Snoring Problems? See Your Dentist! [INFOGRAPHIC]

snoring husband

Snoring Problems? See Your Dentist! [INFOGRAPHIC] Do you often wake up with a headache, or feeling unrested and irritable? Has your sleep partner commented on your snoring or irregular breathing patterns? If so, it is possible that you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea affects many people, and your risk of having it is increased if […]

Relaxing in the Dentist’s Chair with Sedation Dentistry [INFOGRAPHIC]

sedation dentistry in houston

Relaxing in the Dentist’s Chair with Sedation Dentistry [INFOGRAPHIC] Does the thought of going to the dentist make you feel anxious, nervous, or downright fearful? If so, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is relatively common, and can have serious consequences for your oral health. Instead of avoiding going to the dentist, consider how sedation dentistry […]