What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

Dental Implants In Houston

A: They are typically made out of titanium—there’s some other various metal components to them. Titanium implants are what anchor into the bone and allows for micromotion. That titanium represents natural root structure as close as we possibly can. Then, talking about how we restore an implant—we also put an abutment and then a fake […]

What Are Dental Implants?

dental implants in Houston

A: Dental implants are basically a dental procedure to restore teeth that are missing. When we say the term “dental implant,” what we’re actually talking about is the screw—the implant portion, that goes into the bone. So, that’s stage one of what most people call dental implants because ultimately we have to restore that implant. […]

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

dental implants

A: Some do, some don’t—it’s real important that you let us know your insurance provider. What we’ll do in advance of your appointment, is follow up with your insurance to see if they’ll pay for it. When they do pay for dental implants, it’s usually about 50% of the cost. Sometimes they’ll cover the crown […]

What is TMJ?

What is TMJ

A: TMJ is a problem that people get right here in this joint (at the mandible). Patients will talk about having popping, clicking or their jaw locking up sometimes. It’s a very painful disorder and basically, it’s usually arthritis in the joint. No different than you might have in your knee joint or hip joint. […]

Is A Veneer Permanent?

A: It is a permanent solution, but I would never call it a lifetime solution. In dentistry, most of the time, the teeth God gave us don’t even last a lifetime. So, to expect something that’s put in at a dentist’s office to last a lifetime, I think is unrealistic. However, it is a permanent […]

Does Getting A Veneer Hurt?

A: Whenever we get into pain and what’s painful for one person to another, that’s a very subjective subject. However, generally speaking, a veneer does not hurt. Like any dental procedure such as fillings, we will numb you with an anesthetic so that we can do a bit of drilling. But, ultimately, you don’t find […]

What Is The Purpose Of A Veneer?

A: Patients choose to get veneers when they’re really not happy with their teeth. Generally, the shape of the tooth, the coloring, and various things that make patients unhappy. The purpose of a veneer Is to improve that.  Often when you’re doing veneers—you’re doing let’s say several teeth that need to have a better look […]

Does Insurance Usually Cover General Dentistry?

A: It really does depend on what type of insurance you have. Every patient typically has some form of insurance and so what we do, is we make sure to vet that insurance. We like to make sure we can let you know upfront what it’s going to cover. Typically, the general averages these days […]

What Are Veneers?

A: Veneers in Houston are basically a cosmetic procedure to help improve the overall look and smile of a patient. You can replace all your teeth with veneers—partial, upper, lower. What we call our Smile Design, takes into account what your smile window is. So, when you smile as an individual how big is your […]

Can Snoring Be Fixed?

A: The answer is complex. Each patient presents differently, so you’re going to have to spend a fair amount of time going through some diagnostics. You’re going to go through sleep studies, airway studies, you’ll visit with us in the dental chair, as well maybe an ENT. The quick answer is yes—It can be fixed. […]