and S’s among a dozen more. You never really factor just how often teeth come into play when speaking until they’re gone.

Even losing just one or two teeth can make a distinguishable impact on how you sound. You may develop a speech impediment such as a lisp which can be traumatizing—especially if you’re a people person. Often, people who you speak to and have for years, may suddenly not understand you—it’s a sobering reality.

Smile Impact

Your teeth make up about 95% of your smile and how healthy and appealing it looks. Your smile also affects about 75% of your self-confidence. People with healthy smiles with bright white teeth, often carry themselves with more confidence. This means they leave a solid impression on those they meet. However, when you suffer tooth loss, you immediately experience a shift in confidence. You tend to hide your smile, staying tight-lipped trying to hide any gaps in your teeth. Ironically, that disposition can leave the wrong impression as well.

Facial Structure Changes

Most of the problems that tooth loss brings are evident immediately, however over time something else happens. Tooth loss causes your jawbone to deteriorate and in such a way that it changes your facial structure. You end up looking vastly different and it can take a year or a few years but, often people look unrecognizable.

In normal conditions, your jawbone is constantly losing bone mass as you chew, and bite, etc. However, when you have teeth, the roots stimulate the jawbone. This signals the jawbone to draw nutrients from the bloodstream to constantly replenish bone mass. So, in essence, your jaw is under constant erosion and restoration.

However, without the teeth to stimulate the jawbone, the erosion continues but the restoration does not. If you’ve lost an entire arch or all of your teeth this effect is compounded even more. People that suffer from this often have a sunken-in face or look very old for their age. It’s quite a difficult emotional situation for most people.

Reverse The Problems Of Tooth Loss

Let’s just cut to the chase—dentures, bridges, and any other non-permanent solution to tooth loss is no solution at all. If the jawbone is not stimulated, dentures will eventually stop fitting properly, bridges will fall out. This is because as the jawbone deteriorates if there’s remaining teeth, they shift. Even if you have no teeth, the jawbone changes alignment and dentures won’t fit right.

Dental implants on the other hand are a one-time, one-cost, permanent solution for tooth loss. It allows you to maintain your quality of life and even improve it. They are the only solution that is an identical match to teeth in form, function, and feel.

The Impact Dental Implants Have On Your Diet

Dental implants are the ultimate solution to improve your nutrition, diet, and allow you to eat normally again. Dentures, bridges, and partials just can’t offer the same benefits dental implants do.

Dentures decrease your bite force by nearly half—that’s going to cause some serious issues eating. Because dentures are just sitting on your gums with messy adhesive, they physically can’t exert much force. This means you are restricted heavily on what you can physically eat and digest.

Do you like corn on the cob? Fresh carrots? Smoked Ribs? You’ll find that it’s very hard to eat these foods and hundreds of others. Even after you adjust to your dentures and your gum bed has strengthened, the bite strength won’t increase much.

Dental implants on the other hand maintain your jawbone strength and retain at least 90% of your bite strength. In addition, implants also allow you to:

Chew Naturally

Dentures tend to have constant issues with slippage while being used to chew food. Often, they come right out causing embarrassment for the wearer. This is because chewing involves a multi-directional movement and motion range that dentures cannot replicate. It’s more of a chomping action than chewing—up and down only, which is not natural or effective.

Dental implants, since they are permanently part of your body, can’t come dislodged while eating or speaking. So you can feel free to chew as you see fit for whatever you’re eating.

Have A Full Range Of Taste

Did you know that your tongue has thousands of taste buds that your brain uses to taste different flavors? You probably did, but not many realize there are also taste buds on the roof of your mouth that work with the tongue to taste.

However, if you have dentures, you won’t be able to feel or use the roof of your mouth for taste. Because dentures have a plate that covers the palate, so your taste of food will be seriously limited. You may find that foods you like before, may taste different with dentures.

With dental implants, there’s no plate, so you can experience all of the tastes of your food and drink without interference.

Dental Implants Are The Only True Solution For Tooth Loss

If you are suffering from tooth loss, don’t settle for a mediocre solution that does nothing for your health. Call Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston to schedule your free consultation to see your options for dental implants. Contact us today to book!

After The All-On-Four Procedure, Do I Still Need To Visit The Dentist?

A: We recommend that you come to see us at least twice a year for implant maintenance with our hygienists. All On Four in Houston

A: We recommend that you come to see us at least twice a year for implant maintenance with our hygienists.

