The CDG of Houston

Dental Implants

Expert Tooth Replacement Using Dental Implants From Our Skilled Houston Dentists

Dental implants are a great tooth replacement solution for those who have missing teeth, teeth that need to be replaced or need an alternative to dentures. In the past, the loss of a tooth could mean you either went without it or you had a replacement that was noticeable. Now more than ever, a dental implant is a durable solution with an appearance that is so natural that people won’t know it is not real.

Our Houston dentists are experts in dental implants, providing top-level treatment and beautiful results. We use state-of-the-art technology and the most up to date techniques to ensure that your dental implant doesn’t just look great, but will last.

When It Comes To Dental Implants, There Are A Few Things You Should Know:

  • They are often the best alternative to your own teeth
  • They are cost effective
  • We use quality, durable material
  • When done correctly, they are very secure
  • They offer freedom to eat, drink, and live normally
  • Your healthy bone is protected, unlike what can happen when it’s exposed
  • Your speech won’t be impaired

The Dental Implant Process

We’ll start with a full assessment of your teeth and gums to ensure that your dental health is sufficient and that your jaw bone is healthy as well. During the first procedure, a titanium post will be implanted into your bone to provide a strong foundation for the implant. After you have healed, another procedure will take place either during this visit or during your next appointment when you receive the prosthesis. The process of dental implants is now better than ever and we recommend that you start with a complimentary consultation with one of our knowledgeable professionals.

A person’s smile is the first thing most people notice when meeting someone for the first time. It is generally the most expressive feature you have. When your smile looks healthy and bright, it gives you a boost in confidence that shows in the way you carry yourself. When you lose a tooth be it from an accident or tooth decay or some other oral condition, it can severely hamper your smile and self-image. 

Granted, when you lose a tooth you do experience some unpleasant consequences that are more than just inconvenient. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of your smile. Dental implants offer a natural replacement to your teeth that eliminate the damage a missing tooth causes such as: 

  • Bone Disintegration – One of the most detrimental consequences of a lost tooth is that the jawbone where the tooth used to be—disintegrates which spreads and eventually leads to complete bone loss. This changes the structure of your jaw and the appearance of your face, but most importantly—it makes any corrective action impossible or at the very least very expensive and/or difficult. This is why it is so important to consider implants as soon as you lose a tooth. Early action is the key to saving your jawbone. 
  • Trouble Chewing – When a tooth is missing it interferes and alters the way the remaining teeth work together and the mechanics of how they break down food to swallow. Teeth frequently will also drift in position causing a misalignment in your bite due to the missing teeth not supporting the others. Once this drift happens it only gets worse and continues and can get so bad that teeth can even shift behind one another. This can severely alter your bite, your speech and cause a lot of pain. Also, bacteria and food particles get stuck in between the misaligned teeth where it’s hard to floss and this can lead to several oral infection and chronic halitosis.
  • Your Quality Of Life Suffers – Since the tooth loss impedes chewing, this means it also ends up altering your diet and you may find that foods you enjoy are no longer edible due to your tooth situation. More important than that many of those foods have nutrients your body needs so you end up losing out on vital minerals and vitamins as well. Digestion is important to nutrient absorption and chewing is the most important tool in proper digestion. 

At Comprehensive we tell any patient with a missing tooth that it’s only the end of your smile if you don’t take immediate action, the ball is in your court.

Many people missing multiple teeth will unknowingly make the assumption that dentures are a suitable solution to their problem due to their lower price vs. dental implants. However, they may be surprised to find out that dentures can actually end up costing you as much or more than dental implants. How is this possible? 

Well, even though dental implants are a more significant upfront investment; dentures, since they don’t stop bone loss among other weaknesses—come with some overlooked consequential expenses.

The Details On Dentures

Dentures are a removable dental device meant to be a substitute for teeth and some part of your gums. Dentures can replace full upper and lower arches or just a partial to replace a few teeth. Dentures adhere to your gums with an adhesive and partials use clips that use the remaining teeth to support and keep it in place. 

The main problem with dentures is that it does not become part of your body and therefore it does not stimulate the jawbone. Without stimulation from a tooth root, the jawbone weakens and eventually, you lose your jawbone altogether. This creates severe health problems and deteriorates overall health in the long run, but also causes many other problems such as: 

  • Dentures often need to be adjusted at your dentist and due to the jawbone softening and changing shape, they often need to be replaced as well. This just adds to the overall cost of dentures, and many aren’t made aware of that upfront.
  • Dentures will likely alter your speech, cause trouble when chewing food and can even cause you to salivate involuntarily. Also, dentures can often slip out when speaking to people or enjoying e night out to dinner, which can be very stigmatizing, to say the least. 

Many patients we see often regret getting dentures and would have chosen dental implants had they realized the shortcomings and the hidden costs of dentures as well the advantages of dental implants.

Contrary to dentures, dental implants are a permanent device that is surgically implanted into your jawbone and is a natural feeling 1:1 replacement for your natural teeth.

Why is that important? Because dental implants are a recreation of your previous teeth right down to the feel and look but even better. There are no crooked teeth, no misalignment, no crowding and none of the problems you may have had before. You get a perfect smile that also bonds with your jawbone, saving it from disintegration and allowing you to eat, speak, and live just as you did before tooth loss and they will never decay. It should be noted, that just because they won’t decay doesn’t mean you can slack on oral hygiene, you can still get food trapped and develop oral infections if you aren’t on top of things. 

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants:
  • The success rate is well over 95%.
  • Dental implants are for life with proper care, so there’s no replacing them like dentures. It’s a one-time investment.
  • You maintain implants just like your natural teeth.
  • You maintain facial structure due to your jawbone being saved.
  • If you get dental implants at Comprehensive Dental Group of Houston, you can be done in one visit with a simple follow up to ensure healing is proceeding as scheduled. Most patients are back at work the next day! 

Let Us Rescue Your Smile Before It’s Too Late

While dental implants are an amazing replacement for natural teeth, your chances of being a good candidate for dental implants dwindles with time if you are missing teeth. Your jawbone weakens and eventually disintegrates making dental implants likely impossible. 

Why hesitate? Contact us today and set up a free consultation to see how we can save your smile. 

Info Center

To keep it pretty simple, you would either have a missing tooth or a tooth that needed to be pulled out because it was beyond repair. Infections and other things can cause that. Then, what we do is we go in there and we screw in what looks like a little screw, it’s called a dental implant.

That anchors into your bone and what we’re looking for is to get a good angle and good purchase. Once we know it’s purchased in the bone, then we’ll allow that to heal for a couple of months. Then, we’ll restore that with a permanent restoration…