A: We recommend that you come to see us at least twice a year for implant maintenance with our hygienists. All On Four in Houston

A: We recommend that you come to see us at least twice a year for implant maintenance with our hygienists.

All On Four in Houston is recognized as the best solution for missing an entire arch or more of teeth. They are extremely durable, feel, look, and function like natural teeth, and should last a lifetime in most cases.  However, there are many patients out there that think that since implants don’t decay like natural teeth, they don’t need to see the dentist as often.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. While this procedure does bring back your perfect smile with implants that last a lifetime—they still need regular care like natural teeth.

Since All On Four dental implants facilitate a whole arch of restorations with just four simple implants, the process is streamlined. These titanium implants are placed with extreme precision to anchor a full arch prosthetic. Even if the patient has suffered some jawbone disintegration—All On Four is still a possibility. In fact, Dr. Hanna has successfully performed multitudes of procedures with that same problem. At our state-of-the-art dental facility in Houston, we get the same question about All On Four— “Do I still need to see my dentist regularly?” The answer is an emphatic, “YES!” If you want your dental implants to last as long as possible that is.

How Long Will Implants Last With Proper Dental Care?

When you trust CDG for All On Four in Houston—you get the best in the industry. Dr. Hanna has an impressive resume that is focused mainly on implant dentistry. That being said, the lifespan of All On Four is typically a lifetime. However, some factors can shorten that estimate such as not keeping up with dental checkups and oral hygiene. We can’t repeat that enough—it’s critical.

Since the implants are not made of organic material, they will never decay. The problem lies in your mouth and with bacteria.  Food can still get trapped in between the implants and without proper flossing and brushing it turns into a problem.

The problem is gum disease. Over time, if you’re not following proper oral hygiene habits, that bacteria causes an infection in the gums. Without that being detected at a regular checkup, it can get out of hand quickly.

Once the gums get infected it can rapidly escalate and not only cause the implants to fail and fall out but other serious conditions. The infection can get into your bloodstream at which point you’re looking at the potential for a fatal result.

With that being said, if you do follow all the aftercare guidelines you should enjoy your new smile for life. That is due to the nature of the implants and the All on Four process used.

In case you’ve forgotten, or this is your first time learning about the All on Four, let’s give you a crash course on this revolutionary procedure.

Expected Lifespan Of All On Four In Houston

While All On Four is a relatively new method in the implant dentistry field, it still uses the same dental implant technology. The only difference is in the installation and the streamlined process that allows for expedience.  Therefore, there is not enough data to show just how long they will last. However, based on the implants they use they should easily outlive most patients.

The key difference is that during traditional implant surgery, each titanium screw is inserted carefully into the jaw. However, with All On Four, there are only four single screws per arch and the back two are angled for added support. As long as the implants used in All On Four fuse with the jawbone during the healing phase, they should last a lifetime with proper care.

Lifespan Of The Prosthetic Used

All On Four also differs in that instead of one implant for every tooth, there are just two components: the implants and the prosthetic denture. It is important for patients getting All On Four in Houston to understand that the prosthesis is very durable. However, they should be treated with as much care as your own teeth.

You see, although the actual implants will last a lifetime, the denture used can wear down more quickly—especially without proper hygiene. Dental prosthetics like the denture used in All On Four, are still susceptible to damage despite being unable to decay. Not caring for the denture like biting down on hard objects such as ice or not flossing can shorten the lifespan. That being said, with good oral hygiene and basic common sense, we’ve seen the prosthesis last upwards of 30 years.

The good news is, that if at any time you have some kind of accident and damage the prosthesis—repair is simple.  In fact, we can replace the denture without even disturbing your implants.

Extending The Overall Life Of All On Four In Houston

The lifespan of All On Four implants, including the prosthetic, really depends on your oral care regimen. We recommend that our patients put into practice the following oral care routine to maximize their lifespan:

  • Brush and floss 2-3 times daily
  • Maintain regular dental checkups and cleanings at least semi-annually
  • Limit foods that are very hard, crunchy, or sticky
  • Be smart, don’t open cans with your teeth
  • If you have trouble with grinding or clenching teeth when sleeping, wear a nightguard
  • Wear a quality mouthguard when active in sports

Keep in mind that even if you follow a perfect oral care routine, the first step in long-lasting All On Four implants starts from step one. That’s right— before you even get the procedure done make sure you do your research. There are some pitfalls that many patients fall into when deciding on All On Four in Houston. However, there is one huge one in particular that is responsible for more botched surgeries than any other.

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake When Getting All On Four Implants

So, you’ve read up a bit about All On Four, you know about caring for the implants, so that’s it right? You’re ready to get out there and get yours from the first dentist you find on Google right?

Pump the brakes and let’s be honest— All On Four is a groundbreaking procedure indeed. However, it is also quite complex and needs to be done properly. If you just run out and tell the first dentist you see that you want the procedure done—you could be shortchanging yourself.

Don’t just go looking for the best deal for All On Four in Houston. You have to know what you’re looking for and what to look OUT for. There’s a lot of patients that get this procedure done for its superior results. However, they aren’t making educated decisions— and that’s the worst thing you can do. So don’t make this one huge mistake that many unsuspecting patients make.

Getting All On Four From A Dentist With Insufficient Implant Experience

All On Four is easily one of the most advanced and complex dental procedures available in the field of dentistry. However, being able to perform implant surgery and being highly skilled at it are two different things.

You’ll find a lot of dentists that can do the surgery but do they have years of specialized training? Have they had a good track record with previous patients getting the same procedure? The problem is, that just about every dental clinic claims to offer All On Four. Just because they offer it, doesn’t mean they’re good at it.

This can make finding the right dentist for All On Four a very stressful task. Save yourself some stress by remembering this is still a complex surgery. Do your homework to find an experienced dentist that specializes in All On Four:

  1. Verify The Actual Dentist’s Credentials— Many dental offices, especially chains—will combine their team’s experience in their marketing. They’ll say things like, “Over 50 years of Experience!” That, unfortunately, doesn’t carry much weight. What is more important is the credentials of the actual dentist that will perform the surgery. Those are the credentials you need to check.
  2. Check Their Experience With All On Four— How much experience should your dentist have with All On Four? Well, the more they have the better, you don’t want to be part of their learning curve. You want someone who has done this a multitude of times that has encountered every possible issue. The last thing you want is to have an unexpected issue in surgery that the dentist doesn’t have experience with.  You want someone who operates like a well-oiled machine. They have their steps down, a system in place, and contingencies for surprises.
  3. Double Check That Their Experience Is Specifically With All On Four—This may sound repetitive but we can’t stress it enough. All On Four is very complex and the right dentist will need to have specific experience with it. Make sure that the dentist you consult with isn’t grouping all implant experience in with All On Four. That is deceptive and misleading, and a dentist that would do something like that isn’t trustworthy.  Even though they may have surgical history, that doesn’t apply to All On Four. It’s a very different process from regular dental implants.
  4. No Guarantee No Surgery—Any guarantee on a surgical procedure is a liability for a doctor to give. However, if a dentist is confident and well-versed in All On Four—they’ll stand behind their work with a guarantee.

Save Your Smile With The Best All On Four In Houston

If you are wanting to save your smile and have peace of mind knowing the results will be perfect, you need Dr. Hanna. His specialized expertise with All On Four ensures you will get the results you expect from a seasoned All On Four expert. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!