All On Four in Houston is recognized as the best solution for missing an entire arch or more of teeth. They are extremely durable, feel, look, and function like natural teeth, and should last a lifetime in most cases.  However, there are many patients out there that think that since implants don’t decay like natural teeth, they don’t need to see the dentist as often.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. While this procedure does bring back your perfect smile with implants that last a lifetime—they still need regular care like natural teeth.

Since All On Four dental implants facilitate a whole arch of restorations with just four simple implants, the process is streamlined. These titanium implants are placed with extreme precision to anchor a full arch prosthetic. Even if the patient has suffered some jawbone disintegration—All On Four is still a possibility. In fact, Dr. Hanna has successfully performed multitudes of procedures with that same problem. At our state-of-the-art dental facility in Houston, we get the same question about All On Four— “Do I still need to see my dentist regularly?” The answer is an emphatic, “YES!” If you want your dental implants to last as long as possible that is.

How Long Will Implants Last With Proper Dental Care?

When you trust CDG for All On Four in Houston—you get the best in the industry. Dr. Hanna has an impressive resume that is focused mainly on implant dentistry. That being said, the lifespan of All On Four is typically a lifetime. However, some factors can shorten that estimate such as not keeping up with dental checkups and oral hygiene. We can’t repeat that enough—it’s critical.

Since the implants are not made of organic material, they will never decay. The problem lies in your mouth and with bacteria.  Food can still get trapped in between the implants and without proper flossing and brushing it turns into a problem.

The problem is gum disease. Over time, if you’re not following proper oral hygiene habits, that bacteria causes an infection in the gums. Without that being detected at a regular checkup, it can get out of hand quickly.

Once the gums get infected it can rapidly escalate and not only cause the implants to fail and fall out but other serious conditions. The infection can get into your bloodstream at which point you’re looking at the potential for a fatal result.

With that being said, if you do follow all the aftercare guidelines you should enjoy your new smile for life. That is due to the nature of the implants and the All on Four process used.

In case you’ve forgotten, or this is your first time learning about the All on Four, let’s give you a crash course on this revolutionary procedure.

Expected Lifespan Of All On Four In Houston

While All On Four is a relatively new method in the implant dentistry field, it still uses the same dental implant technology. The only difference is in the installation and the streamlined process that allows for expedience.  Therefore, there is not enough data to show just how long they will last. However, based on the implants they use they should easily outlive most patients.

The key difference is that during traditional implant surgery, each titanium screw is inserted carefully into the jaw. However, with All On Four, there are only four single screws per arch and the back two are angled for added support. As long as the implants used in All On Four fuse with the jawbone during the healing phase, they should last a lifetime with proper care.

Lifespan Of The Prosthetic Used

All On Four also differs in that instead of one implant for every tooth, there are just two components: the implants and the prosthetic denture. It is important for patients getting All On Four in Houston to understand that the prosthesis is very durable. However, they should be treated with as much care as your own teeth.

You see, although the actual implants will last a lifetime, the denture used can wear down more quickly—especially without proper hygiene. Dental prosthetics like the denture used in All On Four, are still susceptible to damage despite being unable to decay. Not caring for the denture like biting down on hard objects such as ice or not flossing can shorten the lifespan. That being said, with good oral hygiene and basic common sense, we’ve seen the prosthesis last upwards of 30 years.

The good news is, that if at any time you have some kind of accident and damage the prosthesis—repair is simple.  In fact, we can replace the denture without even disturbing your implants.

Extending The Overall Life Of All On Four In Houston

The lifespan of All On Four implants, including the prosthetic, really depends on your oral care regimen. We recommend that our patients put into practice the following oral care routine to maximize their lifespan:

  • Brush and floss 2-3 times daily
  • Maintain regular dental checkups and cleanings at least semi-annually
  • Limit foods that are very hard, crunchy, or sticky
  • Be smart, don’t open cans with your teeth
  • If you have trouble with grinding or clenching teeth when sleeping, wear a nightguard
  • Wear a quality mouthguard when active in sports

Keep in mind that even if you follow a perfect oral care routine, the first step in long-lasting All On Four implants starts from step one. That’s right— before you even get the procedure done make sure you do your research. There are some pitfalls that many patients fall into when deciding on All On Four in Houston. However, there is one huge one in particular that is responsible for more botched surgeries than any other.

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake When Getting All On Four Implants

So, you’ve read up a bit about All On Four, you know about caring for the implants, so that’s it right? You’re ready to get out there and get yours from the first dentist you find on Google right?

Pump the brakes and let’s be honest— All On Four is a groundbreaking procedure indeed. However, it is also quite complex and needs to be done properly. If you just run out and tell the first dentist you see that you want the procedure done—you could be shortchanging yourself.

Don’t just go looking for the best deal for All On Four in Houston. You have to know what you’re looking for and what to look OUT for. There’s a lot of patients that get this procedure done for its superior results. However, they aren’t making educated decisions— and that’s the worst thing you can do. So don’t make this one huge mistake that many unsuspecting patients make.

Getting All On Four From A Dentist With Insufficient Implant Experience

All On Four is easily one of the most advanced and complex dental procedures available in the field of dentistry. However, being able to perform implant surgery and being highly skilled at it are two different things.

You’ll find a lot of dentists that can do the surgery but do they have years of specialized training? Have they had a good track record with previous patients getting the same procedure? The problem is, that just about every dental clinic claims to offer All On Four. Just because they offer it, doesn’t mean they’re good at it.

This can make finding the right dentist for All On Four a very stressful task. Save yourself some stress by remembering this is still a complex surgery. Do your homework to find an experienced dentist that specializes in All On Four:

  1. Verify The Actual Dentist’s Credentials— Many dental offices, especially chains—will combine their team’s experience in their marketing. They’ll say things like, “Over 50 years of Experience!” That, unfortunately, doesn’t carry much weight. What is more important is the credentials of the actual dentist that will perform the surgery. Those are the credentials you need to check.
  2. Check Their Experience With All On Four— How much experience should your dentist have with All On Four? Well, the more they have the better, you don’t want to be part of their learning curve. You want someone who has done this a multitude of times that has encountered every possible issue. The last thing you want is to have an unexpected issue in surgery that the dentist doesn’t have experience with.  You want someone who operates like a well-oiled machine. They have their steps down, a system in place, and contingencies for surprises.
  3. Double Check That Their Experience Is Specifically With All On Four—This may sound repetitive but we can’t stress it enough. All On Four is very complex and the right dentist will need to have specific experience with it. Make sure that the dentist you consult with isn’t grouping all implant experience in with All On Four. That is deceptive and misleading, and a dentist that would do something like that isn’t trustworthy.  Even though they may have surgical history, that doesn’t apply to All On Four. It’s a very different process from regular dental implants.
  4. No Guarantee No Surgery—Any guarantee on a surgical procedure is a liability for a doctor to give. However, if a dentist is confident and well-versed in All On Four—they’ll stand behind their work with a guarantee.

Save Your Smile With The Best All On Four In Houston

If you are wanting to save your smile and have peace of mind knowing the results will be perfect, you need Dr. Hanna. His specialized expertise with All On Four ensures you will get the results you expect from a seasoned All On Four expert. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!

Full Mouth Reconstruction In Houston

The Best Option For A Perfect Smile Missing teeth can significantly impact one’s quality of life, affecting everything from the ability to eat and speak

The Best Option For A Perfect Smile

Missing teeth can significantly impact one’s quality of life, affecting everything from the ability to eat and speak comfortably to self-confidence and overall health.

For those facing the challenge of missing all their teeth, Full Mouth Reconstruction from The CDG of Houston offers a comprehensive solution. This procedure, also called a full mouth rehabilitation, often involves the use of dental implants, and can restore both the functionality and aesthetics of your smile.

But, let’s explore what Full Mouth Reconstruction entails, who makes a good candidate for the procedure, the advantages of dental implants over dentures, and more.

Understanding Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full Mouth Reconstruction is a highly individualized treatment for smile restoration in Houston that involves the complete replacement of all teeth in both the upper and lower jaws.

The procedure performed by a cosmetic dentist in most cases, can address a variety of dental issues. We’re talking about conditions such as severe decay, tooth structure damage, and tooth loss. The goal is to improve your oral health, functionality, and appearance.

Key Components of Full Mouth Reconstruction

  1. Assessment and Planning: The process begins with a comprehensive examination in our office, including X-rays, photographs, and dental impressions. This allows us to create a detailed treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
  2. Restorative Procedures: Depending on your condition, Full Mouth Reconstruction may involve a combination of restorative procedures such as:
    • Dental Implants: Used to replace missing teeth with artificial roots and crowns.
    • Crowns and Bridges: To restore damaged teeth or fill gaps between teeth.
    • Porcelain Veneers: Thin coverings placed over the front of the teeth to improve appearance.
    • Dentures: Removable replacements for missing teeth and surrounding tissues.
  3. Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to ensure the long-term success of the reconstruction and to maintain optimal oral health.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Full Mouth Reconstruction is ideal for individuals who have multiple dental issues affecting their entire mouth. This type of smile makeover in Houston has changed thousands of lives. Here are some common scenarios that make a person a good candidate:

  • Extensive Tooth Loss: Patients who are missing most or all of their teeth.
  • Severe Tooth Decay or Damage: Teeth that are extensively decayed or damaged beyond repair.
  • Gum Disease: Advanced periodontal disease that has led to tooth loss or severe gum damage.
  • Malocclusion: Significant bite problems that impact the overall function of the mouth.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Individuals looking to improve the appearance of their smile due to damaged or missing teeth.

Dental Implants: A Key Component Of Full Mouth Reconstruction

Dental implants are a cornerstone of Full Mouth Reconstruction. They offer a stable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. Here’s a closer look at what dental implants are and why they are preferred over traditional dentures and other alternatives.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of titanium that is surgically placed into the jawbone. It provides a strong foundation for a replacement tooth or bridge. The implant fuses with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration, ensuring stability and durability.

Components of a Dental Implant:

  • Implant Post: The titanium screw that acts as the root of the new tooth.
  • Abutment: A connector that holds the crown to the implant post.
  • Crown: The visible part of the tooth that is attached to the abutment and matches the look and function of natural teeth.

Advantages Of Dental Implants Over Dentures

While dentures have been a traditional solution for missing teeth, dental implants offer several significant advantages:

  • Stability and Comfort: Implants are anchored into the jawbone, providing superior stability and eliminating the slipping and discomfort often associated with dentures.
  • Natural Appearance: Implants look and feel like natural teeth, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your smile.
  • Bone Preservation: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing the bone loss that can occur with missing teeth and ensuring the structural integrity of the face.
  • Longevity: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, whereas dentures may need to be replaced or adjusted over time.
  • Improved Oral Function: Implants restore full chewing power, allowing patients to eat their favorite foods without restrictions or jaw pain.
  • Convenience: Unlike dentures, which need to be removed and cleaned daily, implants require the same dental care as natural teeth, making them more convenient and easier to maintain.

The Full Mouth Reconstruction Process

The journey to a restored smile through Full Mouth Reconstruction involves several steps, each crucial to achieving the desired outcome.

Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation, where the dentist conducts a thorough examination of the patient’s mouth. This includes taking X-rays, photographs, and impressions to assess the condition of the teeth, gums, and jawbone. The dentist will also discuss the patient’s medical history and any concerns or goals they have for their smile.

Treatment Planning

Based on the initial assessment, we will develop a personalized dental treatment plan for you. This plan outlines the necessary procedures, the sequence in which they will be performed, and the estimated timeline for completion. We will explain each step in detail, ensuring you understand the process and feel comfortable moving forward.

Surgical Procedures

If your condition requires dental implants, the surgical placement of the implants is a critical step. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, with sedation options available for those who need it. The dentist will make small incisions in the gums to place the implant posts into the jawbone. After placement, the gums are stitched, and the healing process begins.

Healing And Osseointegration

The healing period, known as osseointegration, is when the implant posts fuse with the jawbone. This process can take several months, during which you must follow specific care instructions to ensure successful integration. Temporary restorations may be provided during this period to maintain function and aesthetics.

Placement Of Abutments And Crowns

Once osseointegration is complete, the dentist will attach abutments to the implant posts. Impressions are then taken to create custom crowns that match the shape, size, and color of the patient’s natural teeth. The final crowns are securely attached to the abutments, completing the restoration.

Benefits Beyond Aesthetics

While Full Mouth Reconstruction significantly enhances the appearance of the smile, the benefits extend far beyond aesthetics. Here are some additional advantages:

  • Improved Oral Health: Addressing dental issues and restoring teeth help prevent further oral health problems, such as gum disease and jawbone deterioration.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: A fully functional mouth allows patients to enjoy their favorite foods, speak clearly, and smile confidently.
  • Boosted Self-Esteem: A restored smile can improve self-confidence and positively impact social and professional interactions.
  • Better Overall Health: Good oral health is linked to overall health, reducing the risk of conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Take The First Step Towards Your Dream Smile

If you’re considering Full Mouth Reconstruction, consult with our qualified dental professionals to explore your options and embark on the journey to a renewed smile.

Contact The Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile and confidence.